Its been long since I last blog. Been too busy. But today, I can proudly say, I've finished with the designing :D Im done with Ansoft! :D Weehee~!
All I haf to do now is to send the design to lab for fabrication. I did go to the lab just now. But the technician said that he had to finish other designs first...then start on mine. Hope he can fabricate fast. Due date is on the 5th. Praying hard I cud submit the complete report on time.
There are still stuff to buy, more than half a report to write on, but I'll get tru insyaAllah.
Oh! I still haf another assignment to be complete which due on the 12th. That day happens to be my FYP presentation day too. What a nice coincidence, aight? Im scared with the presentation. I dun care about the assignment. :|
Last weekend, Azwa and me being the good girl, helped Sha to jaga the guest book on her wedding day. We were hoping that we cud cuci mate with all the gorgeous hunks coming, but were disapointed as most of them came with their partners/spouses. Ape la Sha ni. Ajak la singles ramai2 ..Sigh~!
The place was nice. It was near a tasik with sampan and boat and long boat with lampu hijau passed by. So they took the advantage to get on the sampan too from Souq(Thanks to Pomp for reminding me) to the reception dinner. They actually get on the sampan that use paddles. Yes! Naseb baik x tergolek jatuh dlm air. Hehe... was at nite. The lights were pretty. The food was superlicious and the pengantins were lovely. The slack thing was the tourists. The just didnt know how to be decent. There were signs saying it was a private function. Only guests are allowed. But they just had to trespassed. Menyemak betol! They came to see the fireworks competition. Ppl had to climb up higher to watch the fireworks actually. If not, u cant really enjoy the fireworks. Luckily he had video-ed the fireworks, so I get to see 'em. Sangat lawa!
The next day, we went to the groom's reception plak. The food was again sedaaap. We get to take pictures with the pengantins. Eh! 1 picture je with the pengantins. Others were only us or the pengantins only. Hehe...Somehow the bride sempat to advise us on not getting married as it was biase je :| Hmm...
Anihu....Thank u both for inviting.
Somehow, many-er had join the club. Heh. Not that Im happy for u all or some sort of welcoming ppl to join the so called club. Life sucks, shit happens. We just had to face it nevertheless. But like I always say to myself, there are more u yet to see. Just wait for the perfect time to come. Or someday somehow, all ur wishes and dreams will come true with God willing. Just live life to the fullest and enjoi the most of it :D
Tuesday, August 28
Monday, August 13
Bestnye Dapat Pelok Hans Isaac
I had cramp on my right leg just now. It was damn painful. Luckily there's no one in the room, so I scream as loud as I can ;) I even shed some tears. Saket gile ok! It was long since I had this kinda cramp. Ive put on Minyak Cap Kapak on my kaki like Watie told me so. It helped a little. Dalam BM, kite panggil Simpul Biawak. Hm..Whatever it is, it was extremely painful, and now I'm limping :(
It was MMU convo weekend. Er..I dun think we can called it weekend tho. Because we were having convo on Monday too which is tomorrow. Couple of my friends are among of the unlucky ones to have convo on Monday. So far, it rained. The 1st day was still ok. But the 2nd day which is today was alll wet. Seriously, I dun enjoy it at all. The wet part la. Anyways, am happy for all frens graduating and gutlak in ur future. Ha! Gutlak on the kambing business yah Aini :P
They told me, I haf at least 4 weeks to finish my project. So now Im realllly freaking out. I dun feel the stress rush yet, but I am pretty sure it will soon to come. Basically I haf 3 designs to finish. Just now I just finished 1. I dun know how Im suppose to finish the other 2 with this shorrrrrt of time. Mind u, the 3 designs were supposed to be done months ago. Now, I should have started on my final designs which will be verry complicated and the rendering part will be endlessly long Sigh~! Even now, Im still waiting for the 2/3 designs to finish rendering. Seriously, Im really fucked up :-< Last few days, I had terrible time to sleep at the right time. My biological clock was all messed up. I cant sleep at nite. Only after 7am that I can sleep. Ive tried everything, from watching the movie till the eyes hurt to switch on the fan and put it straight to my face to even count the sheeps :| . But now, the clock has already been fixed Wee~! I tried hard, and after 5 hard ass of trying getting to sleep, saye berjaye! :D
