Monday, December 24
Saturday, December 8
Pagi Yang Gelap...Kini Sudah Terang
Whoever planning to go to The Curve, please please try the Baked Choc Pudding (if I'm not mistaken) at The Apartment. Super sedap ok! Rugi sape x try!!
After a month and a week of internship, I started to feel that working is not for me :|. I totally prefer studying. Honestly!
1) Studying- Dun haf to wake up early in the morning for 5 days straight.
Working- Totally have to. Plus, it's continuous!! :-<
2) Studying- You can skip class as u like
Working- No suke-suke holiday for u. Sigh~!
3) Studying- If got morning class and u totally malas to get up dat morning but still wanting to go to class, can ganti on the evening or the next day
Working- The time is already fixed! No replacement whatso eva. Haiyoh
4) Studying- Anytime is ur enjoy time *Except during exams :s*
Working- Balik from keje da malam =ngantok=tido... So wikens jeh! Urgh~~!
Working is even sucker when u haf to come to work when there's no work to be done that day. Frustrating I tell u! U just sit around, forcing helplessly for the eyelid to open all the time and not caught lazyboning :| The only good thing when working is at the end of the month, u gain moneh. Yeah Baby :D
So Im planning to get a job which requires very less job with high high pay and no fix working hours heheh! Anyone?? ;;)
My sister is coming back dis month. And the whole family plus 2 aunties and a family's fren going on holiday without me. Again! Benci betol asyik kene tinggal :( They're going to Vietnam :| Yerp, not very interesting place to go. So I dun mind :D As long as they get me lots and lots of ole2 Hehe..
Oh! My brother showed me dis clip. Lion was brought from Iran. SUbhanallah...
After a month and a week of internship, I started to feel that working is not for me :|. I totally prefer studying. Honestly!
1) Studying- Dun haf to wake up early in the morning for 5 days straight.
Working- Totally have to. Plus, it's continuous!! :-<
2) Studying- You can skip class as u like
Working- No suke-suke holiday for u. Sigh~!
3) Studying- If got morning class and u totally malas to get up dat morning but still wanting to go to class, can ganti on the evening or the next day
Working- The time is already fixed! No replacement whatso eva. Haiyoh
4) Studying- Anytime is ur enjoy time *Except during exams :s*
Working- Balik from keje da malam =ngantok=tido... So wikens jeh! Urgh~~!
Working is even sucker when u haf to come to work when there's no work to be done that day. Frustrating I tell u! U just sit around, forcing helplessly for the eyelid to open all the time and not caught lazyboning :| The only good thing when working is at the end of the month, u gain moneh. Yeah Baby :D
So Im planning to get a job which requires very less job with high high pay and no fix working hours heheh! Anyone?? ;;)
My sister is coming back dis month. And the whole family plus 2 aunties and a family's fren going on holiday without me. Again! Benci betol asyik kene tinggal :( They're going to Vietnam :| Yerp, not very interesting place to go. So I dun mind :D As long as they get me lots and lots of ole2 Hehe..
Oh! My brother showed me dis clip. Lion was brought from Iran. SUbhanallah...
Sunday, December 2
It's Aini's and Tengku's wedding today!!
Happy wed guys~!
Happy wed guys~!
P/s: Oh! Dun use too much of Watie's and Zul's gift :|
Thursday, November 1
Episode: Raye
Raye is superb!! I spent 1 whole week at kampong :D Memang raye sakan ;) Im happy for dis year's raye.
1) I get to smayang raye
2) I still get duit raye (which I think will be the last year to get 'em sob sob)
3) Other MMU studs my batch only get to cuti raye for 1 week, but I get to cuti 1 month Haha!
Oh! To everyone...jempot la datang open house next saturday, 10th nov :D If nak datang, call aite ;)

Family Picture At Kuala Pilah: (l-r) Idayu, Zura, Izwan, Mother. Not in the picture, Father & Angah

Aktiviti wajib setiap raye-Masokkan duit raye dalam sampol to give to cousins :D

At Cikmah's House: Norimah's, Hisham's, Cikyah, Ijan's, Cikmah's and Lija
Episode: Accident
Mum's fren came over n brought along her smallest son. He's in standard 2. Unfortunately, the boy is super excited to see our new kitten and somehow he pushed the box which the kitten was inside to and fro many many times and result on the pergolekan of the kitten and finally...the kitten died :( As if that was still not enuff, he had to angkat the kitten's mummy and dunk her into the water. Lucky the mummy get away fast from the evil boy! My sister cried the whole day sebab those were her cats (literally :p) Oh! the boy got scolded by his mum after mother told her fren about dis. Padan muke! I dun know whether he got rotan or not.
The plaster ceiling in my toilet fell off the other day. Lucky, no one was bathing inside. the shampoo bottle was penyek kene hempap tho.
Episode: Internship
It will be in Shah Alam. Hope we'll do fine :) Will be starting next week. So end of my sweet lovely raya holiday :(
Raye is superb!! I spent 1 whole week at kampong :D Memang raye sakan ;) Im happy for dis year's raye.
1) I get to smayang raye
2) I still get duit raye (which I think will be the last year to get 'em sob sob)
3) Other MMU studs my batch only get to cuti raye for 1 week, but I get to cuti 1 month Haha!
Oh! To everyone...jempot la datang open house next saturday, 10th nov :D If nak datang, call aite ;)

Family Picture At Kuala Pilah: (l-r) Idayu, Zura, Izwan, Mother. Not in the picture, Father & Angah

Aktiviti wajib setiap raye-Masokkan duit raye dalam sampol to give to cousins :D

At Cikmah's House: Norimah's, Hisham's, Cikyah, Ijan's, Cikmah's and Lija
Episode: Accident
Mum's fren came over n brought along her smallest son. He's in standard 2. Unfortunately, the boy is super excited to see our new kitten and somehow he pushed the box which the kitten was inside to and fro many many times and result on the pergolekan of the kitten and finally...the kitten died :( As if that was still not enuff, he had to angkat the kitten's mummy and dunk her into the water. Lucky the mummy get away fast from the evil boy! My sister cried the whole day sebab those were her cats (literally :p) Oh! the boy got scolded by his mum after mother told her fren about dis. Padan muke! I dun know whether he got rotan or not.
The plaster ceiling in my toilet fell off the other day. Lucky, no one was bathing inside. the shampoo bottle was penyek kene hempap tho.
Episode: Internship
It will be in Shah Alam. Hope we'll do fine :) Will be starting next week. So end of my sweet lovely raya holiday :(
Friday, October 5
I hereby announcing
I've finished my exams. I dun haf to read any education materials for the sake of exams anymore. Woohoo~! Yerp...
Im not graduating...yet. Still another 3 months to go. 3 months of practical training. So practically, Im leaving MMU hehe.
Im worried about my exams, especially the last paper. Hope I'll get thru. I dun wanna stuck in MMU any longer. Tolong lah~ Penat dah blaja!
Ape2 pon, tomorrow Im going back home. X saba nak raye :D
Praying hard to get a place for internship :-s
p/s: Sori if this entry offended anyone :-s Im just expressing myself :|
I've finished my exams. I dun haf to read any education materials for the sake of exams anymore. Woohoo~! Yerp...
Im not graduating...yet. Still another 3 months to go. 3 months of practical training. So practically, Im leaving MMU hehe.
Im worried about my exams, especially the last paper. Hope I'll get thru. I dun wanna stuck in MMU any longer. Tolong lah~ Penat dah blaja!
Ape2 pon, tomorrow Im going back home. X saba nak raye :D
Praying hard to get a place for internship :-s
p/s: Sori if this entry offended anyone :-s Im just expressing myself :|
Monday, October 1
"We're Breaking Up"
I am excited. Because all new seasons are out. Well, except for Desperate Housewives. But the 1 series Im really looking fwd to is Grey's Anatomy. To me, they're the best :D And yes! The new season is out WootWoot~!
I prefer the old scruffy look Derek. And I like the new Alex :P
Ok.. Im supposed to be studying, but x boleh tahan ok! So now, back to studying :-<
I prefer the old scruffy look Derek. And I like the new Alex :P
Ok.. Im supposed to be studying, but x boleh tahan ok! So now, back to studying :-<
Sunday, September 23
Buke Pose
Hari Jumaat lepas, saye dan kawan-kawan saye keluar berbuke puase di Nandos. Walaupon servis mereke agak lembab, kami tidak kisah (Yeke??!). Pada awalnye, ramai yang ingin turut serte berbuke, tapi atas urusan ape tah, mereke terpakse membatalkan niat itu. Akhirnye, hanye Nanad, Farah Haida, Asserk dan Zue sahaje yg ade. Seperti biase, terlalu banyak yg diperbualkan hingge habes air liur dibuatnye. Walaupon asyik berbual, kami tidak lupe untuk mengambil gambar buat kenang-kenangan.Hehe..

