Thursday, June 5

Axe Brand Medicated Oil

What do you know. With our 'beloved' PM's short notice statement,I had to queue for 1half freaking hours just to fill up the tank. Mind you. I drive stick! And of all days, yesterday was the day that the road to my house has to be flooded, and the traffic was horrific!Benci ok! And some stupid Malaysians don't learn their manners well. I dun care la if you haf pregnant woman about to give birth, or almost dying pacik inside ur car. Manner is still manner. Since I was small, I have been taught to queue when u want to receive duit raye, the cekgu always asked me to queue when I want to buy nasi lemak or karipap at the canteen, even to bayar tol also u haf to beratur. Y can't most ppl practise what they've learned. Bengap sangat kot otak! Anyways, I dedicate the poem to the oh-so-beloved-current-PM of Malaysia.

Because of u, a friend decided to migrate to UK.
Because of u, a friend had a big fight with her boyfriend :|
Because of u, I cannot watch Narnia last nite.
Because of u, I had to be a more berjimat cermat person :-<
Because of u, I had to rerererereconsider the idea of buying a new car.
Because of u, I betray my party (chewah~!)
How I wish I cud dedicate Because Of You by Kelly Clarkson to u.
but u definitely don't deserve it!

I have been typing a tender spec which is 16 pages long. Somehow, the long nonstop period of typing has flickered my brain into creating such poem. Suke hati la kan!
Anyways, to dear froggies, anyone interested in going to Tmn Negare on 11th July? Do contact me if u're interested :)

1 comment:

ein said...

Minyak cap kapak? ahahha.. aku tak sempat isi minyak. aaahhhh tensiiiii!