Oh! Badan pon saket2 la. Rase macam nak demam je. FYI, I dun usually slow or switch off the fan. I haf 2 fans actually in my room. But today, I put the ceiling fan at speed 2 and I switched off the kipas meje. Kagum x?? So I think Im really sick :(
My chest hurt too :( :(
It was MMU convo weekend. Er..I dun think we can called it weekend tho. Because we were having convo on Monday too which is tomorrow. Couple of my friends are among of the unlucky ones to have convo on Monday. So far, it rained. The 1st day was still ok. But the 2nd day which is today was alll wet. Seriously, I dun enjoy it at all. The wet part la. Anyways, am happy for all frens graduating and gutlak in ur future. Ha! Gutlak on the kambing business yah Aini :P
They told me, I haf at least 4 weeks to finish my project. So now Im realllly freaking out. I dun feel the stress rush yet, but I am pretty sure it will soon to come. Basically I haf 3 designs to finish. Just now I just finished 1. I dun know how Im suppose to finish the other 2 with this shorrrrrt of time. Mind u, the 3 designs were supposed to be done months ago. Now, I should have started on my final designs which will be verry complicated and the rendering part will be endlessly long Sigh~! Even now, Im still waiting for the 2/3 designs to finish rendering. Seriously, Im really fucked up :-< Last few days, I had terrible time to sleep at the right time. My biological clock was all messed up. I cant sleep at nite. Only after 7am that I can sleep. Ive tried everything, from watching the movie till the eyes hurt to switch on the fan and put it straight to my face to even count the sheeps :| . But now, the clock has already been fixed Wee~! I tried hard, and after 5 hard ass of trying getting to sleep, saye berjaye! :D
Oh! Badan pon saket2 la. Rase macam nak demam je. FYI, I dun usually slow or switch off the fan. I haf 2 fans actually in my room. But today, I put the ceiling fan at speed 2 and I switched off the kipas meje. Kagum x?? So I think Im really sick :(
My chest hurt too :( :(
Monday, August 6
Absolutely Zero

bəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[am-i-kuh-buh
adjective characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable: an amicable settlement.
I just learned this word from Farah Haida.
We were chatting yesterday, and she used this word.
Enihu...thank you for the knowledge :)
Yah, last nite we were conferencing (in the chat room jerr :p)
It wasn't long, but long enuff for me to miss the ol' days.
Miss the ol' friends whom I used to hang out with.
Miss hearing stuff about ppl.
Miss those skool days :)
I really wish that 1 day, we'll haf the biggest gath with everyone present.
Sure gempak punye lah! :P
*Edited Version*
F: Ye ke? Asal tade ape2 kt blog?
S: Huh?
F: Selalu ppl tell everything in their blog
S: Hehe
Yerp, some people do that.
They think that their blog is their diary.
But not me.
Blogging is like telling ppl stories about me.
Stories I dun mind ppl to know of.(Betol x ayat nih??!)
Or expressing something.
Which sometimes I do want ppl to give comments about it.
But most of the times, I dun care whether ppl actually read my blog :P
1 way of telling ppl about my life or my thots non verbally.
The easiest way to tell many2 ppl, without having to repeat them many2 times.
Ya, that is blogging to me.
And I prefer to write things that interest me.
Things that make me all smiley and happy.
That dont irritates me too much.
Of course I do write about things I hate.
But not much hatred as when I read them back, I'll feel sad.
Yes, I do read my blog when I dont have anything else to do. (Poyo OK)
Some sad stories are better kept to myself.
