Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem
Assalamualaikum peeps :)
I sleep too much siang tadi. Now I don't feel sleepy at all. Hai la sleeping pattern. Will improve this insyaAllah. Masalahnye I wasn't sleepy pon. I just felt like going to sleep since I was already home. Ha kan dah bazir mase dan tenage dan sebagainye :|
Mira's finally a wife now. She is my sweet cousin. A month before her reception, she asked me to be in charged of a candy booth. My first time actually, but they say when an opportunity comes, just grab it and so I did.
I have to say, planning was not easy. And I have to accept the fact that everything will not go as we planned. I thought we were getting much bigger table and space. When we (me and my crews aka loyal cousins) finally saw the place and the things they prepared for us, we definitely had to make
many last minute changes. There were many hick ups, but alhamdulillah we managed in the end. There was even a pakcik asking me contact no so that he can hire us to make one for his grandchild's majlis akikah. MasyaAllah :)
Here are some of the pictures of the our candy booth:

Me and my choc fondue. It was a big hit! :D
To Mira and husband, congratulations. May you both be happy and blessed hingga ke Jannah amin :)