But this is not what I want to blog about. Instead, I wanna talk about tangan pijar. U know, when u haf to hold chillis and suddenly the hands feel heaty :|
Being a N9-er, I absolutely can't avoid chillies in my cooking. But I can get pijar-ed easily and instantly.
1905pm- done with the cooking. hands gets more pijar. fanning n blowing hands to give cool air while waiting for azan maghrib
1922pm- azan! buke pose! still pijar but the mind was more focus on the food :P
1947pm- drink CEO Coffee. refreshing!
1949pm- start to realize the pijar is no more!
the point is , the coffee gets my pijar away. Weehee!
I tried googling simptom of tangan pijar but can'f find any. Tips to get off the pijar were plenty. Among them are gosok with air gram n then put hand on fire for a while (like WHAT??) saket kot!!
so im sticking with my coffee :) just a sip gets the pijar away love love!
oh but I tink I need a cooking glove next time. Hmm.. I can tahan saket but not pijar!!! So, out of curiosity... doctors/researchers/healthcheckers out there, any ideas on the simptoms of tangan pijar?
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