Thursday, January 23

Unfortunate Events


Hari ini ialah hari-bende-tumpah-kat-baju day.

Bought a bottle of black olive. I've bakar-ed the lid already but still susah nak open. So asked M to open for me. Forgetting that the bottle is filled with liquid (tak tau ape probably vinegar), M dengan sepenuh jiwa dan raga membukak botol itu lalu Splash splash! Habis baju bau masam. Luckily he hasn't change to his work shirt yet, if not penat je I iron this morning (cheh smpt lagi puji diri).

Then I want to open a can of susu cair. I am really bad using the old fashioned can opener. But that is the only kind I have ever used in my life. Either I will asked somebody else to open the can or I spend almost an hour to open 1 small can. Ok lah tipu.
30min. Serius ni tak tipu!

Ok ok..latest can opener will be on top of my to-buy list. 

Sambung cerita unfortunate event...So after I struggled...terlepas the can. wooshh milk kena my baju :(

aa well...Shit happens.

On the positive side, I managed to make pizza cup! M loves it alhamdulillah. Ala tapi honestly, I just put whatever I can find in the refrigerator. Bak kata orang tua..main campak-campak je. LOL. I buat bekal for him since ade banyak pizza extra tapi he lupa bawak the tupperware. Hmph!


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