Saturday, December 31
After filling the stomach with a much less fat and healthier cooked-chicken, we dashed to another shopping complex. He tried on a jeans and a jacket [correct me on the counting again :P]and still didn't fit him.I found 1 for myself.Woohoo~But had to be left there to be altered. Besok baru nak amik sebab tailor tu dah balik. He on the other hand, found none. Pity him. SoBSoB~...So now rase la how I felt when we went out shopping the other day.
Now I'm here and he is on the way back home :(
Save journey yah :*
Friday, December 30
Tuesday, December 27
At 640pm, she rushed back home as she suffers from Rabun Malam and the day was getting dark. Plus, her mother said that they were going back kampong that very night. She entered her room at exactly 8pm. Driving quite fast just to find out that they were going the next day. Sigh~
The next day, packed and left to kampong sweet kampong. There weren't many cars, so the journey was smooth. Reached there, unloading the bags and the oh-so-many baju kurungs, salam-salam everyone and watched tv while the others prepared for lunch. :| Then, she went to her cousin's house for the akad nikah ceremony. Her cousin who she addressed as kaklang, was very beautiful with a off white baju kawin. Kaklang's make up was stunning!!Cudos to the Mak Andam. The ceremony went smoothly and she was very tired. Around 7pm, she went to her kampong, then sleep from 730 to 9pm. Woke up feeling very dizzy and had a call from a roomate. Then she had to wait for another call, but everytime the phone rangs, she wasn't anywhere near her phone. While still waiting patiently by the phone, she fall asleep.
Saturday was the Bersanding ceremony. They had a few photograph sessions, with she herself being the photographer [a professional one I would say]. At night, they celebrated her sister's birthday. There was no present for her but the cake was nice tho. Dun worry beb, InsyaAllah coming soon. Then the wedding cake and the wed's present opening ceremony. The day after, with 14 cars altogether, they convoied to the groom's place. We had to stop at a masjid to wait for another bride to arrive. It was a 1 tiring irritating hour, we reached our destination at 1 and it was raining. [The day was 'getting better and better']. Naseb baik makanan sedap. That night, the whole family went back to Melaka.
Today, she went shopping with her sister, flashing and signing on the card ;;). Then she rushed to fetch a friend and headed straight to KLIA. Traffic was terrrrific heavy but lucky for them they got to use the other lane when PLUS opened it. Reached KLIA to only salam and her family were off to India leaving her all alone in Malaysia. -END-
Tuesday, December 20
Setting Mind
If you set ur mind into doing something, u'll probably gonna achieve doing that something. I'm talking thru experience here. For example, I set my mind to wake up at 1230 eventho I sleep for only 3 hours, and I did get up at 1230 without the help of the alarm. Setting mind to me plays major role in lives. So people, if u can't get up early or if u think u can't do sit ups [no offence ya girl :D], set ur mind. -END-
5# Choose Colour 'Colour greatly increases the desirability of food' says psychologist Jane Firbank. By selecting red peppers, carrots and mangoes over lettuce, cucumber and dull-looking apples, you'll feel a whole lot more positive about eating low-fat and low-calorie food in place of something less healthy.
Sunday, December 18
¤It Is The Beauty Killed The Beast¤
I never knew a big monkey cud laugh, can be so funny at times and so damn ferocious at another, wud has feelings and be so romantic and know what beautiful is. I never knew bugs cud be soo mean and irritating and scary :-s I never watch a muvi that ends at 4 o'clock in the morning. But it was indeed a dramatic-touching-breath-taking exciting muvi...
#4 Learn sabotage-avoidance techniques Sometimes people will do all they can to persuade you to eat or drink things you don't really want.
Friday, December 16
Thursday, December 15
·Je T'aime·
¤I Luv U...U Luv Me...We're Bes Fren Dat One Shud Be...With A Quick Big Hug And A Kiss From Me To U Mwacks :*...Won't U Say U Luv Me Too...¤
*Tibe2 teringat lagu ni so thot of sharing with everybody. One of the lagu wajib for Barney & Frens if I am not mistaken. :D*
2# Chew, Chew, Chew Research from Sheffield University shows dat thorough chewing allows the food time to interact properly with the systems in the body that tell ur brain u're full. But it takes time for these 'fullness' signals to start working. If u've just wolfed down a meal but think ur still hungry, wait a while to allow them to function. If u're still hungry after half an hour then go ahead and eat
As long as I can remember, I never do my assignment by my own. Or did I? Oh ya! I remembered one. But I dun think I did it all by myself. Probably I did copied others. And so I never did. Most of the time I have to wait for the SOURCE. And I never submit them early. Or did I? I really can't remember. Boy! I have a bad attitude of not doing my assignment and send them late plus I have very poor memory. Sigh~ But I know I never not-submit my assignment. No matter how incomplete my assignments are, I always submit them regardless the mase and the tarikh. Hey! better late than never rite?!! And gladly I have a partner dat always together in this submitting-late-assignment-thingy. Thanks Pomp! :*
#1 Don't deprive yourself 'Never ban food from your diet' says Slimming's World's nutritionist Jacquine Lavin. If you try to follow a very restricted diet, you'll soon get bored and crave the food you've been denying yourself, so you won't be able to stick it out. And the longer you deprive yourself, the more you're likely to eat when you do give in. So include some of your favourite treats-in moderation.
