This is a PONY.
I can still remember there's a cartoon about ponies(Spelling??)
Os izit unicorns?
Or izit both?
It was long long time ago.
When I was still small.
Well, I dun mean a verrrrrrrry long time.
I'm not that old OK!
I'm only at my early 20s.
I just own such poor memories.
I can't remember much.
The old memories have been overlap with the new ones.
Talking about old memories..
There's a new TV series on TV9 called OSHIN.
Shouldn't be address as new I suppose..
I ask my sister whether she still remember dis series back then when we were still young.
But she denied it.
She said dat it is impossible that they could've aired them again after such long time.
But after confirming it with Wats, Oshin did aired then.
Well, my memories weren't that bad after all :-j
Anyways, back to this pony thingy.
Kaklang Yin, 1 of my many2 relatives which I'm totally confused how we are connected,got a pony from her husband on her birthday.
Sweet huh??
Mind you dat they are at their early 40s, and to receive such present, I too get everwhelmed :D
Oh now I remembered.
The cartoon is called My little pony rite??
Or am I wrong again :-s
Haf any of you watch SummerSnow?
I fucking like the lead actor.
I soooooo like his way of talking.
Drools OK!
Him with the talking drools me all over.
What I did so far during holidays??
Layan TV
Layan PS sampai emo sebab asyik mati
Layan Tv series/movies in my laptop
Everything is about loading my fat ass with more fat :))
I dun know how some IPTA students could live up to 3months of hols!!
Lucky us have only 3 weeks of vacations.(Lucky ker??)
Today the fever has gone away
But came flu and bad batuk
Now Im suffering chest pain :(
Penat la saket nih
poni itu adalah kuda padi dalam bahasa melayu kite .. kalo tak salah i la .. hehe
i nk kuda lumba.. leh main judi lumba kuda ..bile u nk belikan i kuda lumba ni hah? haish ..
Amende kau merepek nih??!!!Naik kude pon kau x berani.
hey .. bkn i yg naik ah .. jockey yg naik .. nnt kite bet ah on our horse .. hehe
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