It seems that I tell him everything. Even the unimportant things. Like I ate durian just now, and my toilet has been fixed and I didn't finish my food as I wasn't hungry but I still take a lot.
Well, we chat almost every hour. We see each other almost everyday. So all the so-called-important things obviously has been told and therefore all that is left is the little2 things to be talk about just to not boring-ed the day.
So that boyfriends are for. Listen to ur babling regardless of the 'interestingness'..Izit?? Heh
Ok. The entry is super bosan. So I'm gonna quit now.
Lef yuh Babe~ Mwack
bf adalah seorg yg kacak dan tough .. andaikata die agak boroi sedikit maafkanlah kerana sesungguhnya di usia sebegini lelaki memang suke memakan makanan .. biarlah nafsu makan beliau membuak2 asal jgn nafsu yg membuak2 .. ehhe
Apehal lu mamat! Sape la punye boifren ni.Haish~
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