Friday, January 6

jaNEWary 2012

Like every new years, ppl tend to have new resolution/s or remake old resolutions to better ones.
Too cliche. 
And in my mind, I tend to not be like everybody else. (Well, most of them at least). I try to not having new all. 
After more than a minute of thinking, I started to question myself,  WHO would live without resolution? 
Try google the word resolution. Go and look for the meaning in the dictionary. None explain the word negatively. 
So. who would want to live negatively? Only those with disturb minds would, I presume. 

I end up having resolutions afterall. Because I know I don't want to live without purpose. Even my religion don't encourage that. 
No matter how big or small, have resolution and go make it happen. That way, you would have a purpose to live in this life and the lifeafter insyaAllah  :) 

p/s: Ppl say, if you say the resolution out loud, in front of many people, the resolution will likely be successful. :D 

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