adjective characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable: an amicable settlement.
I just learned this word from Farah Haida.
We were chatting yesterday, and she used this word.
Enihu...thank you for the knowledge :)
Yah, last nite we were conferencing (in the chat room jerr :p)
It wasn't long, but long enuff for me to miss the ol' days.
Miss the ol' friends whom I used to hang out with.
Miss hearing stuff about ppl.
Miss those skool days :)
I really wish that 1 day, we'll haf the biggest gath with everyone present.
Sure gempak punye lah! :P
*Edited Version*
F: Ye ke? Asal tade ape2 kt blog?
S: Huh?
F: Selalu ppl tell everything in their blog
S: Hehe
Yerp, some people do that.
They think that their blog is their diary.
But not me.
Blogging is like telling ppl stories about me.
Stories I dun mind ppl to know of.(Betol x ayat nih??!)
Or expressing something.
Which sometimes I do want ppl to give comments about it.
But most of the times, I dun care whether ppl actually read my blog :P
1 way of telling ppl about my life or my thots non verbally.
The easiest way to tell many2 ppl, without having to repeat them many2 times.
Ya, that is blogging to me.
And I prefer to write things that interest me.
Things that make me all smiley and happy.
That dont irritates me too much.
Of course I do write about things I hate.
But not much hatred as when I read them back, I'll feel sad.
Yes, I do read my blog when I dont have anything else to do. (Poyo OK)
Some sad stories are better kept to myself.
Thats the purpose of writing them at first place, rite?
So dat I can still remember whats been happening to me.
My sister said dat I dont remember things well.
So yah, this blog thingy do helps a little :)
I just watched Prince & Me.
It is an old film.
Ive watched it before, but not the full version.
Saye Nak Kawin Ngan Prince Mat Saleh Plzzz!!!!
Ok. Exaggerating a bit.
At least a kerabat will do.
Tapi nnt kerabat x leh duduk dlm istane :(
Ke semue kerabat duduk kt istane? :|
OK la..
If not royal family, a rich brit will do.
Or any mat saleh with strong English accent.
Drools ~
Its late. And I am still awake.
Because I want to fast tomorrow.
Usually I dun mind of not having Sahur.
But Now I haf to.
Because there is a pill to be telan in the morning.
But since I cant eat in the morning, Sahur time will be the perfect time.
Why I dun just swalllow the pill now?
Because the pill has to be taken at nites too.
There shud be some time intervals.
So the reason of not sleeping now is because I want to wait until sahur and eat my pill.
If not I would woke up late.
And miss eating my pill.
I cant break my fast then since Im Pose Ganti-ing :D
Get the idea rite??
yeah .. i got the idea .. haish
what is pengadie?
org yg ade idea .. haish .. cam pengadil = org yg mengadili .. pengadie = org yg idea ..
pehe dok? haish
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