Qopuy + Farahaida di Restoran Lawa

Zue+Asserk di Restoran Lawa

Waitress+Me di Restoran Lawa
4 Yellows and a Red :P
Kemudian kami ke Tasik Titiwangsa. Perkara yang menjadi tarikan di sane sudah tentulah 'Eye On Malaysia'. Kami sekali lagi tidak melepaskan peluang mengambil gambar bersame 'Eye On Malaysia' itu.
Gamba Blur Berbackgroundkan Eye On Mesia
Setelah itu, saye dan Farahaida menaikinye. Zue dan Nanad enggan naik sekali kerane mereke telahpun naik. Asserk pulak, tidak cukup duit. Walaupun kami ingin meminjamkan duit kepadenye, die menolak. Ape la Asserk nih. Eishk!
Before Naik Gondola :D
Tanpe disedari, hari sudahpon tgh malam. Ibu bape ibu bape masing-masing sudah mule menelefon bertanyekan anak-anak mereke. Nasib baik saye tinggal di asrama. Tidak perlu untuk bersusah payah memberi pelbagai alasan untuk pulang lambat :P Destinasi kami seterusnye adalah rumah Farahaida memandangkan ia sudah dekat dengan Tasik Titiwangse itu. Tidak lame kemudian, Qopuy pon sampai.
Qopuy + Farahaida di Restoran Lawa
Kami bercadang pergi keluar minum bersame-same. Tapi sebelom itu, kami hantar Nanad dulu ke rumahnye. Nanad tidak mahu keluar bersame kerana die harus ke kelas awal pagi. Lagipun, bapenye sudah banyak kali menelefon bertanyekan bile hendak pulang. Setelah itu, Qopuy membawe kami makan die sebuah restoran yang saye telah lupe
akan namenye. Name restoran itu agak panjang :|
akan namenye. Name restoran itu agak panjang :|
Zue+Asserk di Restoran Lawa
Ape-ape pon, restoran itu lawa. Ade kolam renang lagi hehe. Farahaida berhati mulie membelanje kami semue :D
Terime kasih ye ;)
Terime kasih ye ;)
Waitress+Me di Restoran Lawa
Setelah itu, kami pon pulang. Saye betol2 sampai MMU dalam pukul 5 pagi. Bak kate orang, kalau nak kluar tu, biar habes-habesan (ade ke?!!). Sudah lame tak kluar same-same. Sesekali lepas gian ape salahnye :P Saye sangat gembire dengan 'outing' ini. Mintak-mintak ade lagi la peluang sebegini lagi.
Friday, September 21
Wednesday, September 19
Saye Suke Sangat Upin & Ipin
For those living in Malaysia, plz watch Upin & Ipin.
For those have internet acess, plz download them.
They are sooo comel.
Rugi sape x tgk!
So plz tgk!!
I haf nothing better to share.
So end now~
Oh! I just remembered something.
Prison Break is out yaw!
So pegi tgk jugak!
I prefer Sona than Fox River.
Ramadan is here.
I hope im not dat late to wish everyone SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADAN AL-MUBARAK.
May what we do is always blessed.
Somehow Im excited for this time to come.
Tatau kenape.
So marilah kite same2 mengappreciate dis month.
And be the better us :)
For those have internet acess, plz download them.
They are sooo comel.
Rugi sape x tgk!
So plz tgk!!
I haf nothing better to share.
So end now~
Oh! I just remembered something.
Prison Break is out yaw!
So pegi tgk jugak!
I prefer Sona than Fox River.
Ramadan is here.
I hope im not dat late to wish everyone SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADAN AL-MUBARAK.
May what we do is always blessed.
Somehow Im excited for this time to come.
Tatau kenape.
So marilah kite same2 mengappreciate dis month.
And be the better us :)
Saturday, September 1
Last nite Im craving for cheese cake. But it was almost 9pm. The nearest shop to get a good nice lovely cheese cake is at alamanda but it was Merdeka Eve and there was the firework competition, and Im super hating traffic jams, so I decided to long~ing the craving until today. So just now I went to Alamanda to get the cheese cake but end up having choc banana pie :| Pomp suggested to me, telling it was super sedap. Tapi rase mcm bese je. Maybe my tongue hurts, so derie rase da tade :|
Anihu, since I was alone n Pomp was working, I pull out couple of magazines on travelling. I used to love outdoor activities. I still love it, just that I dun haf the time to take part in those kinda things anymore. Plus, I dun haf crowds whom shared the same adventurous interest like mine now :( So my Merdeka resolution (ade ke ??!) is to meet ppl with the same liking :) Actually, while I was enjoying my Hazelnut Hot chocolate ( courtesy of Pomp :D ), I started berangan of exploring Bako and Taman Negara, climbing up Gunung Kinabalu and go inside Gua Mulu (yes, I was reading a travel magazine about Sarawak :| ) and there was this pulau where u can see dolphins. FYI the pulau is in Malaysia, Sarawak part ar. Of course the dolphins wont do the jumping and do all the circus stuff, but still. The fun of watching wildlife which u cant see on land :D So anyone who wants to join me, come come :D
There were many ppl at Baskin Robbins. They were having their 31% on the 31st :))
Oh! Last nite was Merdeka Eve. We went to see the firework. We were there around 930, hoping to see the firework which was scheduled to start at 10. in the end, turned out they waited for the countdown. Bontot saket for sitting on the grass too long, back aching for not having to lean for 3 hours straight, perot da masok angin sebab x mkn n there was this little chinese girl who cant find a fucking toilet to pee n decided to pee right in front of us, on the pavement where ppl lalulalang. How stupid is that?? And the mother just let his daughter do that. Disgusting or what?? Damn! Spoiling every of my merdeka mood Sigh~!
Tapi the fireworks was nice. it was worth waiting.
Anihu, since I was alone n Pomp was working, I pull out couple of magazines on travelling. I used to love outdoor activities. I still love it, just that I dun haf the time to take part in those kinda things anymore. Plus, I dun haf crowds whom shared the same adventurous interest like mine now :( So my Merdeka resolution (ade ke ??!) is to meet ppl with the same liking :) Actually, while I was enjoying my Hazelnut Hot chocolate ( courtesy of Pomp :D ), I started berangan of exploring Bako and Taman Negara, climbing up Gunung Kinabalu and go inside Gua Mulu (yes, I was reading a travel magazine about Sarawak :| ) and there was this pulau where u can see dolphins. FYI the pulau is in Malaysia, Sarawak part ar. Of course the dolphins wont do the jumping and do all the circus stuff, but still. The fun of watching wildlife which u cant see on land :D So anyone who wants to join me, come come :D
There were many ppl at Baskin Robbins. They were having their 31% on the 31st :))
Oh! Last nite was Merdeka Eve. We went to see the firework. We were there around 930, hoping to see the firework which was scheduled to start at 10. in the end, turned out they waited for the countdown. Bontot saket for sitting on the grass too long, back aching for not having to lean for 3 hours straight, perot da masok angin sebab x mkn n there was this little chinese girl who cant find a fucking toilet to pee n decided to pee right in front of us, on the pavement where ppl lalulalang. How stupid is that?? And the mother just let his daughter do that. Disgusting or what?? Damn! Spoiling every of my merdeka mood Sigh~!
Tapi the fireworks was nice. it was worth waiting.
Tuesday, August 28
No More Ansofting :D
Its been long since I last blog. Been too busy. But today, I can proudly say, I've finished with the designing :D Im done with Ansoft! :D Weehee~!
All I haf to do now is to send the design to lab for fabrication. I did go to the lab just now. But the technician said that he had to finish other designs first...then start on mine. Hope he can fabricate fast. Due date is on the 5th. Praying hard I cud submit the complete report on time.
There are still stuff to buy, more than half a report to write on, but I'll get tru insyaAllah.
Oh! I still haf another assignment to be complete which due on the 12th. That day happens to be my FYP presentation day too. What a nice coincidence, aight? Im scared with the presentation. I dun care about the assignment. :|
Last weekend, Azwa and me being the good girl, helped Sha to jaga the guest book on her wedding day. We were hoping that we cud cuci mate with all the gorgeous hunks coming, but were disapointed as most of them came with their partners/spouses. Ape la Sha ni. Ajak la singles ramai2 ..Sigh~!
The place was nice. It was near a tasik with sampan and boat and long boat with lampu hijau passed by. So they took the advantage to get on the sampan too from Souq(Thanks to Pomp for reminding me) to the reception dinner. They actually get on the sampan that use paddles. Yes! Naseb baik x tergolek jatuh dlm air. Hehe... was at nite. The lights were pretty. The food was superlicious and the pengantins were lovely. The slack thing was the tourists. The just didnt know how to be decent. There were signs saying it was a private function. Only guests are allowed. But they just had to trespassed. Menyemak betol! They came to see the fireworks competition. Ppl had to climb up higher to watch the fireworks actually. If not, u cant really enjoy the fireworks. Luckily he had video-ed the fireworks, so I get to see 'em. Sangat lawa!
The next day, we went to the groom's reception plak. The food was again sedaaap. We get to take pictures with the pengantins. Eh! 1 picture je with the pengantins. Others were only us or the pengantins only. Hehe...Somehow the bride sempat to advise us on not getting married as it was biase je :| Hmm...
Anihu....Thank u both for inviting.
Somehow, many-er had join the club. Heh. Not that Im happy for u all or some sort of welcoming ppl to join the so called club. Life sucks, shit happens. We just had to face it nevertheless. But like I always say to myself, there are more u yet to see. Just wait for the perfect time to come. Or someday somehow, all ur wishes and dreams will come true with God willing. Just live life to the fullest and enjoi the most of it :D
All I haf to do now is to send the design to lab for fabrication. I did go to the lab just now. But the technician said that he had to finish other designs first...then start on mine. Hope he can fabricate fast. Due date is on the 5th. Praying hard I cud submit the complete report on time.
There are still stuff to buy, more than half a report to write on, but I'll get tru insyaAllah.
Oh! I still haf another assignment to be complete which due on the 12th. That day happens to be my FYP presentation day too. What a nice coincidence, aight? Im scared with the presentation. I dun care about the assignment. :|
Last weekend, Azwa and me being the good girl, helped Sha to jaga the guest book on her wedding day. We were hoping that we cud cuci mate with all the gorgeous hunks coming, but were disapointed as most of them came with their partners/spouses. Ape la Sha ni. Ajak la singles ramai2 ..Sigh~!
The place was nice. It was near a tasik with sampan and boat and long boat with lampu hijau passed by. So they took the advantage to get on the sampan too from Souq(Thanks to Pomp for reminding me) to the reception dinner. They actually get on the sampan that use paddles. Yes! Naseb baik x tergolek jatuh dlm air. Hehe... was at nite. The lights were pretty. The food was superlicious and the pengantins were lovely. The slack thing was the tourists. The just didnt know how to be decent. There were signs saying it was a private function. Only guests are allowed. But they just had to trespassed. Menyemak betol! They came to see the fireworks competition. Ppl had to climb up higher to watch the fireworks actually. If not, u cant really enjoy the fireworks. Luckily he had video-ed the fireworks, so I get to see 'em. Sangat lawa!
The next day, we went to the groom's reception plak. The food was again sedaaap. We get to take pictures with the pengantins. Eh! 1 picture je with the pengantins. Others were only us or the pengantins only. Hehe...Somehow the bride sempat to advise us on not getting married as it was biase je :| Hmm...
Anihu....Thank u both for inviting.
Somehow, many-er had join the club. Heh. Not that Im happy for u all or some sort of welcoming ppl to join the so called club. Life sucks, shit happens. We just had to face it nevertheless. But like I always say to myself, there are more u yet to see. Just wait for the perfect time to come. Or someday somehow, all ur wishes and dreams will come true with God willing. Just live life to the fullest and enjoi the most of it :D
Monday, August 13
Bestnye Dapat Pelok Hans Isaac
I had cramp on my right leg just now. It was damn painful. Luckily there's no one in the room, so I scream as loud as I can ;) I even shed some tears. Saket gile ok! It was long since I had this kinda cramp. Ive put on Minyak Cap Kapak on my kaki like Watie told me so. It helped a little. Dalam BM, kite panggil Simpul Biawak. Hm..Whatever it is, it was extremely painful, and now I'm limping :(
It was MMU convo weekend. Er..I dun think we can called it weekend tho. Because we were having convo on Monday too which is tomorrow. Couple of my friends are among of the unlucky ones to have convo on Monday. So far, it rained. The 1st day was still ok. But the 2nd day which is today was alll wet. Seriously, I dun enjoy it at all. The wet part la. Anyways, am happy for all frens graduating and gutlak in ur future. Ha! Gutlak on the kambing business yah Aini :P
They told me, I haf at least 4 weeks to finish my project. So now Im realllly freaking out. I dun feel the stress rush yet, but I am pretty sure it will soon to come. Basically I haf 3 designs to finish. Just now I just finished 1. I dun know how Im suppose to finish the other 2 with this shorrrrrt of time. Mind u, the 3 designs were supposed to be done months ago. Now, I should have started on my final designs which will be verry complicated and the rendering part will be endlessly long Sigh~! Even now, Im still waiting for the 2/3 designs to finish rendering. Seriously, Im really fucked up :-< Last few days, I had terrible time to sleep at the right time. My biological clock was all messed up. I cant sleep at nite. Only after 7am that I can sleep. Ive tried everything, from watching the movie till the eyes hurt to switch on the fan and put it straight to my face to even count the sheeps :| . But now, the clock has already been fixed Wee~! I tried hard, and after 5 hard ass of trying getting to sleep, saye berjaye! :D
Oh! Badan pon saket2 la. Rase macam nak demam je. FYI, I dun usually slow or switch off the fan. I haf 2 fans actually in my room. But today, I put the ceiling fan at speed 2 and I switched off the kipas meje. Kagum x?? So I think Im really sick :(
My chest hurt too :( :(
It was MMU convo weekend. Er..I dun think we can called it weekend tho. Because we were having convo on Monday too which is tomorrow. Couple of my friends are among of the unlucky ones to have convo on Monday. So far, it rained. The 1st day was still ok. But the 2nd day which is today was alll wet. Seriously, I dun enjoy it at all. The wet part la. Anyways, am happy for all frens graduating and gutlak in ur future. Ha! Gutlak on the kambing business yah Aini :P
They told me, I haf at least 4 weeks to finish my project. So now Im realllly freaking out. I dun feel the stress rush yet, but I am pretty sure it will soon to come. Basically I haf 3 designs to finish. Just now I just finished 1. I dun know how Im suppose to finish the other 2 with this shorrrrrt of time. Mind u, the 3 designs were supposed to be done months ago. Now, I should have started on my final designs which will be verry complicated and the rendering part will be endlessly long Sigh~! Even now, Im still waiting for the 2/3 designs to finish rendering. Seriously, Im really fucked up :-< Last few days, I had terrible time to sleep at the right time. My biological clock was all messed up. I cant sleep at nite. Only after 7am that I can sleep. Ive tried everything, from watching the movie till the eyes hurt to switch on the fan and put it straight to my face to even count the sheeps :| . But now, the clock has already been fixed Wee~! I tried hard, and after 5 hard ass of trying getting to sleep, saye berjaye! :D
Oh! Badan pon saket2 la. Rase macam nak demam je. FYI, I dun usually slow or switch off the fan. I haf 2 fans actually in my room. But today, I put the ceiling fan at speed 2 and I switched off the kipas meje. Kagum x?? So I think Im really sick :(
My chest hurt too :( :(
Monday, August 6
Absolutely Zero

bəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[am-i-kuh-buh
adjective characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable: an amicable settlement.
I just learned this word from Farah Haida.
We were chatting yesterday, and she used this word.
Enihu...thank you for the knowledge :)
Yah, last nite we were conferencing (in the chat room jerr :p)
It wasn't long, but long enuff for me to miss the ol' days.
Miss the ol' friends whom I used to hang out with.
Miss hearing stuff about ppl.
Miss those skool days :)
I really wish that 1 day, we'll haf the biggest gath with everyone present.
Sure gempak punye lah! :P
*Edited Version*
F: Ye ke? Asal tade ape2 kt blog?
S: Huh?
F: Selalu ppl tell everything in their blog
S: Hehe
Yerp, some people do that.
They think that their blog is their diary.
But not me.
Blogging is like telling ppl stories about me.
Stories I dun mind ppl to know of.(Betol x ayat nih??!)
Or expressing something.
Which sometimes I do want ppl to give comments about it.
But most of the times, I dun care whether ppl actually read my blog :P
1 way of telling ppl about my life or my thots non verbally.
The easiest way to tell many2 ppl, without having to repeat them many2 times.
Ya, that is blogging to me.
And I prefer to write things that interest me.
Things that make me all smiley and happy.
That dont irritates me too much.
Of course I do write about things I hate.
But not much hatred as when I read them back, I'll feel sad.
Yes, I do read my blog when I dont have anything else to do. (Poyo OK)
Some sad stories are better kept to myself.
Thats the purpose of writing them at first place, rite?
So dat I can still remember whats been happening to me.
My sister said dat I dont remember things well.
So yah, this blog thingy do helps a little :)
I just watched Prince & Me.
It is an old film.
Ive watched it before, but not the full version.
Saye Nak Kawin Ngan Prince Mat Saleh Plzzz!!!!
Ok. Exaggerating a bit.
At least a kerabat will do.
Tapi nnt kerabat x leh duduk dlm istane :(
Ke semue kerabat duduk kt istane? :|
OK la..
If not royal family, a rich brit will do.
Or any mat saleh with strong English accent.
Drools ~
Its late. And I am still awake.
Because I want to fast tomorrow.
Usually I dun mind of not having Sahur.
But Now I haf to.
Because there is a pill to be telan in the morning.
But since I cant eat in the morning, Sahur time will be the perfect time.
Why I dun just swalllow the pill now?
Because the pill has to be taken at nites too.
There shud be some time intervals.
So the reason of not sleeping now is because I want to wait until sahur and eat my pill.
If not I would woke up late.
And miss eating my pill.
I cant break my fast then since Im Pose Ganti-ing :D
Get the idea rite??
adjective characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable: an amicable settlement.
I just learned this word from Farah Haida.
We were chatting yesterday, and she used this word.
Enihu...thank you for the knowledge :)
Yah, last nite we were conferencing (in the chat room jerr :p)
It wasn't long, but long enuff for me to miss the ol' days.
Miss the ol' friends whom I used to hang out with.
Miss hearing stuff about ppl.
Miss those skool days :)
I really wish that 1 day, we'll haf the biggest gath with everyone present.
Sure gempak punye lah! :P
*Edited Version*
F: Ye ke? Asal tade ape2 kt blog?
S: Huh?
F: Selalu ppl tell everything in their blog
S: Hehe
Yerp, some people do that.
They think that their blog is their diary.
But not me.
Blogging is like telling ppl stories about me.
Stories I dun mind ppl to know of.(Betol x ayat nih??!)
Or expressing something.
Which sometimes I do want ppl to give comments about it.
But most of the times, I dun care whether ppl actually read my blog :P
1 way of telling ppl about my life or my thots non verbally.
The easiest way to tell many2 ppl, without having to repeat them many2 times.
Ya, that is blogging to me.
And I prefer to write things that interest me.
Things that make me all smiley and happy.
That dont irritates me too much.
Of course I do write about things I hate.
But not much hatred as when I read them back, I'll feel sad.
Yes, I do read my blog when I dont have anything else to do. (Poyo OK)
Some sad stories are better kept to myself.
Thats the purpose of writing them at first place, rite?
So dat I can still remember whats been happening to me.
My sister said dat I dont remember things well.
So yah, this blog thingy do helps a little :)
I just watched Prince & Me.
It is an old film.
Ive watched it before, but not the full version.
Saye Nak Kawin Ngan Prince Mat Saleh Plzzz!!!!
Ok. Exaggerating a bit.
At least a kerabat will do.
Tapi nnt kerabat x leh duduk dlm istane :(
Ke semue kerabat duduk kt istane? :|
OK la..
If not royal family, a rich brit will do.
Or any mat saleh with strong English accent.
Drools ~
Its late. And I am still awake.
Because I want to fast tomorrow.
Usually I dun mind of not having Sahur.
But Now I haf to.
Because there is a pill to be telan in the morning.
But since I cant eat in the morning, Sahur time will be the perfect time.
Why I dun just swalllow the pill now?
Because the pill has to be taken at nites too.
There shud be some time intervals.
So the reason of not sleeping now is because I want to wait until sahur and eat my pill.
If not I would woke up late.
And miss eating my pill.
I cant break my fast then since Im Pose Ganti-ing :D
Get the idea rite??
Thursday, August 2
When The Stars Go Blue
It's amazing what search engine can do nowadays. You can find just about anything thru this search engine. I personally prefer Google than Yahoo. You can type in anything, and surely at least one link related to it will come out.
Like recently, I received a message at myspace from this guy, asking whether im the one who has the blog and put his picture in it? And ya, that guy didnt know me at all. We just met, and we took a picture together. Kih kih. And so, I did put the picture :P I was wondering how he finds it, then later I type in his name...and wallah! The first link came out was my blog :P He was cool with it tho. Afterall, its not like I was backbiting him or wrote bad things about him. To Agus, sorry again :p
Nowadays, I really depend on the internet. Its like a superb dictionary+encyclopedia media thingy. Apart from the mucho grando entertainment you can access dat is. Its not tragic if I say, life without internet is sucks. If you were on holidays for a few days its ok but not for a long time. Internet is the new necessity. Even saruq, a friend of mine who is now 'euro triping', accesses the internet almost everyday to update her blog about the trip. So ya, internet is essentials nowadays. Hello!! Like, what u can not find in the internet?? None.
Today I woke up at noon. Lambat gile! Not that I sleep late last nite. Probably because I had this dream about my father who is excitedly arranging my marriage without me having a groom :-s. He was the one who book the catering, design the bridal dais, tempah the baju..EVERYTHING!!! FYI, my father is not a girly type of person. Not like 'Nyah' girly. He never decorates the house or look at the bunges my mother planted in the backyard..u know ..he is not the soft hearted kinda guy. And I think the dream is lengthy :| In the end, everything are all prepared, except for the groom part. No one ever realizes that until I told my father. Then I woke up :)
They say, when u still remembers your dream after u woke up, it wont come true. So lets hope the 'say' is correct afterall.
Last nite, my battery fon was weak. I tried looking for the charger, but nowhere to be found. Then I realize , Ive left it at my house in Melake :-< Lucky Ira is using the same brand fon as I am. And the charger fits Woohoo~! So after dis, Im going to return the charger. But need to shower first :D
Like recently, I received a message at myspace from this guy, asking whether im the one who has the blog and put his picture in it? And ya, that guy didnt know me at all. We just met, and we took a picture together. Kih kih. And so, I did put the picture :P I was wondering how he finds it, then later I type in his name...and wallah! The first link came out was my blog :P He was cool with it tho. Afterall, its not like I was backbiting him or wrote bad things about him. To Agus, sorry again :p
Nowadays, I really depend on the internet. Its like a superb dictionary+encyclopedia media thingy. Apart from the mucho grando entertainment you can access dat is. Its not tragic if I say, life without internet is sucks. If you were on holidays for a few days its ok but not for a long time. Internet is the new necessity. Even saruq, a friend of mine who is now 'euro triping', accesses the internet almost everyday to update her blog about the trip. So ya, internet is essentials nowadays. Hello!! Like, what u can not find in the internet?? None.
Today I woke up at noon. Lambat gile! Not that I sleep late last nite. Probably because I had this dream about my father who is excitedly arranging my marriage without me having a groom :-s. He was the one who book the catering, design the bridal dais, tempah the baju..EVERYTHING!!! FYI, my father is not a girly type of person. Not like 'Nyah' girly. He never decorates the house or look at the bunges my mother planted in the backyard..u know ..he is not the soft hearted kinda guy. And I think the dream is lengthy :| In the end, everything are all prepared, except for the groom part. No one ever realizes that until I told my father. Then I woke up :)
They say, when u still remembers your dream after u woke up, it wont come true. So lets hope the 'say' is correct afterall.
Last nite, my battery fon was weak. I tried looking for the charger, but nowhere to be found. Then I realize , Ive left it at my house in Melake :-< Lucky Ira is using the same brand fon as I am. And the charger fits Woohoo~! So after dis, Im going to return the charger. But need to shower first :D
Friday, July 27
Secret Recipe
Happy Olding to Siti Zulaiha Mustapar!
*I thot of putting ur picture, but all I haf are ur proper pictures. So tanak letak Hehe!*
He got into a fight because he was being **l**te*. Ehehe. My advise to u, gutlak in ur future. There are more to come :))
Yesterday, I was Scrubs-Marathoning. It was goooood. I laid on the bed with selimut and kipas on, and the series was super kelakar! But a little after that, I got headache. I manage to finish 1 season tho :D
Then this morning, the headache was still there. Now that Ive put Minyak Cap Kapak all over the kepale, Im feeling better :)
I'll be having my midterms soon.
And my FYP is still progressing in a very slow speed. Need to boost everything up!
Oh! Brand's Essence of Chicken is really good to freshen the mind and be more alert. Like the motto said, Stay Ahead Stay Alert (something like that)
There is this contest, if u can collect all 4 bottles each with 'Stay' 'Ahead' 'Stay' 'Alert' sign, u got to win an ipod shuffle. So far Ive drank 2, and both with 'Alert' sign. Sigh~!
Dis sem, I haf to go back at least once a fortnight (betol ke nih? :-s) I had some appointments to attend. At first, I do think it is troubling. But now, Im getting use to it. In fact, Im looking forward to go back. The 'Home Sweet Home' phrase suits me best now :P Im even thinking of working in Melaka after dis Haha. Just miss the ppl back at home~!

