Last Thursday, we went Redang-ing. It was funnnnn.
I like the beach. Simply beautiful.
I adore the corals. I learned that they live 100s of years.
And of course the fishes.One of the divers brought us to see the Garoupa. It was biggg. The size of a big table. We didn't get to see the baby sharks n the sting rays tho. We only get to see them on pictures :P
Erm..the fishes at the Marine Park were tooo frenly. Especially when we brought roti. They went crazy. Some even jump out of the water to get the roti. And Aiya received souvenir from one of the fishes; the love bite haha! I was bitten too, but no lebam whatsoeva :D
Oh! I can't swim. So that explain the life jacket. The diver dunk us in in order for us to be underwater haha!
The food was plenty. The resort was comforting. The lifeguards were nice *wink wink*
I haf a problem with my memory card. Suddenly all the pictures were lost. So need to fix it first.Hopefully can recover all the pics. So the only pics I haf at redang is the underwater pics and the pics from Umar's camera.
Wednesday, October 29
Thursday, October 16
If I Were A Boy
Yesterday we watched Kami. We missed a few of the early scene/s tho :(
H treated us JCo yesterday. Thanks dear :* Congrats on the promotion too.
We decided to loiter for a while n then send them home.
We had the leftover JCo for breakfast.
I sent the car to the workshop.
I walked from the workshop to my office.
N said and I quote "Jauhnye jalan"
I think it was fine.
The weather was breezy. Nice and comfy.
When I go n get back the car, the mechanic asked,
" Bila mau tuka baru? Kereta ini lu kasi jual la. Lu angkat baru punya"
And I replied, " Ada org mau beli ka ini kereta?"
And he answered, " Adala. Tapi tak bnyk lu boleh dapat"
I asked him, " 100 la saya igt"
He replied, " Woo.Mana boleh bnyk itu mcm"
I replied back,"Seratus ringgit la"
He giggled a bit n replied, " Tada la. 2 ribu saya igt boleh dapat"
He thot I said 100thou. I know that car won't worth that much. Like hello!!!
oh! the brake's drum (or something like that) had to be replaced.
When I first use the car after it has been serviced, it felt different. Weird different.
After awhile, I like it! The brake is so nice to press on haha!
I went to yoga class today. I try not to miss today's class as I like today's instructor compared to other day's instructor.
She's pretty n young n pretty.
I'm straight, dun get me wrong.
I just like the way she instruct. And I like her body :P
Yerp, the idol body.
But if I were a boy, I will definitely turn onnn!
If I were a boy, a song by Beyonce.
I heard over the radio. And I think it sounds good.
I was looking for this one song from this band. But cudn't find the song I wanted.
But I found this instead.
And I think it's great.
So listen to it :)
H treated us JCo yesterday. Thanks dear :* Congrats on the promotion too.
We decided to loiter for a while n then send them home.
We had the leftover JCo for breakfast.
I sent the car to the workshop.
I walked from the workshop to my office.
N said and I quote "Jauhnye jalan"
I think it was fine.
The weather was breezy. Nice and comfy.
When I go n get back the car, the mechanic asked,
" Bila mau tuka baru? Kereta ini lu kasi jual la. Lu angkat baru punya"
And I replied, " Ada org mau beli ka ini kereta?"
And he answered, " Adala. Tapi tak bnyk lu boleh dapat"
I asked him, " 100 la saya igt"
He replied, " Woo.Mana boleh bnyk itu mcm"
I replied back,"Seratus ringgit la"
He giggled a bit n replied, " Tada la. 2 ribu saya igt boleh dapat"
He thot I said 100thou. I know that car won't worth that much. Like hello!!!
oh! the brake's drum (or something like that) had to be replaced.
When I first use the car after it has been serviced, it felt different. Weird different.
After awhile, I like it! The brake is so nice to press on haha!
I went to yoga class today. I try not to miss today's class as I like today's instructor compared to other day's instructor.
She's pretty n young n pretty.
I'm straight, dun get me wrong.
I just like the way she instruct. And I like her body :P
Yerp, the idol body.
But if I were a boy, I will definitely turn onnn!
If I were a boy, a song by Beyonce.
I heard over the radio. And I think it sounds good.
I was looking for this one song from this band. But cudn't find the song I wanted.
But I found this instead.
And I think it's great.
So listen to it :)
Monday, October 13
Last weekend was a open-house-weekend. Not that I went to many open houses, just that, that's what I did over the weekend. I went to Azwa's. Reached around 9-ish pm. It was not an open house actually. More of a makan2 kinda thing. Her mother somehow decided to cook laksa johor and so I went haha.
