At 1++pm, mummy called. She gave me a news that was a bit shocking and I was and still am sad :( It's our cat. If you read my previous entry, I did mention about him. He seldom comes home, barely home actually. Lately, he did come back but he didn't recognise any of us. He ran when Idayu tried to give him his favourite food, he never answers when anyone calls him. He is very thin and doesn't look healthy. I told mum to bring him to see the doctor, but he kept running away, it is hard to catch him. He came, just to sleep under the car. Cikcim thought he was bitten by a snake, no one knows and now the venom has poisoned him and maybe damaged his brain. I dun know :( A very dear friend of mine told me his story when I shared mine. He too had a cat long ago. Then the cat didn't come back until 1 day he did came, but with body full of ulat. In the end, the cat died being eaten by the ulat2. Sad huh? I was never fond of cats, but our cat is the only cat that I love so dearly [But still afraid to hold him Haha]. He is like my best friend, a very good listener. He listens to every of my babling but never say anything, not even a Meoww...
Ayahanda wants to organize a kenduri on 1st May but I'm not able to come as I still have assignment due on the 2nd. So, now he's not sure whether to still having the kenduri. Hate being a 'penghalang' Sigh~
All this while, deep down I know that I'm very stingy and possessive but I keep on denying them. This few days, I just realize that I am totally what I think I am. Haha! So there you go, the bad side of me. So people, just bare with me. I'm not that bad actually :| Just dun take whatever is mine, or think of borrowing them from me, or touch them, or look at, let alone stealing them from me. Blanje...tgk time ar. See, I'm not that bad rite? :D
Friday, April 28
Sunday, April 23
What I really want to do now is SHOPPING!!! Here's what's on my mind :-
Haish...Berangan ni mmg best!
- Nokia 6111 :x
- Digital Camera
- Lots and lots of clothes
- 2 pairs of jeans
- Handbags
- Expensive lingeries :|
- Slimming tools [ U-zap for instance] Need to get rid of some unwanted things on some parts Urgh~
- All kinds of shoes
- Ticket flights of many2 destinations
Haish...Berangan ni mmg best!
Friday, April 21
A friend of mine has just giving birth to her baby boy. Baby Hazeeq :)
Congrats Mash! Best betol. On the 18th die deliver, harini dah ade depan pc ol. Mums nowadays Haha! Good for her and her family Hehe...
I've watched Gubra!!!It was funny. Not like Sepet which a bit sedey in the end. Gubra macam xde part yg sedey. I like the script above all. Haha!! Tapi ending die was really saket hati ar! For those who haven't watch it, You have to wait for the very end because the ending part was the most saket hati. It makes u really wonder whether everything was just a dream, or that particular scene is the dream erk :| Amani macam budak2 ok!! Yasmin Ahmad shud change la the way she ends her story, or ppl will stop watching her film. I'm a bit surprise because this film is clean from any cut. So Gubra is a good film with annoying ending but very very good script Hehe...
It has been 4 days since I haven't seen him. I've been busy with exam and him with his FYP. Kelakar la because we are about few metres apart. Kalau jalan kaki, 15minutes la lebeh kurang dah sampai. But still, no time to see each other Haha...So, this is like when both of us are working, the future life. I hope by then we are filthy rich and live the happiest lives, then the future wouldn't feel too sucky haha! I do miss seeing him tapi die tanak jumpe pon even dah free sket nih :( Dem yuh!
Pomp told me that there will be a new promotion at stabux and it has something to do with banana Wee~. DUn wori Pomp, I surely go one!
Its the time of the month and usually I was ok about it, but now it was so damn heavy & I hate it!

I've watched Gubra!!!It was funny. Not like Sepet which a bit sedey in the end. Gubra macam xde part yg sedey. I like the script above all. Haha!! Tapi ending die was really saket hati ar! For those who haven't watch it, You have to wait for the very end because the ending part was the most saket hati. It makes u really wonder whether everything was just a dream, or that particular scene is the dream erk :| Amani macam budak2 ok!! Yasmin Ahmad shud change la the way she ends her story, or ppl will stop watching her film. I'm a bit surprise because this film is clean from any cut. So Gubra is a good film with annoying ending but very very good script Hehe...
