Friday, December 20

Escape Room @ eCurve


I am writing another post since Farah selalu suruh I update blog :| Memandangkan ade mood, jadi marilah bace post seterusnye :D

Have you main game dekat phone tajuk room escape ke, jail break ke, atau yg sewaktu dgnnye?
I have. And I hated it. Because most of the times they x masok akal. And often annoying.
Tapi haritu Farah ajak to go the real escape game called Escape Room. They have 6 rooms altogether. There are only 2 outlets in Malaysia, eCurve and Klang.

Farah is pregnant, so they gave us 2 rooms to choose from out of 6. I guess the other 4 has physical challenge kot so not safe for the preger mommies. The available rooms are mummy and prison. Since mummy room's difficulty level is lower compared to prison room, we chose the mummy room. Firstimer maa. Cuak jugak nak challenge gempak2. Nak test market, amik la yang senang-senang dulu :D

Max ppl to go in a room is 10ppl. Time given to escape is within 45 minutes.
Farah, Cyan, Hudam and me went in. It was on a weekday so not many friends can join since they x cuti. (If you go on weekdays, price is cheaper you know). The perasaan at that time, I was more excited than nervous. Excited sebab 1stime. Nervous tu sikit je lah sebab if you can't escape, they are not gonna lock u up forever. Just that you have to pose with a loser banner. I don't feel that duit bazir because I enjoyed the excitement dalam room tu. At least dapat jugakla nak gune brain yang da berabuk ni.
Sorry no spoilers. Go and challenge yourself la. Baru best. Heh.

What I can say, the clues some senang some susah. We were down to the final clue, tapi dah habis masa. Takpe. Will go and try other rooms plak lepas ni. Rase geram x dapat nk escape tapi best sebab game die best. Haha.
So, since x dapat nk escape, we have to pose with the loser banner.

No we don't suck. We just sulk. LOL. (OK I know. Lame :| ) 

BYE!! oh ini link if you want to give it a try.

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