Monday, November 21


The Aversions...
  • Waiting - Why must you be late?? Is it so hard to be on time?? Don't you ever think of others' feelings? Just being selfish and not feeling guilty.
  • Not answering phone calls - Isn't it annoying when people don't pick up and answer their phone calls?? Then what is the use of telephones if they are not at full usage. What if there is an emergency?? We should greatly thank Alexander Graham Bell for the effort tho
  • Latecomers - Imagine that u are having a meeting...In the middle of the meeting, enter few people apologizing for being late with very lame reason. What would you feel??
  • Not realizing - Have you ever been in this situation?? You are so sleepy, trying to sleep. Suddenly came your friend, and he wants to talk. Being a kawan sejati, you get up and listen for a while. But you are too tired, sometimes you even dozed off. But the friend of yours has never notice this. Wake up people!! Not everyone is interested on your stories and the little pep talk or whatever u can call it.

The Facts are...

  • I like people waiting for me. It's not that I really want to be late, but I just can't be early...I do not know why. I do think of their feelings who had to wait for me, but really can't do anything.
  • I do answer my handphones calls. But when I'm at home, malas gell ok to pick up the phones. It's not for me anyway, so why bother to pick them up, right?? Plus, Im always upstairs. Most of the calls are for the people downstairs. To go down and call for them...It's just sooo tiring :D
  • Well...I never conduct a meeting before but I'm always late for my class tho. Then, when you enter in the middle of a class, most probably the lecturers will stop their lecture for a sec, people will look at you, all attention is at you now. There goes the time. Eventho sekejap, but still la kan. Some people will feel irritated when this happen. Well, what can I do??? Im so innocent : When you are early, they will say that you are so skema,poyo, macam2 lagi lah. When you are late, they are mad at you. Then, sape yg bersalah sekarang ni??
  • For the last point, I can't recall this happen to me..hehehe

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