Thats the purpose of writing them at first place, rite?
So dat I can still remember whats been happening to me.
My sister said dat I dont remember things well.
So yah, this blog thingy do helps a little :)
I just watched Prince & Me.
It is an old film.
Ive watched it before, but not the full version.
Saye Nak Kawin Ngan Prince Mat Saleh Plzzz!!!!
Ok. Exaggerating a bit.
At least a kerabat will do.
Tapi nnt kerabat x leh duduk dlm istane :(
Ke semue kerabat duduk kt istane? :|
OK la..
If not royal family, a rich brit will do.
Or any mat saleh with strong English accent.
Drools ~
Its late. And I am still awake.
Because I want to fast tomorrow.
Usually I dun mind of not having Sahur.
But Now I haf to.
Because there is a pill to be telan in the morning.
But since I cant eat in the morning, Sahur time will be the perfect time.
Why I dun just swalllow the pill now?
Because the pill has to be taken at nites too.
There shud be some time intervals.
So the reason of not sleeping now is because I want to wait until sahur and eat my pill.
If not I would woke up late.
And miss eating my pill.
I cant break my fast then since Im Pose Ganti-ing :D
Get the idea rite??
adjective characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable: an amicable settlement.
I just learned this word from Farah Haida.
We were chatting yesterday, and she used this word.
Enihu...thank you for the knowledge :)
Yah, last nite we were conferencing (in the chat room jerr :p)
It wasn't long, but long enuff for me to miss the ol' days.
Miss the ol' friends whom I used to hang out with.
Miss hearing stuff about ppl.
Miss those skool days :)
I really wish that 1 day, we'll haf the biggest gath with everyone present.
Sure gempak punye lah! :P
*Edited Version*
F: Ye ke? Asal tade ape2 kt blog?
S: Huh?
F: Selalu ppl tell everything in their blog
S: Hehe
Yerp, some people do that.
They think that their blog is their diary.
But not me.
Blogging is like telling ppl stories about me.
Stories I dun mind ppl to know of.(Betol x ayat nih??!)
Or expressing something.
Which sometimes I do want ppl to give comments about it.
But most of the times, I dun care whether ppl actually read my blog :P
1 way of telling ppl about my life or my thots non verbally.
The easiest way to tell many2 ppl, without having to repeat them many2 times.
Ya, that is blogging to me.
And I prefer to write things that interest me.
Things that make me all smiley and happy.
That dont irritates me too much.
Of course I do write about things I hate.
But not much hatred as when I read them back, I'll feel sad.
Yes, I do read my blog when I dont have anything else to do. (Poyo OK)
Some sad stories are better kept to myself.
Thats the purpose of writing them at first place, rite?
So dat I can still remember whats been happening to me.
My sister said dat I dont remember things well.
So yah, this blog thingy do helps a little :)
I just watched Prince & Me.
It is an old film.
Ive watched it before, but not the full version.
Saye Nak Kawin Ngan Prince Mat Saleh Plzzz!!!!
Ok. Exaggerating a bit.
At least a kerabat will do.
Tapi nnt kerabat x leh duduk dlm istane :(
Ke semue kerabat duduk kt istane? :|
OK la..
If not royal family, a rich brit will do.
Or any mat saleh with strong English accent.
Drools ~
Its late. And I am still awake.
Because I want to fast tomorrow.
Usually I dun mind of not having Sahur.
But Now I haf to.
Because there is a pill to be telan in the morning.
But since I cant eat in the morning, Sahur time will be the perfect time.
Why I dun just swalllow the pill now?
Because the pill has to be taken at nites too.
There shud be some time intervals.
So the reason of not sleeping now is because I want to wait until sahur and eat my pill.
If not I would woke up late.
And miss eating my pill.
I cant break my fast then since Im Pose Ganti-ing :D
Get the idea rite??
