Nothing is more refreshing than a long cold shower after a looooong tiring and hot-sweaty-piggy day :P
The day started with us sending him to LCCT. He went to Bangkok for a seminar. Nice eh? Well, I'm not sure whether that's a suitable word of his so-called 'business trip'. He took off this morning, alone! I mean like, being alone in Bangkok where people barely speaks English. Plus, it's his first time there.Hm..But he landed safe and sound. That's good to hear. He will be there until this Thursday. My advice to you is be good ya babe :* Oh! and jangan lupe my 'ole-ole' :D
Then we went to the flea markets at Neo Cyber. It was advertised to have 120 stalls but I can only see about 20 stalls or so. So much for the advertising! But I did get something for myself, which was not really a thing u can get at any flea markets :P Hope I'll use it well. Oh and we met Imuda and Ahmad Busu. You know Ahmad Busu rite? I think I get his name right. He acted in the sitcom Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu together with Imuda. Ala..the big guy with the bonchet perot. Ring a bell?? Erm..We had a brief chat with him. Actually it was more like him persuading us to be sketched our pictures but we refused. Well, the caricaturist Imuda was gonna draw us, not him. I think it's not worth it to pay Rm10 with ur face sketch on a A4 paper and with a marker.Rite??
And there was this 1 pelakon perempuan who looks like Deanna Yusoff selling used clothes. Probably they were hers. I dun know for sure, I dun even care as I dun fancy buying used clothes. X kesahla how famous the original owner was. But the actress was not that famous I guess. If not I would know her name...
Then we went to see exotic creatures. Watie didnt join us as she was a not a snake person haha! But I wasn't interested on the snakes or the tarantulas. I was more attracted to the skunk! Yes...There was a skunk with a 'I'm Not Smelly' label. How cute is that! Hehe...The skunk didn't move that much but it was cute. And yes. He didn't smell at all. But the marmoset was! Smelly little monkey but fun to look at hehe.
We took a peek at the showrooms. I dun really like that kinda house. Too small and stuffy. Hm..
Oh! FYI, Cyberjaya is bloody fucking hot! I cud finish up 1 gelen of air. I soo long to having winter in Cyberjaya. Hmm...
And since I sleep late last nite, and I haf to wake up early, I dun haf the energy to stay up all day. So I took a nice 1hour nap in the evening.
* I just had a nice chat with him. Bangkok was fine. He already met a sexy Thai girl with shorts and baju showing her cleavage..who offered help at the airport and gettting the taxi and showing places to shop. so ok whatever. Just remember to bring me something! :* *
Well, the Af is back with a new season. Im still confuse of whom I shud like :| But im hellestest sure the one i dis has been eliminated which makes me reaaaaaaallly happy. Oh and Ebi reminds me of Ethan from Survivor. Very the hawtness!!
OK! nk gi mkn. Then back to the book world :(
Monday, March 26
Friday, March 23
I dun feel well today. This morning, I woke up feeling very cold. So after Subuh, I went straight to bed and pull on the blanket. I switched off the fan for awhile. I planned to wake up again at 830 but end up waking up at 12 noon. Hmm...
Later today, after getting back from class ( not really after class, but after lepaking at Pomp's room :P ) I slept for about 2 hours : At that time, I've started to feel unwell. Maybe it's because of the rain. And now I am unwell, still. And suddenly I'm craving for Bubur Ayam McD =p~
Parap-pap-pap-pa I'm Lovin' It
Mohsen was frustrating.
Mohsen: Kenape Bapak Orked hanta Orked pegi sekolah cine?
Orked: Tah. Sebab Orked da pandai cakap melayu kot.
Tolong la. The way you speak Malay makes the Bahase Melayu sounds so uninteresting!
Persoalan yang timbul:
1) Wats written on the kite?
2) Wat izit with chinese guys that Malay guys dun haf?
Now I am taking Mandarin class. I've missed 2 classes and I just attend 1 class :P It is just for fun. To compare, I think French is a lot easier to learn. At least the pronunciation is a bit like English. For Mandarin, u haf to pronounce 'q' as 'c', 'd' as 't', 'x' as 's', 'ju' as 'ji', 'z' as 'j' and 'g' as 'k'. Confuse ey? But I enjoy it heh.
Im going to do my internship this November but the CV needs to be submitted by April. Hope we get to do our intern there...
* The dialog is not exact. Im just rephrasing bluntly.