And then head to Wati's together with Azwa. We reached her house at 11pm :| The traffic was pack somehow. Prolly because of the heavy rain, which cause flooding hence the bad traffic. Sorry Wati to keep u waiting :P Oh ! the rain was heaaavvvyy. Near my housing area, 3-4 medium size trees went down. Not because of lightning, but because of the strong wind! All the roots came out from the tanah (mcm hantu pulak :P ) Anyways, we went back and reached Azwa's at 2am. Wati n Zul showed us the way to go back. Somehow Zul's hand signal confused us and we went straight instead of turning right and end up lost for a while Sigh~!
Azwa's father was still awake when we got there but kindly said "pegi naik atas" or something like that. Haha.. Yah, had to overnite at Azwa's as it was too late n dangerous to go back to my house :|
Then there was Asserk's the next day. I carpooled with Kino. Kino parked her car next to mine, and I immediately came out from my car n go inside hers without realizing I wore different shoes n both were for the right leg!!Different as in one was with heels n 1 is flats! I didn't realize it until we reached Kajang! Lucky Kino keeps all her shoes inside the car haha. Hers was size 6 but what the heck! I'd rather wore a bigger shoes with same height n pattern rather than a total complete out of place different shoes.
Asserk was too busy to entertain us and she sent her nephew instead. His name is Akid. Well, Akid would grow up to be a fineeee man. He totally likes girls (ehem ehem). Too soon tho to be acting like him for his age. Anyways, we dun mind heh.
Oh! I parked my car at the LRT KJ st. I simply parked along the road. I know there was a yellow line, but it's the weekend and who would saman u over the weekend right? WRONG! I think nowadays police traffics can claim for OT (or mmg boleh claim all this while?) and yerp I got my ticket! Benci!
Aizat menceritekan perihal giginye kepade Kino
Dan juge Azam
Hudam sempat posing walaupon makanan penuh di mulut while Asserk sebok memberi direction kerumahnye
They were so kagum with Asserk's picture
This is Kino with Akid. Look at where he's looking =))
Somehow Akid is photogenic
Bergambar di atas katil sambil menengok gambar2 lame
Bergambar di hujung katil pule(without Zue)
Bergambar sopan di hujung katil with Zue
Bergambar tidak sopan di hujung katil
We decided to have a 2nd round when Wani came
Alisa(betol ke) in the middle
Kino was teaching Aserk the Saloma's dance

A candid pose by Aizat and a peace sign by Kino

Then there was Asserk's the next day. I carpooled with Kino. Kino parked her car next to mine, and I immediately came out from my car n go inside hers without realizing I wore different shoes n both were for the right leg!!Different as in one was with heels n 1 is flats! I didn't realize it until we reached Kajang! Lucky Kino keeps all her shoes inside the car haha. Hers was size 6 but what the heck! I'd rather wore a bigger shoes with same height n pattern rather than a total complete out of place different shoes.
Asserk was too busy to entertain us and she sent her nephew instead. His name is Akid. Well, Akid would grow up to be a fineeee man. He totally likes girls (ehem ehem). Too soon tho to be acting like him for his age. Anyways, we dun mind heh.
Oh! I parked my car at the LRT KJ st. I simply parked along the road. I know there was a yellow line, but it's the weekend and who would saman u over the weekend right? WRONG! I think nowadays police traffics can claim for OT (or mmg boleh claim all this while?) and yerp I got my ticket! Benci!
I dun get to take the pictures while at Azwa's or Wati's. So here's the pics at Asserk's :)
A candid pose by Aizat and a peace sign by Kino
Bergambar bersama tuan rumah with decent clothes
Tuan Rumah in a tiger clothing :|
p/s: Sorry Serk, we found the pic in 1 of your albums n Kino decided to capture it :P
No Work Today!
I was tagged. She wrote 'Irna – Work is to waste time, dear'.
I am at the office. And I dun haf any work to do Yey! So yeh Sha, Im wasting my time here :)
13 random things you love: [in no particular order]
I love big pile of money. Having to eat good free food. I love the internet. I love my Finepix, I always bring it in my bag.I love my house because that's where I can lepak without stressing myself (Im talking about my hse in Melaka, not the one here. If you read my blog, I hate my hsemates hence the house!) I'd love to have my dream car as a present.
I hardly express my love to things and I dun consider good friends and families as things, so those are all the things I love so far.
12 movies you like: [in no particular order]
LOTR trilogy, the Longest Yard, Baik Punya Cilok,Most of Musical Comedies(Sweeney Todd, The Producer etc) yerp yerp.cukop 12 :)
11 bands/artists: [in no particular order]
mraz. caillat.catch22.lavigne.bon jovi.authority zero.
ok.ini x cukop 11 :|
10 things about you physically & personality wise
im very average.i dun tink im a pure malay ( who is anyway?). i haf a small **. And a flat **.some say Im quite. some say Im a blur person.some say Im the lepak kind.some say im me.i dun care wat ppl think of me.
