Ok. Still in the mood. Writing another post. (Farah happy x? Haha)
Kindly look at the right side of my blog.
Notice the Things I wish to be / do column?
Check out point #3. Well ladies and gentleman. I am proud to announce that I have conquered my fear of water. Yeehaaaaaaa!!!
As of point #4, I am still learning. I am really bad synchronizing my feet and hands. Will get there insyaAllah. Hehe. Yes I am a slow learner. But I hope I don't give up easy.
narrated from Hazrat Ibn Umar (R.A) in which our beloved Prophet said ”Teach your children swimming, archery and horse riding”.
Friday, December 20
Escape Room @ eCurve
I am writing another post since Farah selalu suruh I update blog :| Memandangkan ade mood, jadi marilah bace post seterusnye :D
Have you main game dekat phone tajuk room escape ke, jail break ke, atau yg sewaktu dgnnye?
I have. And I hated it. Because most of the times they x masok akal. And often annoying.
Tapi haritu Farah ajak to go the real escape game called Escape Room. They have 6 rooms altogether. There are only 2 outlets in Malaysia, eCurve and Klang.
Farah is pregnant, so they gave us 2 rooms to choose from out of 6. I guess the other 4 has physical challenge kot so not safe for the preger mommies. The available rooms are mummy and prison. Since mummy room's difficulty level is lower compared to prison room, we chose the mummy room. Firstimer maa. Cuak jugak nak challenge gempak2. Nak test market, amik la yang senang-senang dulu :D
Max ppl to go in a room is 10ppl. Time given to escape is within 45 minutes.
Farah, Cyan, Hudam and me went in. It was on a weekday so not many friends can join since they x cuti. (If you go on weekdays, price is cheaper you know). The perasaan at that time, I was more excited than nervous. Excited sebab 1stime. Nervous tu sikit je lah sebab if you can't escape, they are not gonna lock u up forever. Just that you have to pose with a loser banner. I don't feel that duit bazir because I enjoyed the excitement dalam room tu. At least dapat jugakla nak gune brain yang da berabuk ni.
Sorry no spoilers. Go and challenge yourself la. Baru best. Heh.
What I can say, the clues some senang some susah. We were down to the final clue, tapi dah habis masa. Takpe. Will go and try other rooms plak lepas ni. Rase geram x dapat nk escape tapi best sebab game die best. Haha.
So, since x dapat nk escape, we have to pose with the loser banner.
I am writing another post since Farah selalu suruh I update blog :| Memandangkan ade mood, jadi marilah bace post seterusnye :D
Have you main game dekat phone tajuk room escape ke, jail break ke, atau yg sewaktu dgnnye?
I have. And I hated it. Because most of the times they x masok akal. And often annoying.
Tapi haritu Farah ajak to go the real escape game called Escape Room. They have 6 rooms altogether. There are only 2 outlets in Malaysia, eCurve and Klang.
Farah is pregnant, so they gave us 2 rooms to choose from out of 6. I guess the other 4 has physical challenge kot so not safe for the preger mommies. The available rooms are mummy and prison. Since mummy room's difficulty level is lower compared to prison room, we chose the mummy room. Firstimer maa. Cuak jugak nak challenge gempak2. Nak test market, amik la yang senang-senang dulu :D
Max ppl to go in a room is 10ppl. Time given to escape is within 45 minutes.
Farah, Cyan, Hudam and me went in. It was on a weekday so not many friends can join since they x cuti. (If you go on weekdays, price is cheaper you know). The perasaan at that time, I was more excited than nervous. Excited sebab 1stime. Nervous tu sikit je lah sebab if you can't escape, they are not gonna lock u up forever. Just that you have to pose with a loser banner. I don't feel that duit bazir because I enjoyed the excitement dalam room tu. At least dapat jugakla nak gune brain yang da berabuk ni.
Sorry no spoilers. Go and challenge yourself la. Baru best. Heh.
What I can say, the clues some senang some susah. We were down to the final clue, tapi dah habis masa. Takpe. Will go and try other rooms plak lepas ni. Rase geram x dapat nk escape tapi best sebab game die best. Haha.
So, since x dapat nk escape, we have to pose with the loser banner.
No we don't suck. We just sulk. LOL. (OK I know. Lame :| )
BYE!! oh ini link if you want to give it a try.
My husband gave me this note a year ago.
Well, I am glad I said yes.
