Saturday 10th Apr
7am-off to KLIA
12pm-reached KK. Zul n Azhar picked us up. Thanks yaw! had lunch at Tg Aru but the service was damn slow.
2pm-did our last minute shopping
3pm-went to sutera harbour resort. the place was damn nice. the water is so clear. n dat was where i first saw a jellyfish with my own eyes :)
5pm- head to Mas's .
6pm-being girls...we repack n repack n repack our bags
Sunday 11th Apr
830am-van picked us up. stopped at Pasar Gaya. The pasar is unique. they sell animals there!
10ish-start the journey to kinabalu park. the scenary was magnificent. i must say, the moment we saw the peak of kinabalu from the winding road, everyone was in complete silent. Everyone had mixed feelings. Nervous+Excited+Impressed with God's Creation.
12pm-had our lunch. Again..the service was bad. at that moment, we made assumption that sabahan dont do good customer service. no offence to sabahan but dis assumptions made tru our own xperiences.
120pm-reached kinabalu park. we registered and settled things need to be settled at the counter
230pm-check in! the hostel we stayed was amazingly nice. we def underestimate the place at 1st place. the place was much much nicer than cameron hilands. we spend the nite there to get use with the altitude :P
Monday 12th Apr
5am-I slept like a baby. Unfortunately, not for the others. some had lots n lots of dreams. Mas even mengigau :P staying at the hostel and had to wake up very early in the morning def brings back the schooling memories :P
850am-we started off the expedition. the trail was very much like Bkt Gasing's but 10x tougher :P We walked slowly as to familiarize with the surroundings. Lanting was our guide n Minah is our porter. They were great :) We were advised not to take rest more than 3mins at each stops. So we did what we've been told.
250pm- Linn n me reached Laban Rata. it was a smooth journey. Alhamdulillah...we didnt encounter any major pain whatsoever. Nuzai reached at 3pm. Mas n Aida at 315. Our room at Laban Rata was extremely luxurious :P There's a story behind this: We booked a room with heater last Nov. We paid half for the depo. On March, we paid another half. A week before we left for KK, we called and they only book room for 1 of us. Plus, it was not a heated room! we fight on the phone. we CCed everyone. and finally we got a RM1k++ room for the cheapest price :D
8pm-I got the top bunk. We were ready to go to sleep. Sweaters n socks n thick blankets covered us. The heater was on. After a awhile, I started to feel uneasy. 1st I throw away the blanket. then the socks. then the sweater. then i went down to change to thirt n shorts. woke linn up n sleep nxt to her. before dat, i switched off the heater. Yes! I was damn hot when the temperature was like 17degree outside?? Haha...
Tuesday 13th Apr
3am-we started our journey to the peak. it was still dark so we had to use the head lite. the pace was slow as there was limited source of lite. n the air is getting thinner. i felt like a darth vader. i can hear my breathing so loud. the expedition with ropes was much2 challenging. at dat point, i regretted to not tried wall climbing before. it was sure a good practise then. when we got the sayat2 checkpoint, i was so damn happy. but of course, the pace become harder n slower. i stopped to take deep breath most of the times. lucky the guides/malims were sooo supportive. i didnt haf many moment with izudin but i found him very cute :x i was personally jealous with all the guides. they were so cool climbing up to the peak. so damn cool while i was panting for breath. at 1 point, i did ask myself y the hell do i wanna see sunrise at the peak. i can even see the sunrise back at home. but 1 of the guides pull me tru n sgt memberi semangat! oh i love them all haha..n yeah...we made it to the peak in 3hrs. our personal best time I can say :) the view was extraordinary. it was all worth it. i totally forgot the pain n tiredness I had to go tru climbing up. WORTH IT GELL!! I am recommending everyone with healthy body condition to go at least once. I surely wanna go again.follow the mesilau trail. or even try the ferrata!! hahaha!! 10am-reached Laban Rata again. had our breakfast. The going down was more painful. I was already injured. The pace going down slowed down. And we reached Kinabalu Park at 430ish. hahaha..
We made some friends there. 1st was the chinese lady who was very unfortunate. she came 1 day ahead of us. She had walked about 1 km when she had bad altitude sickness. her porter had to take her down while her frens continue their journey. she had no friends so she hang out with us. to make things worst, the was put in the same room with a matsaleh. lucky she met us, so she stayed in our dorm. hahha. it was weird how easy we let strangers to sleep with us :P lucky nothing happen :) then we met james and the gang. they were friendly great people. rarely to see such nice people n they were from PJ! n dis 1 swedish guy. i forgot his name.johannes or something. he was petite for a european guy but talks a lot. hahaha. he was cute, so we stick with him nway.
ok..the aftermath was painful. Plus, Mas's house has stairs. GOing up was ok but the descending makes me wanna cry. Most of the time, I drag my feet. My recovery time was 5 frikking days! Mmg seksa Gila! tp tak kesah la sebab Ive Climb Mount Kinabalu Yaw! hahahaa
Wednesday 13th Apr
Still in pain but we dont wan to spare any free time. we headed to Filipino' Market. Shop a little. n we had to go back a Mas n Aida had to catch their flight to KL.
Thursday 14th 6am- we rented a kancil n drove ourselves to Kudat :) Linn drive all the way. Terime kasih sekalung budi. I cant forget the 5km of batu kerikil we had to go tru with the kancil n yet we survived hahaha!!
1045am-reached the tip of borneo. it was beautiful. it is where laut sulu n laut china selatan met.
530pm-had dinner at waterfront
Friday 15th
8am-it was raining. but we still wanna go to the island.
9am-we went sea walking wee!!!! it was fun. we had this 38kg of astronout like topi. dis is sapos to help us breathe under water. we went 5m deep. i touched..corection. I HELD a jelly fish!!!!!!!! unfortunately, the memory card jammed. so we had to go back for 2nd time foe the photoshooting.hahahha!!!but no jelly fish found during the 2nd time :( 12pm-had luch at mamutik island. it was raining cats n dogs. but nuzai n me insist to go snorkelling.we asked the lifeguard whether its safe. the lifeguars said as long as ther's no thunder, n the sea was calm, shud be ok. n so we went snorkelling n feed the fish. oh! i got bitten:(
2 things i enjoy damn much during my trip to Sabah. the mount kinabalu xpedition n the sea walking. most unforgettable experience definitely!!