Eating an apple a day makes your urine clear, Yes, it's true!
Watching movies or series with stupid jokes and weird expressions make the heart feels nice
Study constantly results in better grades!
Spending money buying stuff you don't need satisfies you only for a short period of time (But I think it's ok when u haf lotsa money Heh)
Exercise makes u happy
I accompanied him shopping for his working clothes(?!).
I am so happy.
Because I love accompanying people shopping.
So I enjoyed my outing today.
The thing about him...
He lives with his brother.
Who cooks for him.
And buys all the barang dapor.
The brother is like a housewife to him.
Does he wash your clothes too?
What about cleanliness of the house?
Is he in charge of all that?
Dude! get a wife~!
haha, get a wife? ^^
hehehe... *hint* *hint*
bile lagi irna?
9 tahun lagi ..hehe
Im waiting for my oh-so rich prince charming :D x muncul2 :(
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