Monday, December 24


Irizis :)>-

Saturday, December 8

Pagi Yang Gelap...Kini Sudah Terang

Whoever planning to go to The Curve, please please try the Baked Choc Pudding (if I'm not mistaken) at The Apartment. Super sedap ok! Rugi sape x try!!


After a month and a week of internship, I started to feel that working is not for me :|. I totally prefer studying. Honestly!

1) Studying- Dun haf to wake up early in the morning for 5 days straight.
Working- Totally have to. Plus, it's continuous!! :-<
2) Studying- You can skip class as u like
Working- No suke-suke holiday for u. Sigh~!
3) Studying- If got morning class and u totally malas to get up dat morning but still wanting to go to class, can ganti on the evening or the next day
Working- The time is already fixed! No replacement whatso eva. Haiyoh
4) Studying- Anytime is ur enjoy time *Except during exams :s*
Working- Balik from keje da malam =ngantok=tido... So wikens jeh! Urgh~~!

Working is even sucker when u haf to come to work when there's no work to be done that day. Frustrating I tell u! U just sit around, forcing helplessly for the eyelid to open all the time and not caught lazyboning :| The only good thing when working is at the end of the month, u gain moneh. Yeah Baby :D
So Im planning to get a job which requires very less job with high high pay and no fix working hours heheh! Anyone?? ;;)


My sister is coming back dis month. And the whole family plus 2 aunties and a family's fren going on holiday without me. Again! Benci betol asyik kene tinggal :( They're going to Vietnam :| Yerp, not very interesting place to go. So I dun mind :D As long as they get me lots and lots of ole2 Hehe..


Oh! My brother showed me dis clip. Lion was brought from Iran. SUbhanallah...

Sunday, December 2


It's Aini's and Tengku's wedding today!!
Happy wed guys~!

P/s: Oh! Dun use too much of Watie's and Zul's gift :|