It's Raya!!!
Selamat Hari Raya to everyone. Sorry body and soul.
What I like the most about Raya is DUIT RAYA!!!
Im still not working yet, so Im still applicable to get one. So Wee~
I haf collected some of duit rayas, so Double Wee~
I haf to admit, the movies shown on Hari Raya was quite good.
Eventho some has been repeated 100 times, it's like every year they want to show it on tv, but others were quite ok.
And other shows were not bad. Like just now I watched Konsert Akustika. It was good, I haf to admit.
When seeing the advert, I dun haf the intention to watch.
But thank God for the boredom of today, I clicked on TV3 and then I watched Konsert Akustika. I love it!Hehe...
So tv has done a very good job on Hari Raya. COngratulations ClapClap~
I went to Pilah, my mom's kampong.
Since she has 11 siblings, u can just imagine the 'packness' of the house.
Erm..the other day, Atuk wanted to go beraye. He's 89(if I'm not mistaken) but he can still drives.
Yerp..that's my atuk..Still strong and healthy except for some hearing and eyesight problem :P
So he drove alone.And Pilah can be a busy place during Raya. It was flooded with traffic!
From the house, you can see a looooooong deretan of cars. Traffic jam I tell u!!!
When Atuk reached pekan Pilah, suddenly his car broke down. Smoke were all over the place.
Pity him.Had to went inside a chinese shop and borrowed their phone to call us at home.
So Pak Hisham went to the rescue Hoyeah~
But still Atuk had to wait almost an hour for Pak Hisham to reach pekan Pilah (which is supose to be less than 10minutes if there was no traffic jam),
and another half an hour for him to find Atuk.
As long as he's ok, that will do.
The car has been sent to the workshop the next day. The motor has rosak Hm..
Owh! I've got guess coming.
To come to my house berhari raye :D
Tuesday, October 31
Sunday, October 15
I Like

i'm lovin' it
Ok..a little exaggerating but he's soo funny and talented and I like him so much :D
CurrentlyListeningTo 4ever-The Veronicas
Finally, it's holiday. Wee~
I just finished my last paper for this sem half an hour ago. I really dunno what to comment about the paper.
U see, I started to study for the subject last nite at 10pm. Taking the safest road, I only study for 3 chapters out of 4. Eventho I've studied the 1st 2 chapters for midterm xm, still..I can't remember any of them Sigh~!So I really haf nothing to say about the paper just now.
As for yesterday's paper, it was easy Seriously!! But I'm so keciwa because I can't remember most of the terms, some of the calculations. Kesimpulannye, I can't do the paper Huwargh~!! SobsOb...It was frustating because it was easy and suppose u cud answer them, rite? I hate seeing people coming out of the exam hall smiling. Dem~!
He promised me something yesterday that makes me REALLLLY looking forward to the 'promise', but had to dissapoint me BEFORE my exam started. Hrmph~! X gune betol awak ini!!
So the hols came. I'm going back tomorrow Wee~
Ayahanda's going to Mekah dis Monday. Probably gonna send him at KLIA.
That makes me realize...Its been some time I haven't been on a plane(Betol ke ayat nih??) Everytime cuti sekolah, selalu kene tinggal sebab MMU x same cuti ngan budak sekolah :(
Im bored. Things I wrote were boring. Hmm..
Ohh!! I love The Veronicas :x
I just finished my last paper for this sem half an hour ago. I really dunno what to comment about the paper.
U see, I started to study for the subject last nite at 10pm. Taking the safest road, I only study for 3 chapters out of 4. Eventho I've studied the 1st 2 chapters for midterm xm, still..I can't remember any of them Sigh~!So I really haf nothing to say about the paper just now.
As for yesterday's paper, it was easy Seriously!! But I'm so keciwa because I can't remember most of the terms, some of the calculations. Kesimpulannye, I can't do the paper Huwargh~!! SobsOb...It was frustating because it was easy and suppose u cud answer them, rite? I hate seeing people coming out of the exam hall smiling. Dem~!
He promised me something yesterday that makes me REALLLLY looking forward to the 'promise', but had to dissapoint me BEFORE my exam started. Hrmph~! X gune betol awak ini!!
