Mon Frere
>Izwan carrying Idayu<
I miss my home.
I miss my mother.
I miss my old Meowth.
But above all, I miss Izwan.
The one and only brother I have.
Good luck on all your trials, kiddo.
And of course the ultimate exam, the PMR...
Go earn those 8A's, you deserve 'em.
I have faith in you.

u can do it Izwan .. ikutilah jejak2 mereka yg telah berjaya seperti kakak sulung dan kakak kedua anda ..
Oh well :-j
I'm not missing home..
Neither am missing mother particularly..
Certainly not missing Meowth,
Izwan is not missed too..
But aku have faith in kau juge..
Aja-aja!! (~^o^)~
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