It has been a month++ since we got married.
I am truly happy. And blessed.
I am not perfect. But I will try to be the best partner for you.
Thank you sayang.
Ok. mushy-mushy sikit di hari Friday. To those yang have time, do not forget to read Suratul Kahf. May Allah blessed your Friday insyaAllah.
My husband gave me this note a year ago.
Well, I am glad I said yes.
It has been a month++ since we got married.
I am truly happy. And blessed.
I am not perfect. But I will try to be the best partner for you.
Thank you sayang.
Ok. mushy-mushy sikit di hari Friday. To those yang have time, do not forget to read Suratul Kahf. May Allah blessed your Friday insyaAllah.
Wednesday, November 13
A wife. That's me :D
Alhamdulillah. I am a wife now.
We are still settling down. With the new life. New responsibilities.
I really want to thank my family members who have helped A LOT!
I feel so blessed to have such supportive family.
Sayang korang banyak2 :*
Here are couple of pictures.
Alhamdulillah. I am a wife now.
We are still settling down. With the new life. New responsibilities.
I really want to thank my family members who have helped A LOT!
I feel so blessed to have such supportive family.
Sayang korang banyak2 :*
Here are couple of pictures.
Dad hardly smile when taking pictures. I love this pic of his :D
Solemnization Day
Thursday, October 3
Good afternoon ppl!!
Oh I miss writing here.
Too equipped. With MANY MANY things.
I have my wedding to settle. It's less than a month yaw!
Excited? Looking forward?? Nervous???
YES to all.
It will be a new life to me.
Living with another person.
Blending into someone else's life.
Please please do pray for me (and us).
They say getting married is fun and tough.
I pray to Allah that M & I can go through things together, good times and bad.
This month will mostly be about the wed prep (final touch!)
Another thing that kept me busy is self re-branding.
Yerp, I am trying to re-brand myself.
Branding to be a better muslimah and a better business leader insyaAllah.
Please please pray for my success.
And I pray that Allah repay your thought & kindness insyaAllah :)
Just got back from the Pejabat Agama.
Sudah ada kebenaran untuk bernikah. Hiks.
Later will submit to my imam.
Ok.later y'all.
Don't forget to eat your lunch!
Good afternoon ppl!!
Oh I miss writing here.
Too equipped. With MANY MANY things.
I have my wedding to settle. It's less than a month yaw!
Excited? Looking forward?? Nervous???
YES to all.
It will be a new life to me.
Living with another person.
Blending into someone else's life.
Please please do pray for me (and us).
They say getting married is fun and tough.
I pray to Allah that M & I can go through things together, good times and bad.
This month will mostly be about the wed prep (final touch!)
Another thing that kept me busy is self re-branding.
Yerp, I am trying to re-brand myself.
Branding to be a better muslimah and a better business leader insyaAllah.
Please please pray for my success.
And I pray that Allah repay your thought & kindness insyaAllah :)
Just got back from the Pejabat Agama.
Sudah ada kebenaran untuk bernikah. Hiks.
Later will submit to my imam.
Ok.later y'all.
Don't forget to eat your lunch!
Tuesday, August 13
Sume masih beraye ke? Well, I am. Not literally, tp masih di kampung halaman, bersama keluarga terchenta :) Bukan beraye sakan, tapi cuba untuk enjoy raya terakhir as a single lady chewahh.
Ok. This is not a raya entry. But a special one for my sweet sweet M. Sape terase nak muntah, do stop reading at this point :P
Special birthday shout out to my one and only fiance. May Allah bless you and the whole family and our future family (hiks). May you be blessed with wonderful times ahead Insha Allah. I pray may you get all that you truly desire. Praying that He bless you today and gives you strength to have positive thoughts and give you success in life.I am so blessed to have you. I love you. Chupp :*
p/s: Sorry can't be there to celebrate together. I'll make it up later ok :*
Sume masih beraye ke? Well, I am. Not literally, tp masih di kampung halaman, bersama keluarga terchenta :) Bukan beraye sakan, tapi cuba untuk enjoy raya terakhir as a single lady chewahh.
Ok. This is not a raya entry. But a special one for my sweet sweet M. Sape terase nak muntah, do stop reading at this point :P
Special birthday shout out to my one and only fiance. May Allah bless you and the whole family and our future family (hiks). May you be blessed with wonderful times ahead Insha Allah. I pray may you get all that you truly desire. Praying that He bless you today and gives you strength to have positive thoughts and give you success in life.I am so blessed to have you. I love you. Chupp :*
p/s: Sorry can't be there to celebrate together. I'll make it up later ok :*
Monday, July 15
W Part III (EHh??)
