Am listening to Kimya Dawson. Love the song -Loose Lips. Try to sing along. Kinda fun :P
Went to see Qopuy's goats last weekend. Fun all the way eventho I was hellestest scared of them. And Zue was soo cruel to put a kid on my back! I was screaming. Period.
We went to pamper ourselves at the Estebel (spelling??) Spa. It was soo relaxing.
I was tagged.
1. Take a recent picture of yourself OR take a picture of yourself right now.
2. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair... just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instructions with your picture.
5. Tag people to do this.
So here you go Sarr~
I am tagging :
1) Jagung Hangus ( Sure u'll put something interesting :P )
2) Life Asks Of U Of What It Thinks U Can Handle (since u're not updating urs anymore!)
3) Aizat ( if u're blog still exist haha)
Ahhh! tak dapat tgk gamnar kambengg!! FB dah kene block kat office. TT__TT. kenape qopuy ade kambeng?
FB kene block??? Dem! x best gell!
sebab he's a penternak now.
patut la bau pun same .. haish .. melawat kambing rupanya
bile awak bau saye? :|
stalker ke awak ni?
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