Friday, March 4

Fun House

i cut my hair!!!! haha. I told the barber(??!) to make it layered with bangs. Ha tibe2 nk try style begitu. Tp as always this chinese barber never listen one. hentam la je.
then blk rumah, shampooed. now the hair dah dry it look sooo different haha. ala2 60s pon ade. ok maybe 70s.WHATEVER. tibe2 mcm suke plak rambut ni. kelakarrrr. n the best part is, the more messy it is, the more better it looks. suke2. tayah nk susah2 sikat rambut after this :D (aa mcm la slalu sikat pon). hee. the bestest part bile try new hairstyle is, since im wearing tudung i dun haf to mind wat people tink of the haircut. buruk pon x kesah je. hoyeahhhh...

ok move on to a more serious tone...MOM's getting serious. haiyok! giving speeches (er..more like a ugutan) to me. I want but cuak. Urgh~

AI 10 was not bad. I have few favs. I love Paul Mc Donald, Casey Abrams and that black guy. Perempuan tade fav lagi.

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