Later today, after getting back from class ( not really after class, but after lepaking at Pomp's room :P ) I slept for about 2 hours : At that time, I've started to feel unwell. Maybe it's because of the rain. And now I am unwell, still. And suddenly I'm craving for Bubur Ayam McD =p~
Parap-pap-pap-pa I'm Lovin' It
Mohsen was frustrating.
Mohsen: Kenape Bapak Orked hanta Orked pegi sekolah cine?
Orked: Tah. Sebab Orked da pandai cakap melayu kot.
Tolong la. The way you speak Malay makes the Bahase Melayu sounds so uninteresting!
Persoalan yang timbul:
1) Wats written on the kite?
2) Wat izit with chinese guys that Malay guys dun haf?
Now I am taking Mandarin class. I've missed 2 classes and I just attend 1 class :P It is just for fun. To compare, I think French is a lot easier to learn. At least the pronunciation is a bit like English. For Mandarin, u haf to pronounce 'q' as 'c', 'd' as 't', 'x' as 's', 'ju' as 'ji', 'z' as 'j' and 'g' as 'k'. Confuse ey? But I enjoy it heh.
Im going to do my internship this November but the CV needs to be submitted by April. Hope we get to do our intern there...
* The dialog is not exact. Im just rephrasing bluntly.
Monday, March 19
The Day The Earth Stood Stupid
Kampung saye kt Pilah kene masok perompak. Naseb baik tade orang mase tu. Atuk, wan, cikyah kl ngan cikyah patung 1 family sume lepak rumah saye. Derang ade nk berubat apetah kt mlk.
Balik2 je, tgk pintu dapor tu da kene kopak. Naseb baik uncle Rahim ade. Die la yg pegi masok dulu tgk dlm rumah. Perompak tu da tade da. After call polis, derang pon cek la ape bende yg kene amik. Sume bilik kene usai la. Cik yah kl nye barang kemas habes kene curi. X tau la plak how much sumenyeh. Bende len die x amik la. Polis suspek budak2 hisap dadah yg masok. Sebab ade la jugak kejadian camtu, derang yg pecah rumah nk curi duit. The world is dangerous ppl! So be more careful!!
Last week, saye menghabiskan mase dgn keluarge Faizal Iman. Derang saje datang sebab cuti sekolah. Thanks for the caramel and the choc and the many2 treats :p
Oh! We had 'henna drawing' Hehe
I dun feel good. Student life is getting hectic~er. Penat la belajar nih~! Haish...
Balik2 je, tgk pintu dapor tu da kene kopak. Naseb baik uncle Rahim ade. Die la yg pegi masok dulu tgk dlm rumah. Perompak tu da tade da. After call polis, derang pon cek la ape bende yg kene amik. Sume bilik kene usai la. Cik yah kl nye barang kemas habes kene curi. X tau la plak how much sumenyeh. Bende len die x amik la. Polis suspek budak2 hisap dadah yg masok. Sebab ade la jugak kejadian camtu, derang yg pecah rumah nk curi duit. The world is dangerous ppl! So be more careful!!
Last week, saye menghabiskan mase dgn keluarge Faizal Iman. Derang saje datang sebab cuti sekolah. Thanks for the caramel and the choc and the many2 treats :p
I dun feel good. Student life is getting hectic~er. Penat la belajar nih~! Haish...
Sunday, March 4
Fucking Sleeptime
The time shows 4.07 am.
And I'm up.
I dun know what's with me these couple of days.
I couldn't sleep well.
I kept waking up in the middle of the night.
Fighting to go back to sleep again.
And that's not all.
I even having difficulties going to sleep.
I think it's the heat.
So I threw away my blankie.
But after awhile...
I started to feel cold.
And so I put on the blanket back.
But then I was feeling hot again.
So I threw away the blanket.
Hence the process keep repeating until about one hour or so.
Imagine U barely had enuff sleep the other day
And was totally tired with the whole day
But culdn't get into peaceful dreamland
Sucks huh?!
Fucking Bloody YES!
Just now I was fed up with the tossing and putting on blankets.
So I get up.
Feeling totally messed up
And very moody
Plus hungry
Come on! Every fine lady need their beautiful sleep
It's the time of the month
So no I can't do qiyam or anything
Oleh itu
I watched Dexter
But couldn't handle the growling stomache
And so half way of the episode
I went down to get Cadbury's PICNIC
I am so glad I bought that chocolate today
After then,
Pop text read Task Download Finished by Bitlord
It was the long-waiting How I Met Your Mother ep17
Super Ngantuk
Tolong lah boleh tido!!!