4 months to go! And I'm about 30% prepared??
Dates has been confirmed insyaAllah.
Solemnization will be at home. Confirmed with a wedding planner. Will go for measurement some time this week. Favors has been finalized.
For the reception, met with another wed planner. Did measurement for my baju yesterday. Favors is almost finalized. But still counting on the guest lists :| Bought kain for the families (there are still some left to be distributed).
Itu je done :|
Yg x done lagi:
1) HIV Test
2) Borangs, tok kadi etc
3) Photographer
4) Hantarans (includes dulang)
5) Purchasing of the favors
6) Venue for reception :|
7) Cards
8) Guest Listsssss
9) Ring design
10) Montage
Ok. Cukoplah tu.
This is only from my side.
On a different note. Almost 1 week fasting. How are we doing??
4 months to go! And I'm about 30% prepared??
Dates has been confirmed insyaAllah.
Solemnization will be at home. Confirmed with a wedding planner. Will go for measurement some time this week. Favors has been finalized.
For the reception, met with another wed planner. Did measurement for my baju yesterday. Favors is almost finalized. But still counting on the guest lists :| Bought kain for the families (there are still some left to be distributed).
Itu je done :|
Yg x done lagi:
1) HIV Test
2) Borangs, tok kadi etc
3) Photographer
4) Hantarans (includes dulang)
5) Purchasing of the favors
6) Venue for reception :|
7) Cards
8) Guest Listsssss
9) Ring design
10) Montage
Ok. Cukoplah tu.
This is only from my side.
On a different note. Almost 1 week fasting. How are we doing??
Friday, July 12
Ho Ho Yeahhhh
Salam Ramadhan to all muslims!!!

O yeah.
I love this month.
Oh yeah it's Ramadhan.
I just turned 29.
O yeah.
Old but trying to keep cool.
Old??? Pfft!!!
Whatever it is, will try to look younger and healthier insyaAllah.
Please eat properly this Ramadhan.
Make the most out of it.
Physically and spiritually.
O yeah.
O yeah.
I love this month.
Oh yeah it's Ramadhan.
I just turned 29.
O yeah.
Old but trying to keep cool.
Old??? Pfft!!!
Whatever it is, will try to look younger and healthier insyaAllah.
Please eat properly this Ramadhan.
Make the most out of it.
Physically and spiritually.
O yeah.
Wednesday, June 19
Mossy Forest-Gunung Irau
Saw a friend posted photos of Gunung Irau.
Sy rindu hiking.
Dan sy jealous they went.
Gng Irau is cantik I tell u.
Let me wow u with the scenic mossy pictures of Gunung Irau.
ok. itu je. if u want more, google em. senang je nk jumpe. hiks!
Saw a friend posted photos of Gunung Irau.
Sy rindu hiking.
Dan sy jealous they went.
Gng Irau is cantik I tell u.
Let me wow u with the scenic mossy pictures of Gunung Irau.
p/s: who wants to go. after raye jom!!
Friday, June 7
Reminder to self: Don't Stop!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
This entry is to remind myself to be consistent in improving myself, with the hope, when I read this particular entry later, I will still be on track. InsyaAllah.
This entry is to remind myself to be consistent in improving myself, with the hope, when I read this particular entry later, I will still be on track. InsyaAllah.
Thursday, June 6
Isra' Mikraj
27 REJAB 1434
Good day :)
Yesterday, I planned to fast, to prepare for the coming Ramadhan, not aware that today is Isra' Mikraj.
I saw a friend's fb status update, Puasa pada 27 Rejab seperti berpuasa enam puluh bulan pahalanya'. Tipulah if I say I don't want the ganjaran. I can only pray and hope that my fast today diterima Allah. Amin.
I saw this informative sketch.I saw a few that is related but I am going to paste this one as I can understand it well.
Good day :)
Yesterday, I planned to fast, to prepare for the coming Ramadhan, not aware that today is Isra' Mikraj.
I saw a friend's fb status update, Puasa pada 27 Rejab seperti berpuasa enam puluh bulan pahalanya'. Tipulah if I say I don't want the ganjaran. I can only pray and hope that my fast today diterima Allah. Amin.
