Wednesday, March 22

Wedding Bells

My 1st midterm paper for the sem just ended and it was ...[really dun know how to describe]

Was planning to watch Grey's Anatomy when suddenly I saw a friend of mine online whom I need to ask her something[mind the structure]. Guess what?!! She's getting married!!!It was like terkejot gile sebab kawin is a big deal{Durgh~!} & she wants to get married. So I'm like kagum gile ar. No offence to sape2 yg plan to be getting married soon. Good for her. And I have another friend who's getting married end of this year, 1 gonna be engaged and my cousin too is getting engaged. All are the same age as I am. *Congrats to all of them*
Well, as for me, cari duit banyak2 dulu..baru fikir kawin la kot. Tah la, haven't given any deep thots yet.

My steering wheel's horn cover fell off because of the hot weather of malaysia. The thing inside that holds it melted.My mirror yg kt atas tu pon gonna fell off. So ayahanda tercinta...I want a new car plizzz :*

1 comment:

Mohd Faizal Iman said...

Gen-2 warna kuning ke purple? hehe