This is the latest picture taken. All the pictures with me in it was blur (how nice!)
p/s: Oh! dun wori . Soon u'll be in every picture we take :)
Thursday, July 26
Make A Memory
Bon Jovi Lyrics
I Usually Like A Song Because Of The Vidclip Or The Music Itself. Seldom I Enjoy The Lyric.
Same Goes to This Song. Just LerrvVe The Music. Somehow Its Soothing Haha.
Not like Jason Mraz's soothing, just another kind of soothing. :| Tapi Soothing la kesimpulannye :D
Bon Jovi Is 1 of 'Orang Tues' I Adore Hehehe :D
Die Comel Sangat!
p/s: Who is kind enuff to buy me Gwen's concert ticket, come come~! The cheapest one oso can :D
Monday, July 23
Yesterday we went bowling! Weehee~! I teamed up with ayahanda and 4 more people whom I know only 2. Mom was with Cikcim and Auntie Sarimah and some other ppl. Poor Idayu registered late. So she had to play with ppl we all never knew :| Cikyah was there too, teamed up with good bowlers and yes, her team get the 2nd place. She was not bad tho. Uncle Sharom's team was the juare and Bibi's team got 3rd. We just won the saguhati prize. Idayu, being the youngest contestant and it was her first time actually, won a trophy. A big and tall one. It says "Pemain Markah Terendah" :)) At the trophy giving ceremony, daddy was the one who sampaikan the trofi and mom was the one handed the trofi to ayahanda. Nice huh?? :P
Its the rainy season.
And musim buah juge :D They were durians, rambutans, langsats and manggissss :P Went home, there were pengat durian yang slalu orang cecah ngan roti tu, kuih ketayap with kelape+durian inti, tempoyak yg super layan...pendek kate segale yg menyelerekan sehingge menjilat jari :)
Talking about food, if u prefer n9 food, poielah kek Restoran Rabena time tongah hari. Im not sure bilo dio tutup or bukak. I went there for lunch and the food was superlicious!! Sodap nak mampuih! It's in Paroi. Blakang stadium Paroi tu ehehe.
Erm.. Ive been typing daddy's Penyata Tuntutan Elaun for ages. Some of the places he went are funny like Broga and Sungai Ngoi Ngoi, Just now, I went to 1 of the places. It's called Mantin. It has nothing to do with funny name tho. :|
Well, Ive heard of this town long ago but I never know its wherebout. And I thot Mantin is near Senawang. But its actually near Nilai. Hmm..just a useful information, in case any of u is wondering Ehehe...
Tomorrow Ive an interview :) Mintak2 it goes well Amin~!
Ngantok la.
Its the rainy season.
And musim buah juge :D They were durians, rambutans, langsats and manggissss :P Went home, there were pengat durian yang slalu orang cecah ngan roti tu, kuih ketayap with kelape+durian inti, tempoyak yg super layan...pendek kate segale yg menyelerekan sehingge menjilat jari :)
Talking about food, if u prefer n9 food, poielah kek Restoran Rabena time tongah hari. Im not sure bilo dio tutup or bukak. I went there for lunch and the food was superlicious!! Sodap nak mampuih! It's in Paroi. Blakang stadium Paroi tu ehehe.
Erm.. Ive been typing daddy's Penyata Tuntutan Elaun for ages. Some of the places he went are funny like Broga and Sungai Ngoi Ngoi, Just now, I went to 1 of the places. It's called Mantin. It has nothing to do with funny name tho. :|
Well, Ive heard of this town long ago but I never know its wherebout. And I thot Mantin is near Senawang. But its actually near Nilai. Hmm..just a useful information, in case any of u is wondering Ehehe...
Tomorrow Ive an interview :) Mintak2 it goes well Amin~!
Ngantok la.
Thursday, July 19
I know Im wayyy very late to say this.. But its the thot that counts aight?
So, Happy newlywed to AliyyaBada and Black!!!And Happy Tunang to Aini and Tengku!! Wee~!

The other day, we celebrated our birthdays Hehe...
And these are among the things we ate =p~

To you and ur frens, be tough. Things happen for a reason. Just pray that things will get better InsyaAllah~
Oh ya! And I am too praying hard for this 'illness' Sigh~! Hope it will get better soooonn.
I am sure, some of the closest frens would remember Imran Iskandar. :">
We were talking about Ning getting engaged to a matsaleh and he changed his name to Omar Sharif. And I was telling if it was me, I would like the guy to change his name to the same initials as mine. The best example is Imran Iskandar :D
Well, I googled him.There is 1 about a month old and a 10 year old injured. Hm..
So, Happy newlywed to AliyyaBada and Black!!!And Happy Tunang to Aini and Tengku!! Wee~!

