Wednesday, June 9


i've quit my job ppl and I haf no regret whatsoeva. the last date will be on the 19th July 2010. Happy2 :D I've told daddy bout dis. and about my future plan. and he agrees with a little hesitation. Haha... As of 20th July 2010, I will be doing Shor full time until I get an offer in the field I am interested in. InsyaAllah :)


Irna Izura


Farah Haida said...

go irna. go shor. tourist/travel guide? hehe

irizis said...

shuhh...rahsie la

h e e j a u said...

lol. baru bace post ni. siap signoff ngan logo tu. tkleh blah. huhu.

caiyok caiyok~