Saturday, September 12

Buang Yang Keruh, Ambil Yang Jernih

Dear You,
Thank you so much for everything,

You were my first,

And always be,

You were there in every conditions,

No matter where and when,

You were always there with me,
Supported me in every way.

You taught me from scratch,
Until what I am today,
And I did literally scratch you few times :P,

But you stayed strong with

You gave me the first experience,

And most probably to some of my friends too,
And I treasure it dearly,
I really do.

But it is time to let you go,
It has been too long,

But there's nothing I can do anymore,

Your were such pain in the ass lately,

And you are too costly to be taken care of,
So MATBABA dear,
Thank you..Thank You..Thank You..

I present you, BABAJI :)
Not keen on the color but I still heart you :x


cyan said...

ooo padanla panggil mat baba. cyootee!!! btw, brape eh beli plat no gini?

narfey said...

pomp,ko tukar saga gak ke? sedih dgn pemergian mat baba. :(

irizis said...

cyan: i tatau la santi. come with the car :|

manap: bkn saga. sedey kan :(

h e e j a u said...

O M G baba G! <-- pls say this out loud. kelakar. lol.

s t a b i l z said...

once a Proton, forever a Proton. Even when you hate them so much. HAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!