Thursday, June 8

¤Stupido Me¤

I did the most stupidest thing ever-I let my youngest sister drive the car!!! Stupid rite? BTW, she's only 10!!! Well, I was really not sure why I let her change sit with me but I did. As the result, she didn't know how to control the pedals [Durgh!Obviously!!] and we hit the big vase in front of my house, and the front of the car went 'senget'. The plate no crack a little, but fortunately the engine was still on. Im not sure now, but I hope it still can function.
At that time, I really didn't know what to do. I was blank. I could've lift the handbrake and free the gear and off the engine but no, I just hold on to my breath yelling at my sister to push the brake which of course she was totally not sure what's what. Double stupid of me. I wasn't thinking whether we're going to be ok or not, but lucky us, not a scratch on our bodies. We're in good condition Alhamdulillah. Seems that Allah still let us live.
The car was a total wreck and my mother was at her top rage. My father still doesn't know about this. If you really know my father, he is a ferocious man. He could yell at anybody who offended him. ANYBODY let alone his own daughter. This incident happened last night, and he hasn't come back from Seremban yet so Im still in one piece. Im planning to lie to him that I accidently push the acceleration pedal when I want to actually push the brake but after a almost half day of thinking, I think I should just tell him the truth. Wrecking his car is one thing, and lying to him is another. So I couldn't risk doing anymore mistakes.
Above all, I always think that everything happen for a reason. There is the Qada and Qadar. Im gonna face every whatever thing I have to face for this stupid incident and Im gonna live with it. Like Faizal Iman always said, "Lets bygone be bygone". Im still worried, no doubt about that as I haf the strong feelings that my father's gonna come back home tonite, but just haf to face it rite? There are so many things happening in my life these few days-the hols, his birthday celebration, her sister's wedding, her wedding, the new maid named Wati [no offense yah Wats! :P] but this tops it all. Definitely! Hehe.. Haiyoh~

Next up is the exams result. Another sucky thing to face. Probably next week will it come out, so Im praying real hard that I dun fail any of my papers or that will triples x2 the anger my father has on me. Im so miserable. Heh



Anonymous said...

shit happens my dear .. so be cool .. eehhe

Anonymous said...

ya Allah. apehal la kau nih. aiya pun tk reti bawak keter lagi, kau suh idayu buat per.