I saw this informative sketch.I saw a few that is related but I am going to paste this one as I can understand it well.
Salam Isra' Mikraj to all muslims :)
To Farah Haida, happy birthday!!!! May Allah bless you and the whole family insyaAllah :)
Tuesday, May 28
NoteII vs S4
This is what he promised me if I can shed 5kg before our wedding day. Woots.
I have been eyeing NoteII since forever but the moment I heard S4 has double quadcore, hati sudah goyah.
Jadi, marilah buang itu berat berlebihan wooohoo!!
I have been eyeing NoteII since forever but the moment I heard S4 has double quadcore, hati sudah goyah.
Jadi, marilah buang itu berat berlebihan wooohoo!!
Friday, May 10
Salam Jumaat :)
GE13 just ended. An eventful one I can say. 'Post mortem' still on going. Tapi Im not going to talk about GE. I'll yawn myself definitely. Anyhow, I thank Allah for dad's winning. Do pray for his good health :) And let's pray to be a better muslim and better world rather than talk about politics :|
Now are you familiar with pinterest? I just started to like it. It's like a virtual board, and very easy to be familiarized with. Having to plan my wedding, I enjoy pinterest more and more :D Just pin as you like. Kalau x suke, delete aja. As for my wedding preparations (read concepts), I have everything in mind already. Now I am visualizing it thru Pinterest. Easier for everyone to understand my concept. Afterall, pictures speak louder than words ey? Tayah cakap, tunjuk je la pinterest to ppl. Senang cerita! :D I am going to contact a wedding planner. If the price permits, we'll hire them. Kalau tak....either cari other planners or buat sendiri ar (which I doubt sebab mcm x rajin :| )
For our wedding preparations, we have decided to divide the tasks. He will handle the serious stuff (tok kadi, blood test n what not); which, kalau x buat, x leh ar nk kawin. I will handle stuff yg kalau x buat pon boleh je kahwin tapi gedik nk buat gak. geddit? hahaha. What do you know. Pejam celik pejam celik tinggal 6 bulan lagi yaw!!! So we have to start do things sikit-sikit. InsyaAllah everything will come thru. Bak kata pepatah, sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit :D I pray that everything will go smoothly. Kalau x as planned pon, as what Allah's plan; that is the best plan ever :) Amin...
I want to buy new phone. My phone slowly dah kaput. Yesterday, camera dah rosak. Almost everyweek kene restart sebab hang je all the time. I bought this phone 2009 ok. Lame dah berkhidmat :D Waiting for celcom to keluarkan the color I want. Buy with package better. Kan? But I dunno whether celcom nak kuarkan dat color ke x. Mari bersabar dan berharap (until my current phone da betol2 gone).
Akhir kate, it's friday!!! Let's be thankful and do more good people. Even a smile can brighten someone's day. :) :) :)
GE13 just ended. An eventful one I can say. 'Post mortem' still on going. Tapi Im not going to talk about GE. I'll yawn myself definitely. Anyhow, I thank Allah for dad's winning. Do pray for his good health :) And let's pray to be a better muslim and better world rather than talk about politics :|
Now are you familiar with pinterest? I just started to like it. It's like a virtual board, and very easy to be familiarized with. Having to plan my wedding, I enjoy pinterest more and more :D Just pin as you like. Kalau x suke, delete aja. As for my wedding preparations (read concepts), I have everything in mind already. Now I am visualizing it thru Pinterest. Easier for everyone to understand my concept. Afterall, pictures speak louder than words ey? Tayah cakap, tunjuk je la pinterest to ppl. Senang cerita! :D I am going to contact a wedding planner. If the price permits, we'll hire them. Kalau tak....either cari other planners or buat sendiri ar (which I doubt sebab mcm x rajin :| )
For our wedding preparations, we have decided to divide the tasks. He will handle the serious stuff (tok kadi, blood test n what not); which, kalau x buat, x leh ar nk kawin. I will handle stuff yg kalau x buat pon boleh je kahwin tapi gedik nk buat gak. geddit? hahaha. What do you know. Pejam celik pejam celik tinggal 6 bulan lagi yaw!!! So we have to start do things sikit-sikit. InsyaAllah everything will come thru. Bak kata pepatah, sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit :D I pray that everything will go smoothly. Kalau x as planned pon, as what Allah's plan; that is the best plan ever :) Amin...
