Tuesday, January 13

What Did Yoga Do To Me These Couple Of Days?

It was Monday and I was at the office. Totally into the Monday Blues. No mood to work, too lazy to do anything. And the worst part was, I was supposed to have a sales meeting on the next day (which is today). Oh! did I mentioned I have been coughing like mad for almost 2 weeks? Yerp, it doesn't stop until now :( And I was down to my last pill. So I decided to go to the clinic again to stock up new medicines AND took an MC for Tuesday since I hate attending sales meeting. I planned to go see the doctor after I went yoga.
But after doing yoga, I changed my mind. I went to see the doctor, took stronger medicines, and did NOT take any MC at all since I have a lot of work to do (of course with not wanting to do anything on Monday pile up my work on the next day). I felt guilty taking MC after the yoga.

This Saturday, I have another meeting. So after few discussions with some friends, I decided to fake an MC on Saturday so that I can go to Hudam's wedding early. Not wanting to miss the whole event (I know I'm sweet :-j ) The idea came up BEFORE I went to yoga.
But after going today, I decided that I want to simply skip the meeting. Who cares? I dun think they can sack me. The worst I can get from the superior is probably some bad ass scolding ( is it??). Come on! I was not even on the agenda. Why the hell I want to miss my dear friend's wedding for the sake of going to some meeting which I dun haf any interest in? Savvy?

So now you see how yoga can change your life :)
Be it Yin or Yang (seriously not understanding what these 2 words means :| )



Kamen Drummer said...

be careful. your bosses may read this!

irizis said...

ok :)