So, Happy newlywed to AliyyaBada and Black!!!And Happy Tunang to Aini and Tengku!! Wee~!

The other day, we celebrated our birthdays Hehe...
And these are among the things we ate =p~

To you and ur frens, be tough. Things happen for a reason. Just pray that things will get better InsyaAllah~
Oh ya! And I am too praying hard for this 'illness' Sigh~! Hope it will get better soooonn.
I am sure, some of the closest frens would remember Imran Iskandar. :">
We were talking about Ning getting engaged to a matsaleh and he changed his name to Omar Sharif. And I was telling if it was me, I would like the guy to change his name to the same initials as mine. The best example is Imran Iskandar :D
Well, I googled him.There is 1 about a month old and a 10 year old injured. Hm..
uish layan siot gmba makanan tu. kat ner? nak mkn. =P~
kahkah. takpela pomp. kawen org mude sket ape salahnye. tunggula lagi 15 thn ke, besarla sket budak tu. gi masok minang skrg.
tu kt equotorial.
tape. nk kawin ngan mat saleh. nnt name die tuka la Imran Iskandar :D
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