¤I Luv U...U Luv Me...We're Bes Fren Dat One Shud Be...With A Quick Big Hug And A Kiss From Me To U Mwacks :*...Won't U Say U Luv Me Too...¤
*Tibe2 teringat lagu ni so thot of sharing with everybody. One of the lagu wajib for Barney & Frens if I am not mistaken. :D*
2# Chew, Chew, Chew Research from Sheffield University shows dat thorough chewing allows the food time to interact properly with the systems in the body that tell ur brain u're full. But it takes time for these 'fullness' signals to start working. If u've just wolfed down a meal but think ur still hungry, wait a while to allow them to function. If u're still hungry after half an hour then go ahead and eat
hehe, now ko da really into our diet program eh? hehe..ada kata2 motivasi lagi..bagus la amalkan selalu..biar terbukak skit pintu hati aku ni.heh
Tu ar!Marilah kawan2 kite kurus bersame:D
saye sudah kurus b-)
aiya dh lame dah tauh bende nih. sebab tuh la aiya selalu prektikkan. :D biar kunyah lame, asal kenyang mkn.
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