Wednesday, September 29
I stumble onto this. Go find other vids of them.Play the playlist on utube. Hilariously funny. So far, I like this one the most esp the binary solo part LOBL!
Monday, September 27
They're Married!!!!
Congratulations on the wedding. Be a good husband and a cool daddy to ur future children :)
Jage Aiya baik2 hokeh!
Congratulations!! Really happy for u :D u look lovely (of course). My personal request is to please dun change (too much). I haf lesser single frens to lepak now Boohoo.
Sorry for any hick ups ( serius bersalah gile :( )
All in all, I love u guys both n tahniah lagi sekali :D
Tuesday, September 21
Kereta Bapaku Rosak
Daddy's car broke down yesterday.Being a good daughter, I...............didn't know it until he asked me to drop him off to pick his all-well-spark plug-free-problem-car hehe. It was a good ride until he drop me some 'advice'. Adeih! Jangan la begitu bapak.
Monday, September 20
Super Something
It's Monday.
Gosh time flies fast.
Daddy send him off yesterday evening.
We sent her couple of minutes later.
She went back early this morning.
As for me...I'm contemplating.
Gosh time flies fast.
Daddy send him off yesterday evening.
We sent her couple of minutes later.
She went back early this morning.
As for me...I'm contemplating.
Oh! she finally going back to the E zone.
Goodluck with that sis!
I just had a eureka moment while doing yoga just now;
I blog at all times.
When Im sad.
When Im extremely happy.
When I have absolutely nothing to do.
When Im sick and selfless.
Blogging is my newest hobby!
He showed me something.
Which made me realize;
There are still people who care.
So thanks very much dude!
Oh! This year I still receive duit raya Weehee!!!
So should I go shopping? Or save like a good person? :|
I really need some new clothes.
And I still owe my dearest Ji some makeovers.
And I promised myself some wonderful vacation trip nxt year.
Decisions Decisions Decisions....
Love this song! Enjoy :)
p/s: Checkout abang percussion at the back :D
Saturday, September 18
Friday, September 17
We went to visit 3 houses yesterday.
2 of them were open houses.
There were all mom's siblings.
Yerp. she has 12 siblings altogether.
And we still have not visited all of them for raya. Yet.
And upon reaching home yesterday,
i felt sick.
Stomach feeling all gassy.
Severe headache.
I slept from 10pm to 130am.
Had some shake.
Sleep until 630am.
Continue sleeping until Izwan woke me for lunch at 2pm :|
But the pain was still there.
I planned to go to Sue's wedding tomorrow.
But has to b cancelled :(
Sorry babe :(
Praying hard this pain will go away soon insyaAllah.
to Camy dearest,
haf fun tomorrow n congrats babe!! yey!
Thursday, September 16
Selamat Hari Jadi Malaysia
16 September 2010.
Hari ini,
julung kali buat Malaysia,
menggazetkan cuti buat seluruh rakyatnya.
Hari ini,
Tarikh keramat ini,
mencatatkan sejarah,
Sabah dan Sarawak bergabung bersama,
dan lahirlah Malaysia, negara yang ku cinta.
Tiada cerita yang disiarkan di tv yang menarik perhatian ku. Lalu ku buka komputer riba ku, melihat-lihat apa cerita menarik yang belum ku tonton lagi.
TIba-tiba aku teringat akan satu filem yang baru ku ambil; My Name Is Khan.
Aku masih ingat suatu ketika dahulu, betapa kami sekeluarga seronok menonton filem hindi, terutama sekali hasil karya Karan Johar. Asal hero dan heroin nya seseorang yang terkenal, kami beramai-ramai berkumpul di depan tv untuk menontonnya. Tapi zaman itu telah berlalu. zaman kegilaan filem hindi tidak lagi menular di kalangan orang melayu sekarang. Mungkin hanya segelintir sahaja yang masih mengikuti perkembangan dunia Bollywood.
Perasaan 1Malaysia ku membuat ku tertarik untuk menonton filem My Name Is Khan ini.
Filem ini bukan klise. Tidak seperti filem hindi tipikal. Tidak ade babak tari menari dan menyanyi. Tidak banyak kostum yang digunakan yang perlu berganti-ganti setiap kali menyanyi. Tiada pula babak pergaduhan dengan efek suara yang melampau.
Jalan ceritanya sungguh menarik. Penyampaian mesejnya cukup sempurna. Sungguh telus, jujur dan adil. Ia mengisahkan tentang perjalanan seorang lelaki Islam yang mengalami Asperger's Syndrome atau autism. Betapa dia menghadapi masalah berhadapan dengan masyarakat Amerika selepas peristiwa 9/11.Walaupun berpenyakit, lain daripada orang lain, tidak melemahkan semangatnya untuk berpegang atas apa yang dipercayainya. Filem tentang Islam, percintaan dan seorang pesakit autism ini sangat menyentuh hatiku. Pendekatan yang ingin dibawa dari filem ini amat menarik, iaitu agama bukanlah kriteria atau penyebab utama, tetapi cara hidup manusia sesuatu komuniti itu sendiri. Aku memang menyarankan SEMUA orang untuk menonton filem ini.
