Sabtu malam I had some friends coming to my house for makan2. I counted dalam 24 orang yang datang. The food was great. We had sambal sotong, telor itik masak lemak, ikan masak asam, ikan kering & sayur goreng. Tapi they all kepedasan. Welcome to the chilli-eaters family :D Sampai ade 1 of my friends siap pesan, next time kalau die datang, goreng ayam ngan telor mate je. Pastu letak kicap. Senang cite.Nak wat sendiri ar!! banyak bunyik lak:P Then I bought some satay tapi x cukop sampai Idayu nangis2 x dapat makan. So my mother had to buy another 100 cucok hehe...All in all, best ar. Last people balik around 1130 camtu. Tapi after dah susun2 meja, angkat2 pinggan, basoh sket2, tros pengsan. X sedar ape2 sampaila the next morning when my mother wake me up for Subuh. Oh ya! the Perempuans got their duit raya that nite. The Lelakis don't help at all. Datang nak makan je so x dapat la...
Thanks for coming kawan2.
1 comment:
same-same kaseh...dpt duit raiye lg.huhu:)>-
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