i feel like blogging.
but i do not have anything interesting to write at the moment.
i just came back from kampung.
two of my cousins got married.
as of this moment, all of my cousins my batch are married.
so everyone had started asking me when will the next kenduri be. Sigh:-<
i am waiting patiently for the reply from them.
it has been almost 2 months.Sigh :-<
my farm is in chaos.
i planned to restructure.
but the internet was too slow.
i cant even load my farm. Sigh:-<
the only thing that im not sighing now is the fact that im on leave tomorrow!!!!wooyeehaa!!!!!
the farm?hahaha..korang mcm kanak2 la.hadeiiiii..stop main bende tu n blajar masak lagi baek..umor dah lanjut.LOL
god Irna! I just started yesterday, and I'm at level 7 already. Wieeeeee....
azam, berkebun is a good therapy ok!
cyan, good job yaw! aku men seminggu baru sampai level 10 :|
heh.gile bsungguh2 maen.semoga menjadi petani berjaya!
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