Bagiku, hasil pembikinan filem ini mampu menukar segala jenis persepsi.
Alangkah baiknya kalau ada karyawan Malaysia yang boleh menghasilkan filem sebagus My Name Is Khan ini dan ditontonkan khas sempena Hari Malaysia. Supaya generasi muda lebih celik dan matang tentang konsep 1 Malaysia ini. Jelas sekali, belum ramai yang arif...termasuklah aku.

Tuesday, September 14

Raya '10 @ Pilah
I promised myself to write in Malay as much as I can. I've noticed, my vocab is getting weaker from time to time. The only source for me to improve my Malay is from newspapers / magazines. I speak 80(or 90)% of Malay everyday but it's all simple Malay. I started to realize I need to improve my Malay since I helped my lil sister on her karangan. Man, it was hard to draft one. InsyaAllah, more of my later entries will be written in Malay. Feel free to comment on the grammar, struktur ayat etc.
How's Raya? Mine's good so far. The day before raya, I told myself to try to eat just enough during raya. After 4 days of raya, I have not feeling hungry AT ALL. All I did was eat and eat and eat and sleep. Terrible ey? Breakfast, lunch and dinner is a must. There's always snacks between meals. I eat eventho Im not hungry. We have more than 10 balangs of kuih raya to finish. How can I not at least try all of them, right?
Daddy's coming home tomorrow. We're going to have some kenduri/makan2 for him. Then I will try to puasa 6. It's the only way to stop myself from eating :| I have to stop eating daging. These 4 days have been all rendang daging for me. And lemang has been my must have daily delicacy(??) .
Now perot pon dah bloat. Thighs pon getting bigger macam kaki lembu New Zealand.
It's time to undusty my running shoes ppl!!
I can't sleep. I have been sleeping too much during the day. Yerp, the only 2 things I did during raya :|
Wednesday, September 8
Birthday n Raya
To my dearest Ji,
Happy birthday sayang! Sorry I hurt you but I love u no matter what. Promise will make it up to you hotei!
Monday, September 6
listening to mraz.
i love dis man so much. i love his songs even more.
an ex collegue even address me as his biggest fans. and only because i went to his concert haha.
not THE biggest fan, but I AM a big fan :P
Anyway, raya is coming. Yesterday was raya prep day. Fun :)
Haven't done any raya shopping yet. I mean apart from the baju raya that is :P
I will be simple this raya.
Not yet to be spending as I want. Not just yet...
Daddy, like previous years, went to Mecca alhamdulillah.
We will be going back to Pilah this coming wednesday insyaAllah.
So far, not feeling the raya mode yet eventho radios haf been playing multiple raya songs.
oh! and what's with the TV3's raya commercial? WEIRD!
The other day, went terawih at a masjid. The imam was good. I enjoyed how he recite the Quran. Beautiful.
At a sentence (or 2), he cried. I was touched. At that time, I regret of not learning Arabic.
Well, I did learn Arabic during primary schools. But all I can remember is DIKUN=chicken.
Seriusly, I dunno why that is the most unforgettable word of all :|
Ok, I still remember how to count in arabic (up to 10 :| ) and some really basic stuff, but that's it.
Allah's will, I would want to take Arabic Communication Class :)
Watched Jejak Rasul, the episode on Islam, Christian and Jews.
Israel=Hamba yang menjadi pilihanNya.
Israel=Nabi Yaakub.
Interesting fact indeed.
For these past years, I have been reciting the Quran.
It's time to learn the Quran thoroughly.
Saturday, September 4
Friday, September 3
tempoh hari, kami berbuka puasa bersama. sesuatu yang biasa saya lakukan bertahun-tahun, tapi tidak bersama mereka. suatu pengalaman yang saya rasa sungguh luar biasa. saya agak terkejut dengan diri saya, bagaimana saya dapat menyesuaikan diri serta merta walaupun ada ketika terasa agak kekok.
saya kagum dengan mereka. mereka tidak seperti kanak-kanak biasa, yang cukup segala. terus terang, kadang-kadang saya rasa cemburu dengan kehidupan mereka. mereka bebas berfikir, melakukan apa yang mereka suka, apa yang mereka rasa mereka perlu lakukan.tapi saya tahu saya tamak untuk berfikiran begitu. sudah tentu mereka mahukan kehidupan normal seperti orang lain.
saya berbual dengan salah seorang di sana. masyaAllah dia mempunyai memori yang tajam. boleh mengingati setiap butir maklumat tentang keluarganya di kampung, keluarganya di rumah itu. saya agak terkejut ketika dia menceritakan tentang masalahnya. kasihan, seorang yang begitu genius bagi saya tidaklah sesempurna mana. Tuhan maha kaya.
Alhamdulillah, saya bersyukur diberi peluang untuk berjumpa dengan mereka. membuatkan saya lebih hargai apa yang saya ada walaupun tidaklah mewah. Mewah, bukanlah dari segi harta tetapi segala-galanya. Tak patut untuk kita rasa tidak cukup kerana sesungguhnya ada lagi yang kurang bernasib baik.
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