I want to buy new phone. My phone slowly dah kaput. Yesterday, camera dah rosak. Almost everyweek kene restart sebab hang je all the time. I bought this phone 2009 ok. Lame dah berkhidmat :D Waiting for celcom to keluarkan the color I want. Buy with package better. Kan? But I dunno whether celcom nak kuarkan dat color ke x. Mari bersabar dan berharap (until my current phone da betol2 gone).
Akhir kate, it's friday!!! Let's be thankful and do more good people. Even a smile can brighten someone's day. :) :) :)
Tuesday, April 23
Music is Fun & Relaxing (haha cliche)
Went to watch The Impatient Sisters last nite. They were gooooooood! Awesome! And amazingly petite!! Hoho.
Honestly they sound super sedap. Go n listen to them. Serius x menyesal!
There were 2 other performers, Brian n Azmyl. We only get to see Azmyl Yunor. He was awesome too. Performed together with The Sigarettes. Bought his cd :P I like when they performed Anak Dara.
p/s: Oh! We played a guessing game. And I won!!! I hope I get the hadiah :D Hoping x hoping sgt lah. Tapi If I REALLY get it, it would be awesome :D
Went to watch The Impatient Sisters last nite. They were gooooooood! Awesome! And amazingly petite!! Hoho.
Honestly they sound super sedap. Go n listen to them. Serius x menyesal!
There were 2 other performers, Brian n Azmyl. We only get to see Azmyl Yunor. He was awesome too. Performed together with The Sigarettes. Bought his cd :P I like when they performed Anak Dara.
Googled. This vid appeared first. I am sure they were many more. My internet is super slow. I don't have the patience to google others.
p/s: Oh! We played a guessing game. And I won!!! I hope I get the hadiah :D Hoping x hoping sgt lah. Tapi If I REALLY get it, it would be awesome :D
Saturday, March 23
Of Monsters and Men
It's official. This is my most fav band at the moment :D
Thanks to Cyan for making me listen to them Hiks.
Thanks to Cyan for making me listen to them Hiks.
Friday, March 22
Thursday, March 14
I remembered A told us ; peoples' facebook status updates nowadays are more spiritual. Many has posted in an indirect da'wah way. It's a good change insyaAllah. I am happy to see many of my girlfriends has decided to be more accurate in living the islamic way. Honestly happy.
I myself is trying to learn and practice the correct way. I admit, I am nowhere perfect as a muslimah, be it in my way of dressing, or my way of talking / action. I do cover my hair, but not properly covering my aurah. I don't lower my gaze, I speak whatever I want. I try to complete all the wajibs, am not consistent tho. Yeah, I know my imperfection *Sigh
I was watching this 1 talk show. The speaker was very blunt, which I think is good (sometimes). Of all the things she said, this 1 phrase hit me.
' Kepada semua muslimah terutamanya para isteri, sekiranya anda keluar dan tidak menjaga batas-batas pergaulan sesama rakan, anda telah meletakkan satu kaki suami anda ke neraka. '
It's deep. I am a grown lady now. I know what is good and bad. Now that I am still single, my dad is the one responsible to everything I do. Nauzubillah, when I think about this, I absolutely am not ecstatic to this thought. I want to change to be better. I do. InsyaAllah, may Allah make it easy for me. Ameen.
On a different note, now that I am engaged, I do wear my engagement and merisik ring when I go out. And somehow, I feel secure. Haha. Not that I am being cautious before, but now I feel that men look at me in a different way now. Cheh, I know I perasan only. I am not saying Im hot or people find me sexy ke ape. Tapi the way men talk to me are different now. Lagi appropriate. Yerp, I noticed that.
Wedding prep is on going alhamdulillah. Mom and me had some uneasy discussions, but we managed :D We are good negotiators. HAHA! Dearest fiance is busy with work but still butt in with some ideas and agree on most things (which I like :P). Our motto for the wedding: Asalkan Everyone Happy :D
p/s: I feel so sluggish watching this juiceworks guiy making juices. Going to get some veges n fruits to blend later. Hehe.
I remembered A told us ; peoples' facebook status updates nowadays are more spiritual. Many has posted in an indirect da'wah way. It's a good change insyaAllah. I am happy to see many of my girlfriends has decided to be more accurate in living the islamic way. Honestly happy.
