Sunday was tremendously full. Cyan wake-up called me at 615 in the morning. WADAHEL!!!She picked me up, then Ana, and Ilek came to convoy along. Apparently, we live the farthest but the first batch to arrive!! Hmph! We waited for the cake. We gave wrong direction to the cake person and poor her had to go many miles to find us :P Anyway, the cake turned out superlicious.TERKEJUT TAKK!!!

The water was frrreezinggg~!! We had fun tagging people into the water :D

The food was good. The morning celebration was ok except the part where the other bday girl didn’t turn up. Happy 26th Serk n Linda :*

It rained heavily. I was afraid they booked us the outdoor-sy table. But the place was a dry gorgeous-heavenly nice. X rugi saye bace paper Thehehe..

I have to give 2 thumbs up to their service. X rugi bayar service tax. They did free valet parking for us. They escorted us with umbrellas. The food was amazingly nice. A nice restaurant called Subak. (and no I didnt get any komisyen for dis :| )
The party went smooth and well. Everyone was happy.
Maiti, def will miss you. Jangan lupe kami ok :)