The time shows 4.07 am.
And I'm up.
I dun know what's with me these couple of days.
I couldn't sleep well.
I kept waking up in the middle of the night.
Fighting to go back to sleep again.
And that's not all.
I even having difficulties going to sleep.
I think it's the heat.
So I threw away my blankie.
But after awhile...
I started to feel cold.
And so I put on the blanket back.
But then I was feeling hot again.
So I threw away the blanket.
Hence the process keep repeating until about one hour or so.
Imagine U barely had enuff sleep the other day
And was totally tired with the whole day
But culdn't get into peaceful dreamland
Sucks huh?!
Fucking Bloody YES!
Just now I was fed up with the tossing and putting on blankets.
So I get up.
Feeling totally messed up
And very moody
Plus hungry
Come on! Every fine lady need their beautiful sleep
It's the time of the month
So no I can't do qiyam or anything
Oleh itu
I watched Dexter
But couldn't handle the growling stomache
And so half way of the episode
I went down to get Cadbury's PICNIC
I am so glad I bought that chocolate today
After then,
Pop text read Task Download Finished by Bitlord
It was the long-waiting How I Met Your Mother ep17
Super Ngantuk
Tolong lah boleh tido!!!
hey .. i do my own laundry .. hehe .. nnt i blajar masak ah .. haish .. btw .. i yg masak nasi ..
eh silap kasi komen .. tu komen utk post yg dibawah .. hehehe
"..It's the time of the month.."
Heh? Sure ah? I think for u, it's like all the time every month. =P
btw,picnic looks tempting.bawak gi klas esok! i'll bring gunting! =P~
"kalau tak boleh tido, tak payah tido. settle la problem.
sekian". dipetik dari hikayat fadzulah kamshan siri 10,090.
haha, i have the same problem irna... not the sleep but the constant war with the blanket. sgt irritating kan? we need thinner blanket kot. probably... then when u r comfortable, maybe lg senang nak tido.
eh kesiannye x boleh tidor. try this link
hehe it might help!
kalo saye takleh tdo .. saye akan pura2 tido sehinggalah saye btul2 tdo .. ini bermakna saye berpura2 utk mendapatkan sesuatu
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