The other day, we celebrated our birthdays Hehe...
And these are among the things we ate =p~

To you and ur frens, be tough. Things happen for a reason. Just pray that things will get better InsyaAllah~
Oh ya! And I am too praying hard for this 'illness' Sigh~! Hope it will get better soooonn.
I am sure, some of the closest frens would remember Imran Iskandar. :">
We were talking about Ning getting engaged to a matsaleh and he changed his name to Omar Sharif. And I was telling if it was me, I would like the guy to change his name to the same initials as mine. The best example is Imran Iskandar :D
Well, I googled him.There is 1 about a month old and a 10 year old injured. Hm..
Monday, July 9
Hari Ini Hari Isnin :D
It's the 9th yaw!
I thank you for the ticket and the food.
I thank the many2 yous and an anonymous you for the text messages.
I thank you both for the card and the chocolates.
I thank yous for the online messages.
I thank you for singing on the phone.
It was sweet, eventho it wasn't a proper one Heh.
I thank you three for the song and the cake.
I thank you for the muffins and the cake!
Loving them to the max! Especially the cake :x
Oh! And you for making such-meleleh-air-liur cake :D
I thank you both for the card.
I thank you for the entry eventho I dun fancy the picture :|
I thank you for the call and the intention to blanja me :)
I thank you for the text message and the promise you made. It surely made my day >:D<
And you both for the song eventho you were a few minutes late :|
Ha! Jayam shook my hand. HikHik... *Amik Berkat*
I thank you for the ticket and the food.
I thank the many2 yous and an anonymous you for the text messages.
I thank you both for the card and the chocolates.
I thank yous for the online messages.
I thank you for singing on the phone.
It was sweet, eventho it wasn't a proper one Heh.
I thank you three for the song and the cake.
I thank you for the muffins and the cake!
Loving them to the max! Especially the cake :x
Oh! And you for making such-meleleh-air-liur cake :D
I thank you both for the card.
I thank you for the entry eventho I dun fancy the picture :|
I thank you for the call and the intention to blanja me :)
I thank you for the text message and the promise you made. It surely made my day >:D<
And you both for the song eventho you were a few minutes late :|
Ha! Jayam shook my hand. HikHik... *Amik Berkat*
The Mafin
Thursday, June 28
- :) -
Today we went perfume hunting. All the branded perfumes were on sale. They were season-clearence-ed :D I bought 1, but not for me. It happens that the day is so perfect with little money to spend. Sigh~! So had to spend the money wisely, to whom deserves it more :)
Today is the 2nd actually. Tomorrow's gonna be the last. Azwa went yesterday. She said they were so many people rakusly went for all the perfumes. Many of them bought 1 full basket. Crazy I tell you! They were like hungry lions to be served boys :| Ferociously went after those perfumes regardless of people around. Haiyoh! So if you think you like the particular perfume, just grab it, later then decide whether you should buy the perfume or not :P Ehehe.. Kalau x, mmg da kene kebas la sama orang lain.
Oh! We simply stop at the Raja Chulan station and end up walking about hundreds2 of metres to get there. But the painful long walking journey was worthwhile :)
Then, we walk to KLCC. Bought a few stuff. Wati tried to look for some stuff but couldnt get em and Azwa was window shopping. She was happy tho :D
Oh! Parking rates at KLCentral is so mahal!
I am hoping to having this kinda sale again. But be it handbags this time. Hehe..
Bai en.
Today is the 2nd actually. Tomorrow's gonna be the last. Azwa went yesterday. She said they were so many people rakusly went for all the perfumes. Many of them bought 1 full basket. Crazy I tell you! They were like hungry lions to be served boys :| Ferociously went after those perfumes regardless of people around. Haiyoh! So if you think you like the particular perfume, just grab it, later then decide whether you should buy the perfume or not :P Ehehe.. Kalau x, mmg da kene kebas la sama orang lain.
Oh! We simply stop at the Raja Chulan station and end up walking about hundreds2 of metres to get there. But the painful long walking journey was worthwhile :)
Then, we walk to KLCC. Bought a few stuff. Wati tried to look for some stuff but couldnt get em and Azwa was window shopping. She was happy tho :D
Oh! Parking rates at KLCentral is so mahal!
I am hoping to having this kinda sale again. But be it handbags this time. Hehe..
Bai en.
Wednesday, June 27
Courtesy VS Stupidity
Case I
Student: Kak! Saye nak -------. Macam mane saye nk buat?
Staff: (Still looking down at her work, points a finger towards another staff sitting next to her)
Student: Oh! Terime kasih ye :)
Case II
Student: (Walking towards the other staff to face her directly). Kak saye nak-- (cut off by the staff)
Staff: Awak nampak x tulesan kt kerusi tu?
Student: (Try to find the tulesan) Huh?
Staff: (Look at the student's face blankly)
Student: (Finally finds the tulesan which read "No student beyond this point") Oh! Maaf ye kak. X perasan la. (Apela bangang sangat derang ni. Da la muke blakang monitor screen, nk cakap face to face pon payah)
Sekian ceritera utk hari ini :)
Student: Kak! Saye nak -------. Macam mane saye nk buat?
Staff: (Still looking down at her work, points a finger towards another staff sitting next to her)
Student: Oh! Terime kasih ye :)
Case II
Student: (Walking towards the other staff to face her directly). Kak saye nak-- (cut off by the staff)
Staff: Awak nampak x tulesan kt kerusi tu?
Student: (Try to find the tulesan) Huh?
Staff: (Look at the student's face blankly)
Student: (Finally finds the tulesan which read "No student beyond this point") Oh! Maaf ye kak. X perasan la. (Apela bangang sangat derang ni. Da la muke blakang monitor screen, nk cakap face to face pon payah)
Sekian ceritera utk hari ini :)
Saturday, June 16
Something For The People
Today is my mom's birthday. Unlucky her, she was in the hospital for 2 days. She was admitted on Wednesday nite. Seems dat her saluran makanan is bleeding. The acid from the perut cause the bleeding. The injap that is suppose to block the acid from entering the saluran makanan didnt function properly. The bleeding effects her trakea too. No wonder all this while she had trouble swallowing her food. Pity her. The hospital was kind enough to give my mother a pot of flower. The flower is very nice, but I dun know what kind it is. She's at home now which is good news. But I dun think we'll be going out to celebrate her birthday as she is still weak with the drugs and many2 test she took while she was in the hospital. I did prepare a card and a present for her which Im going to give them to her later tonite.
The other day, we ordered McD. It was a delivery. It was my first time. The ordering tru delivery I mean. It was kinda cool as they can detect my house address. And the service was fast too. After the delivery man has sent the food, the management called the house again to confirm whether I received the food or not. Now that's wat I call a good service!
Results were out. I dun really like mine. It was so so to me. And I am super hating Intan Suraya Shahdan. Hmph~!
Last week, a friend of mine got married. We've lost contact for about 5++ years, when suddenly she messaged tru frenster telling she was getting married. Hehe...Im surprised many of my friends came. We were loud and hectic, like usual :-j
Next will be Aini's engagement and Aliyya Bada's wedding. Both fall on the same day but diff time. Naseb baik :P Aini is the 1st non-tkcian fren I haf whom will tie the knot soon. Ok. I know dis is making no sense at all :|
I so wanna go to Agnes Monica's concert!!! Somebody plz win me the tix or if u're kind enuff, buy a good seat for me :)
Ok Bai
The other day, we ordered McD. It was a delivery. It was my first time. The ordering tru delivery I mean. It was kinda cool as they can detect my house address. And the service was fast too. After the delivery man has sent the food, the management called the house again to confirm whether I received the food or not. Now that's wat I call a good service!
Results were out. I dun really like mine. It was so so to me. And I am super hating Intan Suraya Shahdan. Hmph~!
Last week, a friend of mine got married. We've lost contact for about 5++ years, when suddenly she messaged tru frenster telling she was getting married. Hehe...Im surprised many of my friends came. We were loud and hectic, like usual :-j
Next will be Aini's engagement and Aliyya Bada's wedding. Both fall on the same day but diff time. Naseb baik :P Aini is the 1st non-tkcian fren I haf whom will tie the knot soon. Ok. I know dis is making no sense at all :|
I so wanna go to Agnes Monica's concert!!! Somebody plz win me the tix or if u're kind enuff, buy a good seat for me :)
Ok Bai
Friday, June 8
Not Today
Today I dun feel happy
Because of 4 things
Because of 4 things
- Things I did for 2 days didnt turn out good. Time and energy wasted :(
- I dun haf the chance to go to New Zealand, let alone Australia :(
- I haf to see a doctor during this hols. Thats what held me back from going to OZ.
- Hate the fact that all of these 3 things, I knew it at the same time. Blurgh!~
So Today is not the day for me :(
Boo Hoo~ :((
Ive arranged my timetable. I only haf 1 class each on Mondays and Tuesdays. A few classes on Wednesdays, no class on Thursdays and a morning and 2 evening classes on Fridays. Interesting?? Not!!!
Im not thinking of going back early but I just remembered I haf to manually register my fyp. Dang~! And that sums more things that make me unhappy.
Oh! I watched Shrek3 today. A bit disappointed tho. Hmm..Plus I get the 1st row again. Noiice~!
The only thing that brighten my day is my tv :x
I am so watching Manjalara and Emil Emilda Hahaha...
Boo Hoo~ :((
Ive arranged my timetable. I only haf 1 class each on Mondays and Tuesdays. A few classes on Wednesdays, no class on Thursdays and a morning and 2 evening classes on Fridays. Interesting?? Not!!!
Im not thinking of going back early but I just remembered I haf to manually register my fyp. Dang~! And that sums more things that make me unhappy.