It has been 4 days since I haven't seen him. I've been busy with exam and him with his FYP. Kelakar la because we are about few metres apart. Kalau jalan kaki, 15minutes la lebeh kurang dah sampai. But still, no time to see each other Haha...So, this is like when both of us are working, the future life. I hope by then we are filthy rich and live the happiest lives, then the future wouldn't feel too sucky haha! I do miss seeing him tapi die tanak jumpe pon even dah free sket nih :( Dem yuh!
Pomp told me that there will be a new promotion at stabux and it has something to do with banana Wee~. DUn wori Pomp, I surely go one!
Its the time of the month and usually I was ok about it, but now it was so damn heavy & I hate it!
Wednesday, April 19
Everyday I Love You Less And Less
[Currently listening to Everyday I Love You Less And Less]
When you have a lot of stuff to do, it's just the perfect moment to think of holidays. Holidays are fun especially when you have bunch of money you could spend and plenty of leisure time. That would be HEAVEN I tell you! Yes! Workloads are exasperating. I need vacations!
I loooove banana. That day, I just ate a banana pie. It tastes like goreng pisang Haha. But I like it. Those who haven't try them before, should try it. It's good :) Thanks to Ill for buying me *Hugs* & now I feel like eating a banana Sigh~
I have a cicak probably a jantan in my toilet near the shower :|
p/s: Men nowadays don't give flowers anymore<<- Good Fact Haha...
Monday, April 17
Is more than saying sorry
Sorry sorry sorry
Means accepting people's flaws
Flaws flaws flaws
To forgive is divine
So let's have a glass of wine
And have makeup sex
Until the end of
Does not mean compromising
Let's forgive and forget
And solve this African debt
Just like the Cheshire Cat
Who says, "Mreow! You're running out of time!"
Time time time time time,
Is more than saying sorry
Sorry sorry sorry
Means accepting people's flaws
Flaws flaws flaws
To forgive is divine
So let's have a glass of wine
And have makeup sex
Until the end of
Does not mean compromising
Let's forgive and forget
And solve this African debt
Just like the Cheshire Cat
Who says, "Mreow! You're running out of time!"
Time time time time time,
Haha! I watched a film called Just Friends and the lyric above is 1 one the soundtracks. It is stupid I know but I like it Huhu!!!
Saturday, April 15
Sushi King
Women always late. They were never punctual. Everyone knows that. So why some people has to questioned this? Why 'I Dun Understand Why You Are Late' question must popped into some people's mouth when supposedly everyone should know women always late? Sigh~-
People do crazy things when they are mad, when they are angry at something or someone. Yeah, I've been there before. But why does 'Think Before You Act' phrase ever existed if there are not meant for what it means :| Think wisely before you do something stupid. There are other different things to manage your anger.Hmmm...
I know i've been craping and toshing, but it is 8.14 in the morning and I didn't just woke up early in the morning and suddenly thinking of blogging, but I haven't sleep for the night. Crap~'
People do crazy things when they are mad, when they are angry at something or someone. Yeah, I've been there before. But why does 'Think Before You Act' phrase ever existed if there are not meant for what it means :| Think wisely before you do something stupid. There are other different things to manage your anger.Hmmm...
I know i've been craping and toshing, but it is 8.14 in the morning and I didn't just woke up early in the morning and suddenly thinking of blogging, but I haven't sleep for the night. Crap~'
Friday, April 14
Men lies. I know zero number of people who never lies. Everybody lies. Why is it so hard to not to lie? Is it difficult to just tell the truth?
There's a term called 'tipu sunat' or 'white lies'. Since tadika to primary then secondary and up until now, I did learn Islamic Studies but never ever I learnt about this tipu sunat. Tipu is always berdosa, that I know. People lies to everyone regardless of anything! They lie to their friends, siblings, lecturers, their loved ones and especially to their parents.
I know I 've lied to my parents many times. Have I lied to my sister? I can't really remember any, but I think there must be 1 lie I'd told her. So, even the person you love the most you did lie at least once. Can you name one normal person who never lies and live the lives as we are now whom you really knew? That person must be a very holy and noble person...
Tomorrow, I mean tonite, I have a so-called big event. Was a bit excited about it but now I dun give a damn. I dun mind losing RM89 and not going to that event. Well, at first I was never excited to be at this event, I dun even bother of going. But he wanted to go blablabla..then I'm going, so feeling a bit seronok for some time. But now, I feel nothing. Heck!
