Jatuh Chenta
We were going out for lunch when I saw it. The New Honda Jazz. It was beautiful and amazingly spacious. I was jatuh chenta pada pandang pertama! So Sarr dear, I support you 197% on buying this car. So dat I can try n sit in it :D
Erm..been missing a few stuff. Dunno who took it. Hope will get it back :( Curse the person who took it. Tade duit sgt ke nk beraye sampai kene mencuri.Stupid fella!
Oh! Do come to my open house on the 18th Oct (Sat) lunch onwards ;)
Harini seeeejjuuukkkk~!!!
This is my dream car. Tp x masok2 M'sia lagi :(
lunch onwards?
i want to come b4 brekfes can ah?
before subuh oso can.can help to susun2 meje n potong2 buah :)
hah irna! see told ya it's pretty kan??
haha. definitely i'll bring you jalan-jalan. the car will sampai this month. weehooo!
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