Thursday, August 2
When The Stars Go Blue
It's amazing what search engine can do nowadays. You can find just about anything thru this search engine. I personally prefer Google than Yahoo. You can type in anything, and surely at least one link related to it will come out.
Like recently, I received a message at myspace from this guy, asking whether im the one who has the blog and put his picture in it? And ya, that guy didnt know me at all. We just met, and we took a picture together. Kih kih. And so, I did put the picture :P I was wondering how he finds it, then later I type in his name...and wallah! The first link came out was my blog :P He was cool with it tho. Afterall, its not like I was backbiting him or wrote bad things about him. To Agus, sorry again :p
Nowadays, I really depend on the internet. Its like a superb dictionary+encyclopedia media thingy. Apart from the mucho grando entertainment you can access dat is. Its not tragic if I say, life without internet is sucks. If you were on holidays for a few days its ok but not for a long time. Internet is the new necessity. Even saruq, a friend of mine who is now 'euro triping', accesses the internet almost everyday to update her blog about the trip. So ya, internet is essentials nowadays. Hello!! Like, what u can not find in the internet?? None.
Today I woke up at noon. Lambat gile! Not that I sleep late last nite. Probably because I had this dream about my father who is excitedly arranging my marriage without me having a groom :-s. He was the one who book the catering, design the bridal dais, tempah the baju..EVERYTHING!!! FYI, my father is not a girly type of person. Not like 'Nyah' girly. He never decorates the house or look at the bunges my mother planted in the backyard..u know ..he is not the soft hearted kinda guy. And I think the dream is lengthy :| In the end, everything are all prepared, except for the groom part. No one ever realizes that until I told my father. Then I woke up :)
They say, when u still remembers your dream after u woke up, it wont come true. So lets hope the 'say' is correct afterall.
Last nite, my battery fon was weak. I tried looking for the charger, but nowhere to be found. Then I realize , Ive left it at my house in Melake :-< Lucky Ira is using the same brand fon as I am. And the charger fits Woohoo~! So after dis, Im going to return the charger. But need to shower first :D
Like recently, I received a message at myspace from this guy, asking whether im the one who has the blog and put his picture in it? And ya, that guy didnt know me at all. We just met, and we took a picture together. Kih kih. And so, I did put the picture :P I was wondering how he finds it, then later I type in his name...and wallah! The first link came out was my blog :P He was cool with it tho. Afterall, its not like I was backbiting him or wrote bad things about him. To Agus, sorry again :p
Nowadays, I really depend on the internet. Its like a superb dictionary+encyclopedia media thingy. Apart from the mucho grando entertainment you can access dat is. Its not tragic if I say, life without internet is sucks. If you were on holidays for a few days its ok but not for a long time. Internet is the new necessity. Even saruq, a friend of mine who is now 'euro triping', accesses the internet almost everyday to update her blog about the trip. So ya, internet is essentials nowadays. Hello!! Like, what u can not find in the internet?? None.
Today I woke up at noon. Lambat gile! Not that I sleep late last nite. Probably because I had this dream about my father who is excitedly arranging my marriage without me having a groom :-s. He was the one who book the catering, design the bridal dais, tempah the baju..EVERYTHING!!! FYI, my father is not a girly type of person. Not like 'Nyah' girly. He never decorates the house or look at the bunges my mother planted in the backyard..u know ..he is not the soft hearted kinda guy. And I think the dream is lengthy :| In the end, everything are all prepared, except for the groom part. No one ever realizes that until I told my father. Then I woke up :)
They say, when u still remembers your dream after u woke up, it wont come true. So lets hope the 'say' is correct afterall.
Last nite, my battery fon was weak. I tried looking for the charger, but nowhere to be found. Then I realize , Ive left it at my house in Melake :-< Lucky Ira is using the same brand fon as I am. And the charger fits Woohoo~! So after dis, Im going to return the charger. But need to shower first :D
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