Tuesday, April 10

Haish Macam-Macam

Mase saye sekolah dulu, kalau time karangan saye suke buat topik berdasarkan fakta. sebab bagi saye tu senang. tayah nk gune otak dok pk imaginasi2 cerite.
tp skrg, kalau tibe2 org tnye saye mintak pendapat,  i'll b lost of words. reason being, LACK OF READING! (sb skrg dah x pegi sekolah. takde sape nk put words into my head)

n skrg pon u really have to choose your reading materials wisely. Too many conspiracy sampai taktau mane 1 betol.
haish macam-macam.
Next story is about my cat, Zest. Die sangat lah baik hati. Of all the cats kitorg penah bela, die ni lah yang plg considerate n x pedulikan orang langsung ( eh! tu da 2different maksud already :| ). He don't mind other cats to share his food. He's like Garfield tapi x annoying langsong. Eh, annoying jugak sebenarnye (to me ar esp). Sebab die suke mengendeng2 kat orang. Then suke tido terbongkang atas simen kat garaj tu. Bile orang hon2 nk parking kete kat situ pon die bo layan. Grr~! Ok, die mmg annoyingla hahaha.
What I like about him, he dun scare me. (Yes, other cats scare me like hell.)
And because of that, I can jage him. I feed him with Soya Protein Powder. I put Greenzhi on his luka after fights or if he ade any infections. I think if Zest mati, I would b devastated kot. N cry maybe. Sedih la. I love him!

Baru-baru ni, ade new kucing datang. She was pregnant.Now dah deliver tapi I've yet to see the kittens. Tatau mane die sorok. Dah 1 wk dah die deliver. Dalam bnyk2 jenis kucing, anak kucing lah yg paaaling saye takot sebab derang suke lompat2 playful. eii scary lah!!Haish, mintak2 lah derang x stay kat rumah ni. Takot woo!!

Motif entry ini adalah...untuk mengisi masa lapang saya :|

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