Oh! I watched Shrek3 today. A bit disappointed tho. Hmm..Plus I get the 1st row again. Noiice~!
The only thing that brighten my day is my tv :x
I am so watching Manjalara and Emil Emilda Hahaha...
Monday, June 4
Be Somebody
There Are more Than One Person
: Alin
Last Wednesday, I went to see Alin, a friend when I was in Alpha year. She still a friend now heh. I first know her when I was in TKC but back then, we never spoke to each other. Then both of us with Farah Haida entered MMU and tru Farah I know Alin as in we click! Haha...
Anyway, I met Alin at her new house in SK. She has a ferret!! Her name is Kushka. She is sooo adorable and super cute. But as afraid I was of cats, I was more afraid of Kushka because she's too energetic and notty. So yea I scream a lot there :|
Oh! And I heard the words from Alin. We were talking. I like the words. And I totally agree with them. There are whole lots more than a person. So dats how I heard those words :D...
~Orang Lain Dah Ke Bulan, Kite Masih Lagi Dalam Tempayan~
:Aboi's song.
I can't really remember the exact words and the title of the song. I heard it over the radio. I dunno why he uses the word tempayan. Usually people use tempurung. Probably just to rhyme it with bulan. But it really made me think. It's kinda mix up with everything goes around me. With the 50th Independence Day coming up and why we have to follow everything peple do and making differences in my life. Yea..That kinda thot. Heavy thot that sometimes is good to be think :|
Acong, Pomp and me went to watch Waris Jari Hantu. To me it was a good movie. Every role was played really well by the actors/actresses. Four thumbs (jari kaki sekali :p) up to all of them. The sad part is really sad, the funny part is hilariously funny, the mystic fun is mysteriously mystic :|
Rusdi Ramli is superb! Kalau x menang award tatau ar.
I didnt know Riezman act in that film which makes me liking the film more. I've always like him :x I like him... and his lips heh. His acting was never disappointing. Eventho his role was not that important, he speaks perfect n9 dialect! And yes he is Perakian.
Ida Nerina was reallllly good. I never see any actress who can make expressions like hers. She's a Class A Pelakon!
I never like Rashid Salleh's acting. But in this movie, the character suits him best! :))
Azean is no doubt good la kan.
Kesimpulannye, the movie is bloody good and those who love a good movie with good pelakons, go and watch this movie. x rugi I tell u!!!
The nite before me and Pomp watched Puaka Tebing Biru. I think this movie is scarier than Jangan Pandang Belakang. And it should be rated as 18sx :|
Im suppose to be writing a letter for internship placement but I dun know hot to start. So I blog :D
Now Im gonna google and finish the letter. Then watch adorable Hafiz in Gedik Santai hehe. Toodles~!
: Alin
Last Wednesday, I went to see Alin, a friend when I was in Alpha year. She still a friend now heh. I first know her when I was in TKC but back then, we never spoke to each other. Then both of us with Farah Haida entered MMU and tru Farah I know Alin as in we click! Haha...
Anyway, I met Alin at her new house in SK. She has a ferret!! Her name is Kushka. She is sooo adorable and super cute. But as afraid I was of cats, I was more afraid of Kushka because she's too energetic and notty. So yea I scream a lot there :|
Oh! And I heard the words from Alin. We were talking. I like the words. And I totally agree with them. There are whole lots more than a person. So dats how I heard those words :D...
~Orang Lain Dah Ke Bulan, Kite Masih Lagi Dalam Tempayan~
:Aboi's song.
I can't really remember the exact words and the title of the song. I heard it over the radio. I dunno why he uses the word tempayan. Usually people use tempurung. Probably just to rhyme it with bulan. But it really made me think. It's kinda mix up with everything goes around me. With the 50th Independence Day coming up and why we have to follow everything peple do and making differences in my life. Yea..That kinda thot. Heavy thot that sometimes is good to be think :|
Acong, Pomp and me went to watch Waris Jari Hantu. To me it was a good movie. Every role was played really well by the actors/actresses. Four thumbs (jari kaki sekali :p) up to all of them. The sad part is really sad, the funny part is hilariously funny, the mystic fun is mysteriously mystic :|
Rusdi Ramli is superb! Kalau x menang award tatau ar.
I didnt know Riezman act in that film which makes me liking the film more. I've always like him :x I like him... and his lips heh. His acting was never disappointing. Eventho his role was not that important, he speaks perfect n9 dialect! And yes he is Perakian.
Ida Nerina was reallllly good. I never see any actress who can make expressions like hers. She's a Class A Pelakon!
I never like Rashid Salleh's acting. But in this movie, the character suits him best! :))
Azean is no doubt good la kan.
Kesimpulannye, the movie is bloody good and those who love a good movie with good pelakons, go and watch this movie. x rugi I tell u!!!
The nite before me and Pomp watched Puaka Tebing Biru. I think this movie is scarier than Jangan Pandang Belakang. And it should be rated as 18sx :|
Im suppose to be writing a letter for internship placement but I dun know hot to start. So I blog :D
Now Im gonna google and finish the letter. Then watch adorable Hafiz in Gedik Santai hehe. Toodles~!
Thursday, May 24
What do you know. It has come to the final day of the xm. I am verrry relieved it's over eventho Im not satisfied with any of them. Just praying hard that I'll get through. Amin~
As of that, I personally declare it's "Layan-Tv-Series/Movies-Sampai-Lebam-Day~!!! Hahaha...
Ive watched Heroes. And Ive watched Desperate Housewives. End of Story.
Many of my friends will end their university life but not me :( Still have a few months of hard ass work. So Im counting the days till I'll become a student no more. Yeehaa~!
So, end of final xm, means starting of holidays. I really hope I could go on holidays. I mean a real holiday. Not balik kampung kind of holiday if you get what I mean :|
I'd love to go to New Zealand with my sister. I havent told my parents yet. Actually I did. But the thing about my parents, they tend to forget everything I told them that seems interesting to me and to them. Not everything tho. But I dun think they remember about me wanting to go on this trip. So yea, can't wait to go back home to prepare myself to again told them the plan Haha...So wish me luck guys :P
I really need dis trip, the holiday. To let go of everything. Things happened these past few weeks were never good and sooooo tiring and I need my Sweet Escape. And Im really looking forward to bungee jumping Hee... So to my dear sister, boleh x kau jek2 mak ngan ayah suh kasi aku g visit kau :-< Oh! And We're moving out. Im going to stay in hostel next sem. I hate it. But thats the best choice I guess. I dun know when I want to start packing my stuff and balik rumah. Somehow I have a delivery to wait for. Hope it will be here soon. Plus I dun haf the mood to pack yet. Probably because my housemates havent finish their papers yet (except Aini yg dah blk last week lagi!)
And since it's the final month we stay in this house, we are taking advantage the most of it. Haha. Airconds are swtich on anytime we want so Im freeeeezzing like a freezing man :))
Erm..Happy hols everyone. And to those graduating..Happy job hunting Heh...
As of that, I personally declare it's "Layan-Tv-Series/Movies-Sampai-Lebam-Day~!!! Hahaha...
Ive watched Heroes. And Ive watched Desperate Housewives. End of Story.
Many of my friends will end their university life but not me :( Still have a few months of hard ass work. So Im counting the days till I'll become a student no more. Yeehaa~!
So, end of final xm, means starting of holidays. I really hope I could go on holidays. I mean a real holiday. Not balik kampung kind of holiday if you get what I mean :|
I'd love to go to New Zealand with my sister. I havent told my parents yet. Actually I did. But the thing about my parents, they tend to forget everything I told them that seems interesting to me and to them. Not everything tho. But I dun think they remember about me wanting to go on this trip. So yea, can't wait to go back home to prepare myself to again told them the plan Haha...So wish me luck guys :P
I really need dis trip, the holiday. To let go of everything. Things happened these past few weeks were never good and sooooo tiring and I need my Sweet Escape. And Im really looking forward to bungee jumping Hee... So to my dear sister, boleh x kau jek2 mak ngan ayah suh kasi aku g visit kau :-< Oh! And We're moving out. Im going to stay in hostel next sem. I hate it. But thats the best choice I guess. I dun know when I want to start packing my stuff and balik rumah. Somehow I have a delivery to wait for. Hope it will be here soon. Plus I dun haf the mood to pack yet. Probably because my housemates havent finish their papers yet (except Aini yg dah blk last week lagi!)
And since it's the final month we stay in this house, we are taking advantage the most of it. Haha. Airconds are swtich on anytime we want so Im freeeeezzing like a freezing man :))
Erm..Happy hols everyone. And to those graduating..Happy job hunting Heh...
Saturday, May 12
Teman Tapi Mesra
Im done with my course work for dis sem! The most kraziest ever semester! So far, 2 was ok and 2 was not. So now just pray for the best that everything turns out ok and as I expected. Eventho a lot has happen to me which was not ok and not expected at all Sigh~!
Last time I went to Alamanda's A&W for its waffle but the cashier said the machine was broken. So no waffle for that day. And today I went there again craving for the waffle...
Irizis: Kak! Waffle ade x?
Cashier: Tade la. Untuk harini punye, da habes. (muke worried)
Irizis: O ye ke..(muke sedih). Kenape da habes?
Cashier: Sebab mesin tu rosak.
Irizis: O ok...
