This year, like the previous years, dad goes to Mecca for his umrah. This time around, he brings Izwan along (together with his 3 friends). They're gonna celebrate raya there and only be back on the 2nd of raya. May they be safe there Amin..
Another few days to celebrate raya. Honestly, I am excited and sad at the same time. Sad for leaving Ramadhan as I have not been using the blessed month fully and happy because it's RAYA!!! We may go for some last minute shopping after this. Going back to Pilah tomorrow. Hee.

Ok here's the usual saying on raya:
Di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua muslimin muslimat. Terutamanya kepada ahli keluarga, loopers, rakan-rakan yang rapat dan tidak rapat, dan fellow collegues. Maaf zahir dan batin. Don't eat too much lemang and rendang coz I want to eat them all mwahahha. Play only the bunga api ok. Mercun is too noisy. Drive safely for those going back kampung.