I have 3 assignments to be submit. One is to make a satellite model as small as ever which can be put in a can that can measure temperature and some other stuff, one is to make research about multiple input multiple output and the other one is programming which I hate since I was out from my mother [So u know how much I hated this subject]. All which I have not started anything yet. Nice!!!I really hate being a student when come to time like this.
Malaysia is hot.PERIOD...
There's a term called 'tipu sunat' or 'white lies'. Since tadika to primary then secondary and up until now, I did learn Islamic Studies but never ever I learnt about this tipu sunat. Tipu is always berdosa, that I know. People lies to everyone regardless of anything! They lie to their friends, siblings, lecturers, their loved ones and especially to their parents.
I know I 've lied to my parents many times. Have I lied to my sister? I can't really remember any, but I think there must be 1 lie I'd told her. So, even the person you love the most you did lie at least once. Can you name one normal person who never lies and live the lives as we are now whom you really knew? That person must be a very holy and noble person...
Tomorrow, I mean tonite, I have a so-called big event. Was a bit excited about it but now I dun give a damn. I dun mind losing RM89 and not going to that event. Well, at first I was never excited to be at this event, I dun even bother of going. But he wanted to go blablabla..then I'm going, so feeling a bit seronok for some time. But now, I feel nothing. Heck!
I have 3 assignments to be submit. One is to make a satellite model as small as ever which can be put in a can that can measure temperature and some other stuff, one is to make research about multiple input multiple output and the other one is programming which I hate since I was out from my mother [So u know how much I hated this subject]. All which I have not started anything yet. Nice!!!I really hate being a student when come to time like this.
Malaysia is hot.PERIOD...
Tuesday, April 11
Bloody Extremely Hot
Monday, April 10
Dragon Fruit
On weekend, I went back & I'm loving it Woohoo~. I've got to see my ma, my ayah, my sister, my kakak but not my meowth :( Idayu cakap die dah lame x balik, dah ade girlfren lain.SoBsoB~. Balik makan pon tanak. Ade sekali tu die singgah jap rumah, Idayu cakap kurus gell dah die. Kesian, girlfren die x kasi die makan. Aparaa punya gelfren!
When you went home, dun ever dream of studying, it won't happen. Definitely not me :| A home is where you cud sit around lazying urself doing nothing while enjoying all the comfortness of home. Ur own bed, ur own room, ur own tv with remote on ur hand, makan sentiase ade orang masakkan, baju x yah basoh sendiri. Frankly, I'm totally hopeless at home hehehe & I like it very much. I sooooo love my life at home :D
> Daddy is admitted yesterday for endo something. It's something like u put camera inside the veins to see if there's any blockage. If it's clean, then he could go back. So praying that there's no bad ugly thing blocking his veins.
>If u wanna buy toilet freshener, look for quality not how cheap they are. It's a good advice Believe me!
>Still not fully recovered and yet there's a lot to be done. Being a student who practise delays all the time is totally tiring, practically me whom trying every sem kononnye nk berubah tapi tu sume angan-angan kosong jeh :(
Buah Pitaya-Dragon Fruit
When you went home, dun ever dream of studying, it won't happen. Definitely not me :| A home is where you cud sit around lazying urself doing nothing while enjoying all the comfortness of home. Ur own bed, ur own room, ur own tv with remote on ur hand, makan sentiase ade orang masakkan, baju x yah basoh sendiri. Frankly, I'm totally hopeless at home hehehe & I like it very much. I sooooo love my life at home :D
> Daddy is admitted yesterday for endo something. It's something like u put camera inside the veins to see if there's any blockage. If it's clean, then he could go back. So praying that there's no bad ugly thing blocking his veins.
>If u wanna buy toilet freshener, look for quality not how cheap they are. It's a good advice Believe me!
>Still not fully recovered and yet there's a lot to be done. Being a student who practise delays all the time is totally tiring, practically me whom trying every sem kononnye nk berubah tapi tu sume angan-angan kosong jeh :(
Buah Pitaya-Dragon Fruit
Wednesday, April 5
Hari Malas Sedunia
Sunday, April 2
I was really not in the best condition lately. Today I woke up many times to find the blanket, the tissues, watch spongebob while trying to get back to sleep...Finally at 6pm I woke up and took my bath. The fever is coming back & so do the headache :( I really can't do anything. All my plan on weekends spoiled SoB SoB~ All I was able to do- be on the bed doing nothing except those stuff I mentioned before :(
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