Tuesday, December 13
I spent my whole Sunday at home. 1st and foremost[spelling??!] was cleaning the toilet. Then I washed my clothes. Then hang them after watching Melodi. After Zohor, I cooked 3 dishes. With only 1 hotplate, it was very difficult to cook fast. I took 2 hours to finish cooking :| Then we ate. Then watched tv. Then I took my bath. Then I heated the lauk for dinner. Then we ate. Then watched tv again. Then as I was waiting for the ending of a story, I felt asleep. At 2++ I woke up to find Watie watching tv and asked me to join her. I'm trying the hell to open my eyes but it just won't open. Then I continued sleeping. At 4++ with mosquitoes buzzing around my ears, I went upstairs and continued sleeping dengan harapan I could get up early for the early prayer but end up waking up at 9++...-END-
Harini cuti and I am so glad. Usually I hate Sunday nites, but not dis time :D
Monday, December 12
Yesterday nite, we went to KLIA to see my sister and my father, my sister who just got back from
After finished eating, we start working on our assignment. We asked my father about the project we're working on and believe me I too am surprised on the facts. Seriously, u can't find all the information on the internet. far as what I have browsed - which is not many :P Kudos to Watie for being a good interviewer with her bad condition and Amran for still participating on the interview. Oh! and the very2 good and intellectual questions Pejaswaran made :D the interview went on for about 1 hour plus. Kesian budak2 tu dah penat sangat. Then we salam2 and say goodbye and dashed to Cyberjaya. Reached home around 140 kot, then Watie along with Azura and Dila hantar Amran balik. I didn't go as my headache is soo damn painful, I just had to lie down.
Thanks for driving Watie here, thanks for driving us there, thanks for accompanying us, thanks for bringing the Vidcam, thanks for the lovely dinner, thanks for being good group mates, thanks for the information, thank You all!!
Saturday, December 10
Friday, December 9
Sebentar lagi saya ingin ke PTPTN untuk menyambung tempoh pinjaman selama setahun lagi. Kemudian saya akan ke rumah Watie untuk menemani beliau
Tuesday, December 6

I haf a fren. A very close fren. Dis fren has eyes like the elephant. You can just see the resemblance but I dun haf his eyes pic upclose tho. But believe me, it IS the same. Bak kate pepatah 'saling tak tumpah' :D Anyways, lately his stomach has been expanding from day to day. Now it's like a perot gajah. Just look at the gamba on the right corner. You can't really see it as the t-shirt covers the whole thing up :|. You've becoming an elephant without u knowing it dear. And u're still denying it. What can I say...
Monday, December 5
Sleeping Beauty
Yesterday I slept from 3++ until 9++. Watched TV. Then I continued sleeping from 1++ to 3++. Then I went out. When I got back, I went straight to bed around 2++. Today, I woke up at 10++. Watched TV. Went out for lunch at 2++. Then after reading the newspaper, I sleep again for more than 2hours. What is this?? Sleeping Mode Weekend???
Sunday, December 4
Julius Caesar
It was supposed to be on Tuesday, but had problems either we go on the 3rd or 4th. We decided to go on the 3rd at 830pm. Azwa, Azura Ilyana& Amran supposed to join us tapi they haf other plans :( left only 3 of us-Watie, Faizal Iman and me :D
The play is at KLPAC, Sentul. The place was nice tho. After collecting our tickets, kenc, lepak2 jap then we go upstairs on the 2nd floor. After the announcement of the door has been opened, we masokla. The kerusi was multicolored & lucky us we got to sit at our fav-color-cushion which is red, blue and kuning.
Then the play started...It was soooo boring!! It was english...I mean Shakespeare's English, there were no humour whatsoever, no massive props, no background, the costume was dull..what shud i say more???Watie sampai pening2 lagi. No offense for the art lovers but this was no fun at all!!Dun get me wrong. I do love theatres. I've watched a few & they were LOT more interesting than this. I like the killing part tho. Credits to the technical coordinator, lighting designer and the graphic designer for the really2 cool stuff. Believe me..without them, the play wud be very2 much dull!! Oh did I mention dat the Photographer & theGraphic Designer is a MMU Cyberjaya grads. Clap clap~
I called home. They say ayah appeared on a Drama TV. Then a friend of mine messaged me telling the same thing. Unfortunately, couldn't watch it as most of the kedai switced on TV1 :(
Saturday, December 3
1200- Try to draw some money...tapi perkhidmatan tergendala sebentar. malas nk tunggu :|
1215- Pick them up
1217- Head to Puchong to get his money from his abang
1234- Plan to eat somewhere far, tp dah lapa sangat so mkn jap kat adela kedai2 kat situ.
1236- Igt nk mkn ringan2 dulu...hakikatnya we ordered cencaru bakar, kerang bakar, roti bom, roti telor & airs :|
0104- Gi Petronas filling up the tank
0111- Stret to Bandar Atas
0143- Jalan-jalan round round tired tired.
0301- Makan stimbot. Azura+Azwa+Watie beli 15 cucuk altogether
0321- Beli air
0323-Head back to Cyberjaya the Intelligent City b-)
0401-Reach hostel
0409-Sampai rumah
0437-Sleeping Mode