Monday, July 9

Hari Ini Hari Isnin :D

It's the 9th yaw!
I thank you for the ticket and the food.
I thank the many2 yous and an anonymous you for the text messages.
I thank you both for the card and the chocolates.
I thank yous for the online messages.
I thank you for singing on the phone.
It was sweet, eventho it wasn't a proper one Heh.
I thank you three for the song and the cake.
I thank you for the muffins and the cake!
Loving them to the max! Especially the cake :x
Oh! And you for making such-meleleh-air-liur cake :D
I thank you both for the card.
I thank you for the entry eventho I dun fancy the picture :|
I thank you for the call and the intention to blanja me :)
I thank you for the text me
ssage and the promise you made. It surely made my day >:D<
And you both for the song eventho you were a few minutes late :|
Ha! Jayam shook my hand. HikHik... *Amik Berkat*

The Mafin

The Birthday Cake

The Potong-Cake-Ceremony


Anonymous said...

woahaha. part amik berkat from jayam tu plg mahal ok! confirm fyp a++! =D

irizis said...

Ahaha :-j

Farah Haida said...

Eh awak. Mintak maap.. saye tak lupe, saye teringat mase 8hb, tapi tak nak wish awal kononnye. pastu saye terbz. salahkan sarr, die laa sampai rumah saye. haha. pastu mak saye sampai. tapi saye tak lupe. selamat "terlambat" hari lahir, irna izura ishak. ^_^

irizis said...

Eh! Kalau bday punye pasal, any kelewatan amat dihargai :D so kalau awak nk kasi "terlambat" present, lagi la dialu2kan :-j

Anonymous said...

u bile nk kasik besday present kt i ni hah .. lotih den nunggu ni ..

irizis said...

Who r u 4 me to give u present Hah?!!