I never experience f**king whole lot of nyamoks. They are super banyak. Invading my room with no mercy. They are between the bajus, on the bed, in the toilet, flying around happily. My room is like Disneyland to them!
So what did I do? I go get the Shieldtox and sprayed all over the room, and closed the door.
5 minutes later, I went inside & I'm so happy that I saw many2 of them died Muahaha (Laughing evil-ly).
Seriously I never knew Shieldtox is really good. So belilah Shieldtox untuk perlindungan anda dan keluarga anda. :D
nyamuk is such a monster.. dont drive while tepuking nyamuk .. u may end up in longkang :|
shieldtox mmg best! but u hafto be careful.sometimes the nyamoks only fainted for a while, n fly again when the 'effect' has gone. so after leaving the room with shieldtox, better pukul the nyamoks smpai mati.
n yah! nyamok mmg super byk skarang. dierg tgh buat tupperware party ke ape tataula. arghhh.
O dem! I hate nyamok!
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