Thursday, September 10


Mane sume orang pergi?

During the early Ramadhan, the surau was packed. The crowd was really big where some people had to pray outside the surau..on the mattress.
But now, everyone can fit in that surau. There are even some lines vacant.
In Mekah, we don't see this scenario. It is totally the opposite.
Come on ppl!!! It's the last 10s of Ramadhan. Everyone is so excited to do more good during these days.
So marilah kite grab the chance and do more good deeds :)
May we be blessed InsyaAllah~
Baarakallahu fiikum
Oh, all this while, the standard pesanan from the imam will be "Luruskan saf. Rapatkan saf"
But today, I heard 1 new added :SIle matikan atau silentkan fon. Technology rules?? :P

p/s: Just watched Meter. Drooling =p~ ngehehe

1 comment:

h e e j a u said...

lol. silentkan fon tu belom pernah dgr lagi. ni first time gak. hukhuk.