So the hols came. I'm going back tomorrow Wee~
Ayahanda's going to Mekah dis Monday. Probably gonna send him at KLIA.
That makes me realize...Its been some time I haven't been on a plane(Betol ke ayat nih??) Everytime cuti sekolah, selalu kene tinggal sebab MMU x same cuti ngan budak sekolah :(
Im bored. Things I wrote were boring. Hmm..
Ohh!! I love The Veronicas :x
Tuesday, October 10
5 Perkara
Cyan asked me to do this. Being a luvly-hawt-cun-nak-mampos-cute-kind hearted-me, here goes:-
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Shopping dan Shopping!!!
2. Vacationing!!!
3. Main the real thing B-)
4. Simpan
5. Kasi ayahanda dan bonda dan dinda2
5 bad habits:
1. Do something when only I intend to do eventho actually I really haf to do :|
2. Tido eventho x ngantok erk:|
3. Burp in public (I know Emi didn't like it :P)
4. Kutuk orang!
5. People say that I am sombong..their first impressionla Hm..
5 things I hate doing:
1. At first, I want to do the 'thing', but then when someone ask me to do exactly the 'thing' that I'm planning to do before I do the 'thing', I won't do it. Get it? Ok Whatever
2. Studying
3. Ajar orang bnyk2 kali tapi x pandai2 gak(heh!Tiru kau ar Cyan)
4. Balik kampong:(
5. Fixing something that is broken (or getting it fixed)
5 things I will never do:
1. Study Medicine.
2. Leave Malaysia for good.
3. Kawin dgn Datuk K :))
4. Prostituting :|
5. Kurang Hajar ngan Mak Bapak
5 things I regret doing:
1. X Blaja betol2
2. I ***** *y *e**
3. I've t**tt~
4. I was *** %^ !@#@$# I $@% ***ore
5. X balaja betol2 lagi Sigh~!
5 favourite toys or things:
1. TV (eventho now been too busy to watch :( )
2. My nokia 6230 (walaupon da buruk)
3. Eton :P
4. Calculator (Kalau hilang, mau seratus tahun beb I nangis :-j)
5. Is room considered as thing?
5 people I choose to do this:
1. II
2. Pomp
3. Faizal Iman
4. Azwa
5. Watie
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Shopping dan Shopping!!!
2. Vacationing!!!
3. Main the real thing B-)
4. Simpan
5. Kasi ayahanda dan bonda dan dinda2
5 bad habits:
1. Do something when only I intend to do eventho actually I really haf to do :|
2. Tido eventho x ngantok erk:|
3. Burp in public (I know Emi didn't like it :P)
4. Kutuk orang!
5. People say that I am sombong..their first impressionla Hm..
5 things I hate doing:
1. At first, I want to do the 'thing', but then when someone ask me to do exactly the 'thing' that I'm planning to do before I do the 'thing', I won't do it. Get it? Ok Whatever
2. Studying
3. Ajar orang bnyk2 kali tapi x pandai2 gak(heh!Tiru kau ar Cyan)
4. Balik kampong:(
5. Fixing something that is broken (or getting it fixed)
5 things I will never do:
1. Study Medicine.
2. Leave Malaysia for good.
3. Kawin dgn Datuk K :))
4. Prostituting :|
5. Kurang Hajar ngan Mak Bapak
5 things I regret doing:
1. X Blaja betol2
2. I ***** *y *e**
3. I've t**tt~
4. I was *** %^ !@#@$# I $@% ***ore
5. X balaja betol2 lagi Sigh~!
5 favourite toys or things:
1. TV (eventho now been too busy to watch :( )
2. My nokia 6230 (walaupon da buruk)
3. Eton :P
4. Calculator (Kalau hilang, mau seratus tahun beb I nangis :-j)
5. Is room considered as thing?
5 people I choose to do this:
1. II
2. Pomp
3. Faizal Iman
4. Azwa
5. Watie
Thursday, October 5
Moodless Wednesday
Today, I feel like blogging. Not because I have humongous time, but I dun feel like doing anything except lying on the bed, beside my pc. So here I am, blogging.