I myself is trying to learn and practice the correct way. I admit, I am nowhere perfect as a muslimah, be it in my way of dressing, or my way of talking / action. I do cover my hair, but not properly covering my aurah. I don't lower my gaze, I speak whatever I want. I try to complete all the wajibs, am not consistent tho. Yeah, I know my imperfection *Sigh
I was watching this 1 talk show. The speaker was very blunt, which I think is good (sometimes). Of all the things she said, this 1 phrase hit me.
' Kepada semua muslimah terutamanya para isteri, sekiranya anda keluar dan tidak menjaga batas-batas pergaulan sesama rakan, anda telah meletakkan satu kaki suami anda ke neraka. '
It's deep. I am a grown lady now. I know what is good and bad. Now that I am still single, my dad is the one responsible to everything I do. Nauzubillah, when I think about this, I absolutely am not ecstatic to this thought. I want to change to be better. I do. InsyaAllah, may Allah make it easy for me. Ameen.
On a different note, now that I am engaged, I do wear my engagement and merisik ring when I go out. And somehow, I feel secure. Haha. Not that I am being cautious before, but now I feel that men look at me in a different way now. Cheh, I know I perasan only. I am not saying Im hot or people find me sexy ke ape. Tapi the way men talk to me are different now. Lagi appropriate. Yerp, I noticed that.
Wedding prep is on going alhamdulillah. Mom and me had some uneasy discussions, but we managed :D We are good negotiators. HAHA! Dearest fiance is busy with work but still butt in with some ideas and agree on most things (which I like :P). Our motto for the wedding: Asalkan Everyone Happy :D
p/s: I feel so sluggish watching this juiceworks guiy making juices. Going to get some veges n fruits to blend later. Hehe.
Monday, February 25
Happy monday people!!
I am in a really good mood at the moment.
I am not going to tell you why.
But just thot of sharing the happy mood with everyone.
Oh. I love this song.
Give such happy vibe.
If you're feeling rather mellow on a monday, go and enjoy this happy song.
Friday, February 15
We have a new healthy weekly activity now. It's SWIMMING!! Woots!
I bought my swimming suit (finally!). I need to learn to swim. Reason being...I want to take up diving lesson by this year. I know many people said that I don't have to be good in swimming to dive, but I think I should know. In know.:|
Besides, it's #4 in my to do list heh.
Looking forward to tomorrow's swim. Will be our 2nd time. InsyaAllah will be more of this.
Hey Mr Grump Gills
You know what you gotta do when life gets you down?
Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming swimming swimming
What do we do we swim, swim, swim
OH HO HO How I love to swim
When you WAAAAAANNTTT to swim you want to swim
We have a new healthy weekly activity now. It's SWIMMING!! Woots!
I bought my swimming suit (finally!). I need to learn to swim. Reason being...I want to take up diving lesson by this year. I know many people said that I don't have to be good in swimming to dive, but I think I should know. In know.:|
Besides, it's #4 in my to do list heh.
Looking forward to tomorrow's swim. Will be our 2nd time. InsyaAllah will be more of this.
Hey Mr Grump Gills
You know what you gotta do when life gets you down?
Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming swimming swimming
What do we do we swim, swim, swim
OH HO HO How I love to swim
When you WAAAAAANNTTT to swim you want to swim
Monday, February 4
W Part Deux
Not the best pictures. Waiting for the good ones to be transferred :D
Alhamdulillah everything went well. The day was blessed. Drizzly since morning. Stopped and rained again many many times.
To everyone who came, those who called /texted / whatsapped/ fb-ed...thank you so much for sharing the happy moments. Do pray for us. Only Allah can pay your kind and thoughtfulness.
Monday, January 7
W Part I
Yesterday marked the beginning of a good journey insyaAllah.
Alhamdulillah syukur everything went smooth.
Only God knows how nervous I was yesterday (Im really glad I master this poker face :P )
I have to thank my family so much for being the greatest!
Oh God, do protect and blessed them in this life and hereafter. Ameen...
Dear FTB, Let's make this happen yaw :*
Yesterday marked the beginning of a good journey insyaAllah.
Alhamdulillah syukur everything went smooth.
Only God knows how nervous I was yesterday (Im really glad I master this poker face :P )
I have to thank my family so much for being the greatest!
Oh God, do protect and blessed them in this life and hereafter. Ameen...
Dear FTB, Let's make this happen yaw :*
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