A while later, a new customer came. And she ordered waffle. Amazingly she got it!! Somehow the cashier didn't haf any effort to tell me dat the machine was already ok and I can haf my waffle if Im still interested. I was seating very near to the cashier seat but non information whatsoeva! Damnation~! After dis, Im totally going to ban myself from going to that particular A&W. Hmph...Luckily there's Waffle Stop. So I ate waffle there :) Lately I realized that I've fallen in love with waffles :x
Oh! and the other day I want to eat kuih bakar. Ive look around Cyberjaya and Kg Baru but the closest I can get is 'bingka tepung' (If Im not mistaken :P ) But today I found what I want. I bought kuih bakar at Putrajaya Pasar Malam. Im so happy to get what I want hehe. Dah la abang yg jual tu hensem =p~ Thanks to Watie asking me to join her to Pasar Malam. Well, a Pasar Malam is the place to be. I love Pasar Malam. No matter how tired I am, I still can go to Pasar Malam.
On 2nd thot, I'll probably be going if I haven't gone to Pasar Malam for a while.
One thing interesting about Putrajaya's Pasar Malam is dat u can actually taste the food before u buy them. Interesting huh? :P Hm.. Whatever it is, saye suke pegi Pasar Malam :D
Ha! Thanks to Watie.. I finally get the pleasure to ride on scooter ehehe...Oh and Zul too for the scooter :)
I haf running nose. I think I got it from Pomp. I just remembered sharing float with her. Patutla boleh berjangkit. Hmph!
Headache. Running Nose. 3 days to finals. Nooiice~!
To my mother. Happy Early Mother's Day. I dun think I can get u anything this year. Tade duit :| Besides, finals coming :-ss
Last time I went to Alamanda's A&W for its waffle but the cashier said the machine was broken. So no waffle for that day. And today I went there again craving for the waffle...
Irizis: Kak! Waffle ade x?
Cashier: Tade la. Untuk harini punye, da habes. (muke worried)
Irizis: O ye ke..(muke sedih). Kenape da habes?
Cashier: Sebab mesin tu rosak.
Irizis: O ok...
A while later, a new customer came. And she ordered waffle. Amazingly she got it!! Somehow the cashier didn't haf any effort to tell me dat the machine was already ok and I can haf my waffle if Im still interested. I was seating very near to the cashier seat but non information whatsoeva! Damnation~! After dis, Im totally going to ban myself from going to that particular A&W. Hmph...Luckily there's Waffle Stop. So I ate waffle there :) Lately I realized that I've fallen in love with waffles :x
Oh! and the other day I want to eat kuih bakar. Ive look around Cyberjaya and Kg Baru but the closest I can get is 'bingka tepung' (If Im not mistaken :P ) But today I found what I want. I bought kuih bakar at Putrajaya Pasar Malam. Im so happy to get what I want hehe. Dah la abang yg jual tu hensem =p~ Thanks to Watie asking me to join her to Pasar Malam. Well, a Pasar Malam is the place to be. I love Pasar Malam. No matter how tired I am, I still can go to Pasar Malam.
On 2nd thot, I'll probably be going if I haven't gone to Pasar Malam for a while.
One thing interesting about Putrajaya's Pasar Malam is dat u can actually taste the food before u buy them. Interesting huh? :P Hm.. Whatever it is, saye suke pegi Pasar Malam :D
Ha! Thanks to Watie.. I finally get the pleasure to ride on scooter ehehe...Oh and Zul too for the scooter :)
I haf running nose. I think I got it from Pomp. I just remembered sharing float with her. Patutla boleh berjangkit. Hmph!
Headache. Running Nose. 3 days to finals. Nooiice~!
To my mother. Happy Early Mother's Day. I dun think I can get u anything this year. Tade duit :| Besides, finals coming :-ss
Sunday, May 6
»Smelly Food«
Hari ini saye pergi Alamanda.
Saye mkn Onion rings.
Saye minom A&W float.
Saye nk makan waffle.
Tapi machine die rosak.
So kecewe sket.
Tapi tape.
Asalkan saye dapat minom root beer:D
Dan saye makan durian Hehe...
Saye jumpe banyak artis hari ini.
Saye jumpe Dina.
Die sangat hitam.
Dan gemok!
Sory to say :|
Saye jumpe OAG.
Radhi memang seorang penghibur.
Saye suke mase die pergi ke arah budak2 pakai tudung labuh tu :))
Hilarious I tell u~!
Syarifah Aleya putih.
Dan Wati cakap die tade la gemok.
Saye dah bgtau ayahanda ttg keadaan kewangan saye.
Dan saye sentiase x suke kalau perkare ini dibangkitkan :-<
Saye mkn Onion rings.
Saye minom A&W float.
Saye nk makan waffle.
Tapi machine die rosak.
So kecewe sket.
Tapi tape.
Asalkan saye dapat minom root beer:D
Dan saye makan durian Hehe...
Saye jumpe banyak artis hari ini.
Saye jumpe Dina.
Die sangat hitam.
Dan gemok!
Sory to say :|
Saye jumpe OAG.
Radhi memang seorang penghibur.
Saye suke mase die pergi ke arah budak2 pakai tudung labuh tu :))
Hilarious I tell u~!
Syarifah Aleya putih.
Dan Wati cakap die tade la gemok.
Saye dah bgtau ayahanda ttg keadaan kewangan saye.
Dan saye sentiase x suke kalau perkare ini dibangkitkan :-<
Tuesday, May 1
Monday, April 30
I was tossing my external mouse as it wasn't functioning properly when suddenly it gave me an idea of what to blog...
I can be a real lazy bum.
I haf 3 assignments to submit..And my finals is nearing and I haven't done any studying.
Lately Im not doing great on any of my tests or just about anything..
So supposedly I should be worried and working my ass off finishing all those work rite?
...And yet, Im lazy bumming.
But after many2 tough weeks of pure workload, lazy bumming is what I need most. It would be nicer if I am at home, where I dun haf to do everything by myself-yes, Im super pampered at home, but being here with many rest would do enuff :D Plus the fact that we haf so many holidays these few days even make me restful Hehe...
However, I get sick over the weekend which kinda lessen the joyful of lazy bumming. A little bit of fever and sore throat plus cold. Bummer~! Lucky me, Faizal Iman was kind enuff to drive-trued Bubur Ayam Mcd and cook lunch for me :* And it was amazingly sedap Heh. So thanks yah! Im feeling better now :)
Tomorrow we're going to watch Amazing Race All Stars chez moi. Better not be late again yah pomp! Hmph~! I love Danny and Oswald. But the thing they did last week was not good. And yes, Karma did strike them hard. But I like them nonetheless. I hope Charla & Mirna will be eliminated dis week. So hating them. Or the blondies! Benci gell ok! Tolong la kluar!
Oh! and Aizat kluar :( Deng~!
How my mouse is related with this blog is ...It's part of my lazy bumming activities :))
Bai en.
I can be a real lazy bum.
I haf 3 assignments to submit..And my finals is nearing and I haven't done any studying.
Lately Im not doing great on any of my tests or just about anything..
So supposedly I should be worried and working my ass off finishing all those work rite?
...And yet, Im lazy bumming.
But after many2 tough weeks of pure workload, lazy bumming is what I need most. It would be nicer if I am at home, where I dun haf to do everything by myself-yes, Im super pampered at home, but being here with many rest would do enuff :D Plus the fact that we haf so many holidays these few days even make me restful Hehe...
However, I get sick over the weekend which kinda lessen the joyful of lazy bumming. A little bit of fever and sore throat plus cold. Bummer~! Lucky me, Faizal Iman was kind enuff to drive-trued Bubur Ayam Mcd and cook lunch for me :* And it was amazingly sedap Heh. So thanks yah! Im feeling better now :)
Tomorrow we're going to watch Amazing Race All Stars chez moi. Better not be late again yah pomp! Hmph~! I love Danny and Oswald. But the thing they did last week was not good. And yes, Karma did strike them hard. But I like them nonetheless. I hope Charla & Mirna will be eliminated dis week. So hating them. Or the blondies! Benci gell ok! Tolong la kluar!
Oh! and Aizat kluar :( Deng~!
How my mouse is related with this blog is ...It's part of my lazy bumming activities :))
Bai en.
Friday, April 27
OK..I really want to update my blog but I seriously don't haf any interesting stuff to share. My life is getting boring~er each and every day. In fact it's getting worst!
And so I read other ppl's blog...desperation drags me into doing this. So here goes:
1. Start Time: 1236am
2. Name: Irna Izura Ishak Ismail
3. Nickname: Irna@Zura
4. Astrology sign: Im a Ms. Krab :D
5. Gender: Perempuan
7. Hair color: Black
8. Eye color: Chocolate ;;)
9. Height: 156cm. Yes I'm short...Whatever~!
10. Favorite color: Kuning dan Pepel
13. Tattoos: I had henna drawing once :P
14. Birthplace: Melake
15. Area code: 75150
16. Friends: Well..I haf more than enuff frens >:D<
******HAVE YOU EVER*****
17. Cut your own hair?
Once..and it didn't turn out good :(
18. Done something in the past month that you regret?
Hm..I haf so many regrets in my life.Urgh~!
19. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to?
Yah..R2D2!!! Hello~! Like everyday I accidently bump into 'R2D2" which bring bad fengshui to my life OK.
21. Skipped school?
Sekolah agame selalu kot :))
22. Bungee jumped?
I did plan dis with my sister, but I dun think our parents will let us :-s
24. Punched someone?
Erm..During primary school yes..
25. Cheated on someone?
I like making lies :| But dat was just for fun :P So dat doesn't considered as cheating on someone, rite?:D
26. Been arrested?
27. Broken into someones house?
I dun think so..
30. Been rejected?
No Heh
31. Been to a funeral?
To Arwah Maklong's
32. Used a lighter?
34. Spring @ Holiday : Both ?!!
36. Ice cream flavor: Totally Vanilla
37. School subject(s): Erm..Im not sure :-s
38. Candy: Owh! I like 'Akan Ku Tunggu' sung by Candy :)..It's Candy rite?? :|
39. Breakfast: Lately I take anything dat is fat :|
40. Juice: Apple I think
41. Book(s): All kinds of 'em.
42. Movie(s): Horrors and Comedies..Be it Romantic or horror comedies. :D
43. Song(s): I listen to all songs.
44. Sport to watch on TV: Err..I watch tv to watch good shows only. But if I were to watch sports, it would probably be badminton or football. And a bit of rugby Heh...
50. Letter(s): I yaw! Nothing but the letter I
51. Favorite fast food restaurant: Im craving for A&W's root beer rite now. Hm...
52. Channel : 70
53. TV station : 8TV
54. Name for a son: Frankly..I like to maintain the 'I' initials in my family :) But no..None specific one
55. Name for a daughter: Seperti di atas.
******DO YOU PREFER****
56. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
57. Alcoholic or non?: Non
58. Relationships or one night stand?:Nice relationship heh
