Friday, June 30
.Bukan Surat Chenta.
Saye benci orang yang tak reti nak buat keje betol-betol. Kalau org suruh buat tu, buatla betol2. Dah memang keje awak kan kene buat. Buatla betol2 walaupon tak bersungguh2. Bukan saye tak bayar awak. Saye bayar. Berape je awak mintak, saye bayar asalkan buat betol-betol keje awak tu. Saye cakap kat awak, sinki saye bocor. Awak pandai-pandai nak repair jamban punye saluran sekali. Lepas tu awak suke hati je nak kenekan bayaran. Saye senyap je sebab saye kesian kat awak berpeloh2 buat kerje. Naseb baik awak baiki sekali sinki tu. Ingatkan dah beres, tapi masih lagi ade sket bocor kt sinki tu. Bile panggil awak datang baiki balik, awak datang tgk, tapi awak cakap awak tak bawak pita nak balut saluran paip tu. Awak cakap kejap lagi awak nak datang. Tapi awak x datang2 jugak.
Harini plak, saye perasan bilik saye banjir. Banjir awak tau! Dahla ade wayar2 sume. Awak nak saye kene kejutan elektrik ke? Awak nak saye mati ke hah?? X berhati perot betol la awak ni. Naseb baik perasan banjir tu cepat2. Kalau tak, taktau la ape akan jadi ngan saye dan teman bilik saye. Penat kitorang bersihkan air2 tu sume. Bile awak datang tgk, awak setakat letak pita tu je. Tapi masalah bocor banjir saye ni, awak x baiki lagi. Kawan saye telefon awak nak suruh awak datang, awak datang lambat. Pastu tah ape2 yang awak buat, bile saye balik dari kelas saye tgk bilik ni banjir balik. Awak cakap awak dah baiki, tapi kenape ade banjir lagi???!! Awak ni reti buat keje awak ke x? Saye ni budak kejuruteraan elektronik. Kalau saye blaja baiki paip, memang dah lame dah saye baiki kebocoran tu sendiri. Tula sebab saye telefon awak, memandangkan kononnye awak hebat dalam bidang ni. Tapi Hampeh!!!
Saye bukan nak merendah2kan kredibiliti awak, tapi tolong la buat yg terbaik. Nanti awak jugak yang dapat malu. Sekarang ni, saye terpakse gune komputer riba kawan saye utk berinternet sebab risau la nk gune komputer saye dgn air yg membanjiri bilik ni. Tandas pulak terpakse gune yg kt luar punye sebab saye dah tutup dah punca air bilik air saye tanak kasi banjir lagi bilik. Penat awak tau tak?Eishk! Kalau awak buat keje awak betol2, tadela sampai bocor, air keluar dari dinding sume. Takdela awak kene datang banyak2 kali rumah saye ni nk baiki bocor ni. Awak penat datang, kawan saye penat telefon awak suruh datang rumah. Bukan murah nak telefon awak tu.
Haish~! Saket hati saye bile pk sume ni. Sume pasal awak. Saye memang benci awak!
Yang benar,
Thursday, June 29
»Curi Idea Wati Jap :P«
Tuesday, June 27
Happy Happy!!
Today dated 27thJune 2k6.
Today is Nooraziati Abdul Wahab's 22nd birthday.
Today Wati's gonna 'open table' celebrating her birthday. Hoyeh~!!
Today is Tuesday...
Monday, June 26
»Garlic Cheese Bun«
Situations in the house were a bit hectic at the beginning with few people stayed here while waiting for hostel applications. Then there was this 'thing' with this 'someone' need to be settled off. Then came the new housemates...
We bought a katil for the bilik. It will arrive tomorrow InsyaAllah. Bese je, not very fancy. Nak pakai setahun je pon. Planning to buy a standing fan for the bilik, and a carpet to cover all the oh-so-messy-cables, and change the curtain. Then nak rearrange the bilik to make it look nicer and spacier(?~). But still none has been done so far :P. Not that I dun haf the time, in fact I have A LOT of that but not enuff money-la Beb! So haf to do one at a time. Can't wait for the new look Hehe.
So...World Cup :D. At first I was confident Brazil gonna win tapi after seeing their performances, tak tau la sekarang. Probably Argentina. Germany pon menarik. It was all unexpected la jugak. Ghana pon boleh tahan. So seriously, I dun know who's gonna win. Talking about football, I just watched Gol & Gincu the series. I like it. I've been following the cerite since day 1 Heh. Ala-ala peminat susah mati la jugak :P The lead actress-Fazura is ok la. But I like Sazzy Falak the most. She looks natural la jugak belakon. But I superhate Pierre Andre. Acting die boleh tahan la since he had acted in some films, involve in theatre some more, tapi bile die cakap je memang fail la! Seriously, I hate the way he talks. Geli ok! If I ever met anyone talk to me like that, sumpah aku gelak ar! No offense, tapi eishk! Maybe that's what the director wanted, but it just turns me off. No offense to the Pierre Andre's fans, but Im just saying what I think and what I feel. Suke hati ar kan /:)
Pomp! I've seen the pokok kelape u've been telling me yesterday & they are Cuns :D Those who are interested in seeing, pliz go to MFM Alamanda & enjoy the beach party(kononyeh) :P Anyway, I met 2 ppl there. A junior and a long-time-no-see-primary-school-fren MARZIAH. We talk a bit, then suppose to change phone numbers but ended up only me giving her my number, because she was supposed to missedcall me, but still nothing up until now :|
So there you go...My Quiet Week -END-
Saturday, June 24
Friday, June 16
3 Cute Babies and Mummy
Today is my dear mom’s birthday. Unfortunately, the first ever present she got was a stolen handphone. I mean, some stupid person stole my mother’s handphone which she just bought about couple of weeks ago. Bangang betol itu pencuri! Lucky her, she got a oh-so-caring-husband to buy her a new one later Heh. Anyways, this is the lovely roses she got :D
On the 14th of June 2006, kire semalam la
Tuesday, June 13
When Sleep Is The Only Options Left Heh!