I just finish one of my papers yesterday and it was like Scheit! It was hard, I really dun know what to answer, I just write stupid equations, make stupid sentences of definitions, draw block diagrams with none so ever explanations about it, I totally !@@#$ this time. I agree with Suraiya saying that she still cannnot answer the exams even if it's an open book test :))
A lot of my friends said that it was hard, the scorer's said it was I just hope that I passed this paper. Amin~
I have 3 more papers to go. But I'm too lazy to study. Hoyeah~
I am depressed.About my money. Ive been investing. But I never get anything in return. Even if I get it, I dun really get it. FUCK!
I hate my emotional feelings lately. It's unbearable.
I hate some people (plus a few living things). But I can't express the anger towards them. Sigh~
It's Ramadhan. And I dun really cherish it. Hm..
I am hungry. I've already made up my mind of what to eat later. heh
Bai en.
I just finish one of my papers yesterday and it was like Scheit! It was hard, I really dun know what to answer, I just write stupid equations, make stupid sentences of definitions, draw block diagrams with none so ever explanations about it, I totally !@@#$ this time. I agree with Suraiya saying that she still cannnot answer the exams even if it's an open book test :))
A lot of my friends said that it was hard, the scorer's said it was I just hope that I passed this paper. Amin~
I have 3 more papers to go. But I'm too lazy to study. Hoyeah~
I am depressed.About my money. Ive been investing. But I never get anything in return. Even if I get it, I dun really get it. FUCK!
I hate my emotional feelings lately. It's unbearable.
I hate some people (plus a few living things). But I can't express the anger towards them. Sigh~
It's Ramadhan. And I dun really cherish it. Hm..
I am hungry. I've already made up my mind of what to eat later. heh
Bai en.
Wednesday, October 4
»My Lollipop«
Currently listening to It Ain't Me Babe by Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon
>jiwang mode< I was reading a friend of mine's blog about her missing her boyfriend. Pity her.
Lucky me, he is always here :P. I see him everyday, several times. Nevertheless, I still miss him sometimes.:(
A few people did question me, won't I get bored seeing him everyday? If we are newly-coupled, that shouldn't be an issue. But we are 1 year ++. That is quite a long period to me. We had had our ups and downs, all the laughs and tears. Try being an engineering student studying your ass of to finish another 1 year. Then you'll realize 1 year is a whole lot of time.
Anyway, I never get bored seeing him every single day. In fact, I always excited meeting him eventho it was just for a few seconds. It doesn't ended there. Thanks to the sophisticated life of cyber world, we have Y!m. So hypothetically(?!!) I am with him all the time. Haha..
But next month, he will be away doing his internship. It will be in KJ. Not that far from here, but still, it's gonna be hard to see him or chat with him. Probably he will be overload with office stuff during the day, and get too tired at night. Looks that I'm gonna be like the friend of mine, missing the boyfriend who went for internship :P
Actually, I was supposed to write about him. Not about me missing him or anything. (He asked me to do it:P) But I really dun haf the idea of what to write. So I just blab with no reason Haha..Dun worry babe, I sure write an entry about just you someday :*
Lucky me, he is always here :P. I see him everyday, several times. Nevertheless, I still miss him sometimes.:(
A few people did question me, won't I get bored seeing him everyday? If we are newly-coupled, that shouldn't be an issue. But we are 1 year ++. That is quite a long period to me. We had had our ups and downs, all the laughs and tears. Try being an engineering student studying your ass of to finish another 1 year. Then you'll realize 1 year is a whole lot of time.
Anyway, I never get bored seeing him every single day. In fact, I always excited meeting him eventho it was just for a few seconds. It doesn't ended there. Thanks to the sophisticated life of cyber world, we have Y!m. So hypothetically(?!!) I am with him all the time. Haha..
But next month, he will be away doing his internship. It will be in KJ. Not that far from here, but still, it's gonna be hard to see him or chat with him. Probably he will be overload with office stuff during the day, and get too tired at night. Looks that I'm gonna be like the friend of mine, missing the boyfriend who went for internship :P
Actually, I was supposed to write about him. Not about me missing him or anything. (He asked me to do it:P) But I really dun haf the idea of what to write. So I just blab with no reason Haha..Dun worry babe, I sure write an entry about just you someday :*
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