60. Scary movies or comedies? : Comedies preferably
61. Short or long hair? : I like short for girls andcurly-medium length for guys :x
62.Croutons or bacon bits? : Croutons
64. Mexicans in general: The big hat with strings glued all over it and there are ppl singing and dancing jumpily with the guitars :|
65. School: Miss it!
66. Grass: Green
67. Cow: Black & White
68. Canada: Shahiman :| He's the lecturer who studied in Canada
69. Mouse: Mickey
70. Hands: Edward
71. Watched a movie? Yes I have.
72. Talked on the phone? Just now.
73. Cried? in the past 3 days? Erm..
74. Choked? Tidak
75. Drank a glass of water? Cyberjaya is super hot. Water is essentials!
76. Done Drugs? Never
77. Read a book or magazine? No
78. Watched TV? Obviously!
79. Looked in the mirror? Ye
80. Taken a shower? Not-bathing makes me dizzy. So Yes...
82. Listened to music? Sudah tentu.
83. Kissed someone? Not really :-s
84. Told someone you liked them? Nope
85. End time: 1257am
Ok..There u go :)
And so I read other ppl's blog...desperation drags me into doing this. So here goes:
1. Start Time: 1236am
2. Name: Irna Izura Ishak Ismail
3. Nickname: Irna@Zura
4. Astrology sign: Im a Ms. Krab :D
5. Gender: Perempuan
7. Hair color: Black
8. Eye color: Chocolate ;;)
9. Height: 156cm. Yes I'm short...Whatever~!
10. Favorite color: Kuning dan Pepel
13. Tattoos: I had henna drawing once :P
14. Birthplace: Melake
15. Area code: 75150
16. Friends: Well..I haf more than enuff frens >:D<
******HAVE YOU EVER*****
17. Cut your own hair?
Once..and it didn't turn out good :(
18. Done something in the past month that you regret?
Hm..I haf so many regrets in my life.Urgh~!
19. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to?
Yah..R2D2!!! Hello~! Like everyday I accidently bump into 'R2D2" which bring bad fengshui to my life OK.
21. Skipped school?
Sekolah agame selalu kot :))
22. Bungee jumped?
I did plan dis with my sister, but I dun think our parents will let us :-s
24. Punched someone?
Erm..During primary school yes..
25. Cheated on someone?
I like making lies :| But dat was just for fun :P So dat doesn't considered as cheating on someone, rite?:D
26. Been arrested?
27. Broken into someones house?
I dun think so..
30. Been rejected?
No Heh
31. Been to a funeral?
To Arwah Maklong's
32. Used a lighter?
34. Spring @ Holiday : Both ?!!
36. Ice cream flavor: Totally Vanilla
37. School subject(s): Erm..Im not sure :-s
38. Candy: Owh! I like 'Akan Ku Tunggu' sung by Candy :)..It's Candy rite?? :|
39. Breakfast: Lately I take anything dat is fat :|
40. Juice: Apple I think
41. Book(s): All kinds of 'em.
42. Movie(s): Horrors and Comedies..Be it Romantic or horror comedies. :D
43. Song(s): I listen to all songs.
44. Sport to watch on TV: Err..I watch tv to watch good shows only. But if I were to watch sports, it would probably be badminton or football. And a bit of rugby Heh...
50. Letter(s): I yaw! Nothing but the letter I
51. Favorite fast food restaurant: Im craving for A&W's root beer rite now. Hm...
52. Channel : 70
53. TV station : 8TV
54. Name for a son: Frankly..I like to maintain the 'I' initials in my family :) But no..None specific one
55. Name for a daughter: Seperti di atas.
******DO YOU PREFER****
56. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
57. Alcoholic or non?: Non
58. Relationships or one night stand?:Nice relationship heh
60. Scary movies or comedies? : Comedies preferably
61. Short or long hair? : I like short for girls andcurly-medium length for guys :x
62.Croutons or bacon bits? : Croutons
64. Mexicans in general: The big hat with strings glued all over it and there are ppl singing and dancing jumpily with the guitars :|
65. School: Miss it!
66. Grass: Green
67. Cow: Black & White
68. Canada: Shahiman :| He's the lecturer who studied in Canada
69. Mouse: Mickey
70. Hands: Edward
71. Watched a movie? Yes I have.
72. Talked on the phone? Just now.
73. Cried? in the past 3 days? Erm..
74. Choked? Tidak
75. Drank a glass of water? Cyberjaya is super hot. Water is essentials!
76. Done Drugs? Never
77. Read a book or magazine? No
78. Watched TV? Obviously!
79. Looked in the mirror? Ye
80. Taken a shower? Not-bathing makes me dizzy. So Yes...
82. Listened to music? Sudah tentu.
83. Kissed someone? Not really :-s
84. Told someone you liked them? Nope
85. End time: 1257am
Ok..There u go :)
Sunday, April 8
Berite Terkini...
This entry is written for specifically 1 person only. So for those yang not interested, just click the google ad :D
Latest News...
Latest News...
- Just now I went to Abang Juan's wedding. Like FINALLY!!! His wife is a successful engineer. Nice~ Tadi derang x bersanding pon. Sebab Abang Juan bz sgt layan tetamu yg super bnyk! Kesian wife die tatau nk buat ape :|
- Yati is 3 months pregnant. The morning sickness is killing her. She is pale as dead people! Pity her~ Naseb baik x keje. So duduk rumah je relaxing.
- Cik Dah is due next week. Danial will get a new sibling akhirnye...
- Khairil dah keje. Pastu Abang Ijoi jempot die g keje. Hmm...
- Aiman semakin comel and dah pandai bercakap full sentence :P
- Abang Ija's Sarawakian Chinese awek is no longer an awek. Replaced by a Malay girl Ipoh mali :P Die cakap kalau dah confirm nnt, die kenalkan la since everyone has been swarming him with the Mano-Gelfren-Kau-Ija?-Question ehehe
- Ayah plans on going to Mekah lagi dis May. Im not sure whether Im going ke tak. I haf major condition to be taken care of :-<>
Sunday, April 1
Nothing Equals Nothing
Who says Avril Lavigne's lyrics are rubbish? Well, I don't.
Who says life is always wonderful? I don't. Well, not most of the time.
Like right now, I haf tones of unfinished work. I hate it.
Like right now, he's on the plane getting back here, which was supposed to be last Friday because he missed the flight. Well, there goes his first pay :(
Like right now, I just turn on my laptop as it shut off itself just now. Tensen gell OK!
Like right now, I haf to switch on 3 fans as it is always hot in Cyberjaya. (Except when it is raining :p)
* But I like Life Is Wonderful by J.Mraz too Pomp! *
I love rain.
I love the smell of rain.
Especially when it is blazing hot.
But I dun like rain when Im outside.
Because when Im driving, I cant see clearly.
Or when Im walking, I dun like my slipper to be dirty with mud.
Or getting drench when try to cross the rain.
Or when I hang my clothes to dry.
I dun like rain with thunder and lightning.
Regardless of whether Im outside or inside.
I just like a decent rain.
The one with no thunder and lightning.
The one with the smell I like.
The one that don't flood the way.
The one that's very light.
And the rain I like the most
Is the decent rain in the morning
Ok..Enuff of the crapping.
Here's the proof of the decent 'unrubbish' lyric :D
Don’t say no to anything,
yes, yes, say yes to everything,
just find away, to get away (wanna run away?)
let’s take off our clothes, and see if anybody notices
then run away, what d'you say?
have a little joy have a little faith, live life
have a little hope have a lot of fun
Cause you, you, you never know what fate will throw,
to make you stop,
I, I, I’m gonna try
to let this life
pick me up and take me away
Run up to a stranger,
kiss and tell them that you love them,
and then walk away,
you made their day (at least you hope you did)
stand up in a restaurant,
start dancing on the table,
get kicked out for that behavior (oops I did it again)
have a little joy have a little faith, live life
have a little hope have a lot of fun
Don’t you know that nothing equals nothing,
do anything, do everything, do something
open up your mouth and let your soul sing
You, you, you never know what faith will throw,
to make you stop
You, you, you never know what fate will throw,
to make you stop
I’m gonna try,
to let this life,
pick me up and take me away
*Take Me Away by A.Lavigne*
Who says life is always wonderful? I don't. Well, not most of the time.
Like right now, I haf tones of unfinished work. I hate it.
Like right now, he's on the plane getting back here, which was supposed to be last Friday because he missed the flight. Well, there goes his first pay :(
Like right now, I just turn on my laptop as it shut off itself just now. Tensen gell OK!
Like right now, I haf to switch on 3 fans as it is always hot in Cyberjaya. (Except when it is raining :p)
* But I like Life Is Wonderful by J.Mraz too Pomp! *
I love rain.
I love the smell of rain.
Especially when it is blazing hot.
But I dun like rain when Im outside.
Because when Im driving, I cant see clearly.
Or when Im walking, I dun like my slipper to be dirty with mud.
Or getting drench when try to cross the rain.
Or when I hang my clothes to dry.
I dun like rain with thunder and lightning.
Regardless of whether Im outside or inside.
I just like a decent rain.
The one with no thunder and lightning.
The one with the smell I like.
The one that don't flood the way.
The one that's very light.
And the rain I like the most
Is the decent rain in the morning
Ok..Enuff of the crapping.
Here's the proof of the decent 'unrubbish' lyric :D
Don’t say no to anything,
yes, yes, say yes to everything,
just find away, to get away (wanna run away?)
let’s take off our clothes, and see if anybody notices
then run away, what d'you say?
have a little joy have a little faith, live life
have a little hope have a lot of fun
Cause you, you, you never know what fate will throw,
to make you stop,
I, I, I’m gonna try
to let this life
pick me up and take me away
Run up to a stranger,
kiss and tell them that you love them,
and then walk away,
you made their day (at least you hope you did)
stand up in a restaurant,
start dancing on the table,
get kicked out for that behavior (oops I did it again)
have a little joy have a little faith, live life
have a little hope have a lot of fun
Don’t you know that nothing equals nothing,
do anything, do everything, do something
open up your mouth and let your soul sing
You, you, you never know what faith will throw,
to make you stop
You, you, you never know what fate will throw,
to make you stop
I’m gonna try,
to let this life,
pick me up and take me away
*Take Me Away by A.Lavigne*
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