Yesterday was 9th May. T'was Izwan's birthday. He's my younger brother btw. I pray that you will be a wiser person n someone who obeys Allah all the time. A lovable person especially to your parents & siblings :)
It was also the day AN n I visited the kids at Rumah Nur Hikmah. The first time we went there was with M (at that time, he was only a friend to me hiks). Masa tu we sent them leftover food from a friend's wedding. Every now n then, I try to make visit to this house as I live nearer to them now.
So yesterday, I made them chicken lasagna. I felt so sedih when they cakap 'lasagna? ape tu?'. Lepas ni I promise myself to bring more food / dessert insyaAllah.
We arrived a little before 6pm. Almost dinner time for the kids. Alhamdulillah I get to bring them lasagna. They makan dengan lazatnya haha. We lepak for a while with the kids, talked with the bibiks then went home. While saying goodbye, a little girl came running n hug me. A while ago I was pushing the buaian for her and some friends. I suddenly felt kesiann sangat2 for the kids. And touched. :(
Here are some pictures of the lasagna n the kids.
the 1st batch |
2nd batch. before going into the oven |
cut and packed for the kids |
the boys enjoying the lasagna |
the girls nak main games on AN's phone |
AN tak kasi main games. So umpan amik gambar them instead. |
peace yaw! |
Irna, nanti aku nk pay a visit jugak... such a lovely kids they all..
Boleh2. Nanti aku ajak :)
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