9 songs for your wedding: [in no particular wedding]
im currently single. no plans on having a wedding soon. so no songs for the wedding yet
8 fav drinks/food: [in no particular order]
no particular favour. I eat/drink when I feel like eat/drink-ing it.
7 things you always wear
Undergarments.outer garments.wrist watch.i always wear this 1 slipper wherever i go, but now I've bought a new one so no longer wearing that ol slipper.lip balm sebab i dun like to drink water much :| i always wear my fake smile whenever I see my boss. itu je saye slalu pakai ..
6 pet peeves: [in no particular order]
org ludah merate2.ppl took my things n didnt put it back where it shud yg tatau malu, suke hati je amik brg org without permission!there's this 1 jln near my hse where most ppl wud turn left. so dis 1 time i simply went stret thinking the person wanted to go left but instead go stret n we almost crash.the point here is, most ppl dun use their signal well because not all ppl who wants to turn left at the simpang wud gif the signal. ppl who munch food noisily.Even da tegor pon kunyah lagi kuat.Bodoh betol!org yg belagak tau sume bende tp serius shit tatau ape.
5 things you touch everyday: [in no particular order]
4 shows you watch: [in no particular order]
gossip girls.heroes.pizen i met your mother.
3 celebrities
joni depp!
joni depp!!
joni depp!!!
2 current wishes:
move in to a new hse n having a new car.
get a new laptop n a htc.
1 person you could spend the rest of your life with
erm..not my parents(dats y i move to kl).not my siblings (with no valid rizen).i haf no answer for this one :|
I am at the office. And I dun haf any work to do Yey! So yeh Sha, Im wasting my time here :)
13 random things you love: [in no particular order]
I love big pile of money. Having to eat good free food. I love the internet. I love my Finepix, I always bring it in my bag.I love my house because that's where I can lepak without stressing myself (Im talking about my hse in Melaka, not the one here. If you read my blog, I hate my hsemates hence the house!) I'd love to have my dream car as a present.
I hardly express my love to things and I dun consider good friends and families as things, so those are all the things I love so far.
12 movies you like: [in no particular order]
LOTR trilogy, the Longest Yard, Baik Punya Cilok,Most of Musical Comedies(Sweeney Todd, The Producer etc) yerp yerp.cukop 12 :)
11 bands/artists: [in no particular order]
mraz. caillat.catch22.lavigne.bon jovi.authority zero.
ok.ini x cukop 11 :|
10 things about you physically & personality wise
im very average.i dun tink im a pure malay ( who is anyway?). i haf a small **. And a flat **.some say Im quite. some say Im a blur person.some say Im the lepak kind.some say im me.i dun care wat ppl think of me.
9 songs for your wedding: [in no particular wedding]
im currently single. no plans on having a wedding soon. so no songs for the wedding yet
8 fav drinks/food: [in no particular order]
no particular favour. I eat/drink when I feel like eat/drink-ing it.
7 things you always wear
Undergarments.outer garments.wrist watch.i always wear this 1 slipper wherever i go, but now I've bought a new one so no longer wearing that ol slipper.lip balm sebab i dun like to drink water much :| i always wear my fake smile whenever I see my boss. itu je saye slalu pakai ..
6 pet peeves: [in no particular order]
org ludah merate2.ppl took my things n didnt put it back where it shud yg tatau malu, suke hati je amik brg org without permission!there's this 1 jln near my hse where most ppl wud turn left. so dis 1 time i simply went stret thinking the person wanted to go left but instead go stret n we almost crash.the point here is, most ppl dun use their signal well because not all ppl who wants to turn left at the simpang wud gif the signal. ppl who munch food noisily.Even da tegor pon kunyah lagi kuat.Bodoh betol!org yg belagak tau sume bende tp serius shit tatau ape.
5 things you touch everyday: [in no particular order]
4 shows you watch: [in no particular order]
gossip girls.heroes.pizen i met your mother.
3 celebrities
joni depp!
joni depp!!
joni depp!!!
2 current wishes:
move in to a new hse n having a new car.
get a new laptop n a htc.
1 person you could spend the rest of your life with
erm..not my parents(dats y i move to kl).not my siblings (with no valid rizen).i haf no answer for this one :|
Tuesday, October 7
Jatuh Chenta
We were going out for lunch when I saw it. The New Honda Jazz. It was beautiful and amazingly spacious. I was jatuh chenta pada pandang pertama! So Sarr dear, I support you 197% on buying this car. So dat I can try n sit in it :D
Erm..been missing a few stuff. Dunno who took it. Hope will get it back :( Curse the person who took it. Tade duit sgt ke nk beraye sampai kene mencuri.Stupid fella!
Oh! Do come to my open house on the 18th Oct (Sat) lunch onwards ;)
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