It's been a while since the last update. Well u know...I was in LANGKAWI!!! Weehuu~Here's the recap:-

15th January 2006
Everything is ready, head to Perhentian Duta. The 4 of us:-Watie, Ill, FaizalIman and me with Puan Azlina [or izit Zalina :-s] drove us there. Then Azwa made a verryy last minute decision to follow us : So it was 5 of us :P Hafiz will be joining us there too from USJ.
Our tix is at 12am. Azwa and Hafiz bought them tickets at 930am tomorrow. So its 4 of us that nite, and 2 of them in the morning. After salaming Watie's mom, say goodbye to the other 2, we got on the bus and off we go...

16th January 2006
Reached Kuala Perlis at 630am. Got on the ferry to Langkawi Island at 7am.
Kakak was waiting for us at the Langkawi Jetty. Then we had our breakfast at Hameed's.
Then settled for the Kereta Sewa. A Wira for RM 60 perday. Then off we go look for our place to stay.
Reached Pantai Cenang, got off the car then jalan2 from resort to resort to choose which is the best and finally MALIBEST RESORT was the best so far [That explains the name I suppose]. The resort was in front of the pantai which is verry nice and exciting. At that time, Amelina's Pasir putih tepi pantai, Ombak saling berkejaran tune was playing in our heads :D
Check in at 2, so we planned to go to Underwater World. There, we got to see penguins being fed by the staff. They were so comel...I like I like...
Then lunch, check in and tido zzZZzz...
Around 5pm, we head to jetty to pick Hafiz and Azwa. Then head to Pantai Cenang to mandi!!! [Well I wasn't really mandi but berendam heh]. Then we cleaned up and get ready for dinner. It was called ABC restaurant. A Thai restaurant with a Thai cook who spoke Langkawi-Siamese Dialect :P The food was lovely and cheap. I reckon everyone to go there. Double thumbs-up to the cook.

17th January 2006
After Subuh the girls walked along the beach[The fact is the boys are sleeping sooo soundly]. It was lovely. We got to
see a lot of weird shells and star fish and umang-umang and little fish and many many crabs making holes and lotsa lotsa things :P. The sunrise cannot be seen clearly but still it was breath-taking.
Afternoon, we went to Beras Terbakar and Telaga Tujuh. Beras Terbakar was ok, bought some souvenirs for loved ones. Telaga Tujuh was soo tiring!!! We didn't expect it would be very high. Ill sampai nangis2 sebab semput We did go ¾ way which was ok gell. Oh! and there were monkeys!!! Then head to Pantai Cenang again and we were banana-boating. Woohoo~ We fell off the boat 3 times which was exciting. But the part to get back on the boat was the hardest. Anyways, being a healthy and energetic teenagers, we managed :D
At nite, we went to Cikjan's house for dinner. It was lovely. Siap tambah 3 4 pinggan lagi :P

18th January 2006
Had to wake up early as we were going Snorkelling!!! at Pulau Payar. We got on the boat which was 3 storeys high. The journey was 1hour plus. Reached there, get dressed and down we go meet the fishes. At first there were problems with the goggle and stuff but again we managed :D
Then its was lunch time!For us and for the sharks :-s The abang2 there campak the ketul2 ayam into the water and all the fishes eat like never eaten before. But of course the biggest shark got the most chicken hehe...At first, we were afraid to be in the water, but after sometime we were in anyway together with the sharks and Nemos and Dorys and Baracudas!!It was sure a very exciting experience. As we were a little braver than before, we went further to the sea and enjoyed a more fantastic scenary of terumbu karang and lots more fishes and 1 angry fierce looking baracuda. Everything was nice except for the part that my right leg cram(spelling??!) and I was alone at that time. Only God knows how I felt :(
Around 3 we went back to Langkawi. It was the first time I had my shower on a boat Macam orang mabuk mandi...bergoyang2 :P Then it's shopping time!!We really shop till us drop :D Then we went to kakak's house. After had late dinner, they were puffing nonstop and I went to sleep...

19th january 2006
Went to cable car. It was high. The scenary was B.E.A.U tiful. They were hanging bridge. Then had last minute shopping before hop on the ferry at 4pm to Kuala Perlis and catch the bus at 6pm.

20th January 2006
Reached Pudu at 1.30am. Had Watie's parents send us back to Cyberjaya.
There you go...It is a trip to remember for sure. I end now.
hensem la mamat yg dikelilingi oleh para gundik di tetangga.. hehehe
the holiday was so fun .. how i miss langkawi .. nice place nice ppl and of course cheap tobaccos :D
detail nya cerita ko..hehe
best best nasib baik aku ikut
langsuir pun join skali ke?
pomp gamba kau ngan keter tuh cam kepale kau melekat kat keter. hehe. tkyah ikot, bace entry kau jek dah terase cam kt langkawi. huhu. << it's cramp. i also just knew.
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