Friday, June 13

Be simple. N polite.


Less than a month to Ramadhan. I am excited definitely. Worried that I can't go through it smoothly. But hoping and praying that I can insyaAllah.

Recently, my cousin got married. Congratulations. Wasn't much of a help during the wedding prep tho :(
I know wedding prep is a tough thing to do, talking through my own experience. A LOT of hands definitely did great things. Yerp yerp. But my hands were not the ones contributing to this wedding. Sigh~!
Anyways, congrats to the newlyweds!
Tremendous news on the addition of the family members received during the wedding event. 3 of my cousins are expecting new babies this coming September. Really really glad for them.
But you know, with these news, come together with a question to us (mostly from the elders).
Im ok with them asking- Any good news from both of you? Bila lagi? Dah ada isi ke?
I guess it's a standard question to those married ones.
But sometimes the question can be a bit irritating. It can go on and on until the part where you get accused of having some illnesses, or practise too much sports during younger years causing the delays of the pregnancy. Suggesting that we should go for medical check ups, go for the traditional massage etc.
I am not saying what they say is 100% not true, BUT I guess some people do not know how to say or ask in a polite manner.
As a muslim, I believe everything is of Allah's will. Kun fa ya kun. We have been married only for 7 months. We are still figuring things out. Still trying to feel comfortable with each other. Perhaps it is still not the time to have babies. Allah knows best. That's for sure.
I am not fond of kids. I do not know how to take great care of a kid or a baby. But I am developing the interest, learning, mostly from friends. We do want kids of course. Many if possible! Don't make judgement towards how I react with other kids and conclude bluntly that I don't want kids. That's not fair !
And why is it that I am slim be a matter of anything??? FYI, I weigh more now than before I was married. Haiyoh!
And I feel a bit insulted when people say my husband is too skinny. Tak kasi makan ke?
So, if you want to ask questions, plan your words properly. I think it is enough with 1 question.  If the answer is negative, pray for the couple to have babies soon. Simple n polite. Kan?

Enough of luahan rasa. Till next time.

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