Raye is superb!! I spent 1 whole week at kampong :D Memang raye sakan ;) Im happy for dis year's raye.
1) I get to smayang raye
2) I still get duit raye (which I think will be the last year to get 'em sob sob)
3) Other MMU studs my batch only get to cuti raye for 1 week, but I get to cuti 1 month Haha!
Oh! To everyone...jempot la datang open house next saturday, 10th nov :D If nak datang, call aite ;)

Family Picture At Kuala Pilah: (l-r) Idayu, Zura, Izwan, Mother. Not in the picture, Father & Angah

Aktiviti wajib setiap raye-Masokkan duit raye dalam sampol to give to cousins :D

At Cikmah's House: Norimah's, Hisham's, Cikyah, Ijan's, Cikmah's and Lija
Episode: Accident
Mum's fren came over n brought along her smallest son. He's in standard 2. Unfortunately, the boy is super excited to see our new kitten and somehow he pushed the box which the kitten was inside to and fro many many times and result on the pergolekan of the kitten and finally...the kitten died :( As if that was still not enuff, he had to angkat the kitten's mummy and dunk her into the water. Lucky the mummy get away fast from the evil boy! My sister cried the whole day sebab those were her cats (literally :p) Oh! the boy got scolded by his mum after mother told her fren about dis. Padan muke! I dun know whether he got rotan or not.
The plaster ceiling in my toilet fell off the other day. Lucky, no one was bathing inside. the shampoo bottle was penyek kene hempap tho.
Episode: Internship
It will be in Shah Alam. Hope we'll do fine :) Will be starting next week. So end of my sweet lovely raya holiday :(
hoi .. mane duit raya .. ckp nak kasik .. haish :-<
Saye pelajar lagi. Mane ade kasi duit raye :-<
btw .. i tot u hate kg :|
apekah gerangannya muka izwan sebegitu rupe?
kate bosan cuti! hahahhaha... slamat berkerja dik... nanti nanges nak cuti...
I like the kampung where macik2 tade nk perli2 suh g dapor je.This time I get to sit in front of the tv anytime I want:D
Izwan tgh di alam remaje :|
Terima kasih kakak!
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