Friday, April 27


OK..I really want to update my blog but I seriously don't haf any interesting stuff to share. My life is getting boring~er each and every day. In fact it's getting worst!
And so I read other ppl's blog...desperation drags me into doing this. So here goes:

1. Start Time: 1236am
2. Name: Irna Izura Ishak Ismail
3. Nickname: Irna@Zura
4. Astrology sign: Im a Ms. Krab :D
5. Gender: Perempuan
7. Hair color: Black
8. Eye color: Chocolate ;;)
9. Height: 156cm. Yes I'm short...Whatever~!
10. Favorite color: Kuning dan Pepel
13. Tattoos: I had henna drawing once :P
14. Birthplace: Melake
15. Area code: 75150
16. Friends: Well..I haf more than enuff frens >:D<

******HAVE YOU EVER*****

17. Cut your own hair?
Once..and it didn't turn out good :(
18. Done something in the past month that you regret?
Hm..I haf so many regrets in my life.Urgh~!
19. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to?
Yah..R2D2!!! Hello~! Like everyday I accidently bump into 'R2D2" which bring bad fengshui to my life OK.
21. Skipped school?
Sekolah agame selalu kot :))
22. Bungee jumped?
I did plan dis with my sister, but I dun think our parents will let us :-s
24. Punched someone?
Erm..During primary school yes..
25. Cheated on someone?
I like making lies :| But dat was just for fun :P So dat doesn't considered as cheating on someone, rite?:D
26. Been arrested?
27. Broken into someones house?
I dun think so..
30. Been rejected?
No Heh
31. Been to a funeral?
To Arwah Maklong's
32. Used a lighter?

34. Spring @ Holiday : Both ?!!
36. Ice cream flavor: Totally Vanilla
37. School subject(s): Erm..Im not sure :-s
38. Candy: Owh! I like 'Akan Ku Tunggu' sung by Candy :)..It's Candy rite?? :|
39. Breakfast: Lately I take anything dat is fat :|
40. Juice: Apple I think
41. Book(s): All kinds of 'em.
42. Movie(s): Horrors and Comedies..Be it Romantic or horror comedies. :D
43. Song(s): I listen to all songs.
44. Sport to watch on TV: Err..I watch tv to watch good shows only. But if I were to watch sports, it would probably be badminton or football. And a bit of rugby Heh...
50. Letter(s): I yaw! Nothing but the letter I
51. Favorite fast food restaurant: Im craving for A&W's root beer rite now. Hm...
52. Channel : 70
53. TV station : 8TV
54. Name for a son: Frankly..I like to maintain the 'I' initials in my family :) But no..None specific one
55. Name for a daughter: Seperti di atas.

******DO YOU PREFER****
56. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
57. Alcoholic or non?: Non
58. Relationships or one night stand?:Nice relationship heh
60. Scary movies or comedies? : Comedies preferably
61. Short or long hair? : I like short for girls andcurly-medium length for guys :x
62.Croutons or bacon bits? : Croutons

64. Mexicans in general: The big hat with strings glued all over it and there are ppl singing and dancing jumpily with the guitars :|
65. School: Miss it!
66. Grass: Green
67. Cow: Black & White
68. Canada: Shahiman :| He's the lecturer who studied in Canada
69. Mouse: Mickey
70. Hands: Edward

71. Watched a movie? Yes I have.
72. Talked on the phone? Just now.
73. Cried? in the past 3 days? Erm..
74. Choked? Tidak
75. Drank a glass of water? Cyberjaya is super hot. Water is essentials!
76. Done Drugs? Never
77. Read a book or magazine? No
78. Watched TV? Obviously!
79. Looked in the mirror? Ye
80. Taken a shower? Not-bathing makes me dizzy. So Yes...
82. Listened to music? Sudah tentu.
83. Kissed someone? Not really :-s
84. Told someone you liked them? Nope
85. End time:

Ok..There u go :)


Anonymous said...

oo ok .. haish .. kalo sangap meh tlg i wat keje . haish haish ..

Farah Haida said...

nak habis skolah dah. huhuuu... sedih tapi best sbb dah malas blaja