Saturday, March 3
Outing Harian
Eating an apple a day makes your urine clear, Yes, it's true!
Watching movies or series with stupid jokes and weird expressions make the heart feels nice
Study constantly results in better grades!
Spending money buying stuff you don't need satisfies you only for a short period of time (But I think it's ok when u haf lotsa money Heh)
Exercise makes u happy
I accompanied him shopping for his working clothes(?!).
I am so happy.
Because I love accompanying people shopping.
So I enjoyed my outing today.
The thing about him...
He lives with his brother.
Who cooks for him.
And buys all the barang dapor.
The brother is like a housewife to him.
Does he wash your clothes too?
What about cleanliness of the house?
Is he in charge of all that?
Dude! get a wife~!
Eating an apple a day makes your urine clear, Yes, it's true!
Watching movies or series with stupid jokes and weird expressions make the heart feels nice
Study constantly results in better grades!
Spending money buying stuff you don't need satisfies you only for a short period of time (But I think it's ok when u haf lotsa money Heh)
Exercise makes u happy
I accompanied him shopping for his working clothes(?!).
I am so happy.
Because I love accompanying people shopping.
So I enjoyed my outing today.
The thing about him...
He lives with his brother.
Who cooks for him.
And buys all the barang dapor.
The brother is like a housewife to him.
Does he wash your clothes too?
What about cleanliness of the house?
Is he in charge of all that?
Dude! get a wife~!
Friday, March 2
Space Cowboy
Nothing much happen this few days.
Not for me at least.
He starts his first job today. I am happy for him. He seems happy for that too. He owns a table and later will get a laptop. Hope the pay is good too. Oh! And you know I love you rite dear? :X
She is still active with sports regardless of the big exam she'll be taking this year. She got injured during last time practice. She fractured her bone when doing the long jump. Landed wrongly, the hand suffered. Had to wear the thing that wrap around the neck to support the hand. It was nothing major but she can't bend her hand. But now she's better. Well, yesterday was the day. She only get to participate on the track events since father was worried of any fracture or broken bones. She won all the events with 1 gold and 2 silvers. She was frustrated. One because she didn't win all gold and second for not taking other events beside those 3. But it's for her own good really. So she didn't get to hold the record of being the Olahragawati but there's always another time rite?? So now BLAJA!! Haish...
Watched What Women Want yesterday. And of course my all time favourite HAFIZ won!! Weehee~ I knew it! Charles look soo gorgeously handsome yesterday tho. The in front of the jury thing really was shocking. Charles was not at all expected to be that fragile. And I think it's sweet if he entered this show just to win THE girl's heart. Anyway, Hafiz menang!! Yey~!
Today is the first day I skip class for this semester. I have few reasons for doing that.
And yes, the title has nothing to do with the entry.
Not for me at least.
He starts his first job today. I am happy for him. He seems happy for that too. He owns a table and later will get a laptop. Hope the pay is good too. Oh! And you know I love you rite dear? :X
She is still active with sports regardless of the big exam she'll be taking this year. She got injured during last time practice. She fractured her bone when doing the long jump. Landed wrongly, the hand suffered. Had to wear the thing that wrap around the neck to support the hand. It was nothing major but she can't bend her hand. But now she's better. Well, yesterday was the day. She only get to participate on the track events since father was worried of any fracture or broken bones. She won all the events with 1 gold and 2 silvers. She was frustrated. One because she didn't win all gold and second for not taking other events beside those 3. But it's for her own good really. So she didn't get to hold the record of being the Olahragawati but there's always another time rite?? So now BLAJA!! Haish...
Watched What Women Want yesterday. And of course my all time favourite HAFIZ won!! Weehee~ I knew it! Charles look soo gorgeously handsome yesterday tho. The in front of the jury thing really was shocking. Charles was not at all expected to be that fragile. And I think it's sweet if he entered this show just to win THE girl's heart. Anyway, Hafiz menang!! Yey~!
Today is the first day I skip class for this semester. I have few reasons for doing that.
- Today is Friday. It is the starting day of the weekend. ( At least it is for me :D)
- I have only 1 class today
- I am Freaking Lazy
- It's Communication Electronics. As far as I am concern, I never 100% obediently pay attention to the class. So y bother rite? Erk~!
And yes, the title has nothing to do with the entry.
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