Hats or caps : I wear tudung, so I prefer none.
Make-ups or au naturel : Au Naturel
Dress or blouse : Dress
T-shirts or shirts : T-shirts
Pants or skirts : Depends on the occasion
Jeans or slacks : Jeans
Backpack or handbag : Sling Bags
Shoes or sandals : Sandals
Heels or platforms : Heels
Breakfast or dinner : Breakfast is the most important meal :D
Chinese or western : Both
Chinese or indian : Chinese
Meat or fish : Fish
KFC or McD : McD
Chocolate or vanilla : Definitely Vanilla
Peanut butter or jellies : Erm..I like kaya or Nutella better :P
Coffee or tea : Teh tarik!
Britney Spears or Avril Lavigne : No doubt Avril Woohoo~
James Blunt or Ryan Cabrera : Neither
Jazz or ballad : Ikot mood
Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock : Haiyoh~ due2 I like one!
Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise : Erk! Brad Pitt kot
Action or horror : Both
Call or SMSing : Tengok credit :P
Digicam or MP3 player : Now, I would love to own a Digicam :D
Gardening or reading :
Roses or orchids : Lilies of any kinds
Wealth or health : Health
Family or friends : Both
Apartment or terrace : Bungalow
Red or blue : Yellow and Purple
Monday, June 12
Friday, June 9
I LOVE CARTOONS, especially Spongebob Squarepants. One of the major reasons is that he is yellow in colour and I love the colour yellow and that particular cartoon is extremely stupid and funny in a very hilarious way (??!). A snail sounds like cat’s meowing, jelly fishes are treated like butterflies, a squirrel living in the sea etc. I tell you, this cartoon is unbelievably doofus! I also enjoy watching The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron
. The main character is a kid who has a large head and can invent many things. He is not that funny but his friends are, his super lamest friends Carl and Sheen. Ha-ha.. I like watching Sin Chan too as of course he is soo adorable and slumber gell!
‘Budak yang tak tau malu’ is best referred to him. Basically I love watching cartoons with stupid and lame jokes and not that Barney-friendly-type of cartoons.Heh.
I am sure Malaysians are aware of the new tv channel called Channel 9 ke TV 9 ke as long as there is the 9 there: P. I don’t think those using Astro have this channel, soon maybe. But a ‘normal’ tv can enjoy it now Wee~
How these two things about me liking to watch cartoons and the existence of tv9 ever related? Well, fortunately, TV9 has Spongebob and Jimmy Neutron as some of its programme. And so me being the fan of this two cartoons, switch on the tv and watch la
Thursday, June 8
¤Stupido Me¤
At that time, I really didn't know what to do. I was blank. I could've lift the handbrake and free the gear and off the engine but no, I just hold on to my breath yelling at my sister to push the brake which of course she was totally not sure what's what. Double stupid of me. I wasn't thinking whether we're going to be ok or not, but lucky us, not a scratch on our bodies. We're in good condition Alhamdulillah. Seems that Allah still let us live.
The car was a total wreck and my mother was at her top rage. My father still doesn't know about this. If you really know my father, he is a ferocious man. He could yell at anybody who offended him. ANYBODY let alone his own daughter. This incident happened last night, and he hasn't come back from Seremban yet so Im still in one piece. Im planning to lie to him that I accidently push the acceleration pedal when I want to actually push the brake but after a almost half day of thinking, I think I should just tell him the truth. Wrecking his car is one thing, and lying to him is another. So I couldn't risk doing anymore mistakes.
Above all, I always think that everything happen for a reason. There is the Qada and Qadar. Im gonna face every whatever thing I have to face for this stupid incident and Im gonna live with it. Like Faizal Iman always said, "Lets bygone be bygone". Im still worried, no doubt about that as I haf the strong feelings that my father's gonna come back home tonite, but just haf to face it rite? There are so many things happening in my life these few days-the hols, his birthday celebration, her sister's wedding, her wedding, the new maid named Wati [no offense yah Wats! :P]
Next up is the exams result. Another sucky thing to face. Probably next week will it come out, so Im praying real hard that I dun fail any of my papers or that will triples x2 the anger my father has on me. Im so miserable. Heh