Monday, May 24


I have been hi-protein dieting this past 20 days. Honestly speaking, I have not doing it right, most prolly because I dun rili know how huhu. I just cut on my carbo intake.

Anyways, a friend ask me what is your target for doing this diet? I said I don't have any. I simply do it because I just learn it from a friend. Then it struck me. I should have set a target. If not, I do this diet for nothing. Stupid I know. After 20 days only Im setting a target. So my target is prove that this diet actually works. I have a habit of not believing anything ppl say unless I really see the prove. This friend of mine who told me about this diet, referred her sister as the prove, whom I have never met before. So now I am treating myself as my own lab rat.
So today, I am back to day 1. Reason I am doing this diet is to build muscle and to lose some fat. I don't have the scale to measure my fats. I only have the measuring tape to measure my body :P I am targeting the arms, hips and thigh. So all data has been written down. We'll see how I do in a month :)
Oh! and this time I am going to do it right. I have gugel a bit on the proper way of doing this diet and this time, I am going to add in a little pilates :D

I have been reading this book by Kiyosaki. It was really good. Everyday, I can't wait to go back home to read this book( I dun like to bring books anywhere I go). I have finished it yesterday and I've already bought another of Kiyosaki's. Hehe...
But I can't start on the new one yet as I have another book which I borrowed and need to be return to fast. Ok ok..Balik bace buku yeehaa!!

Oh! sume bos outstation. And I decided to procrastinate weehee~

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