Monday, January 28


At the Hutan Rekreasi, they've created a taman that has replicas of dinosaurs. Quite interesting tho. Anyways, those big lizards reminded me of this 2 lizards back at VPT. They live at a taman bunge outside the VPT building. It's like their garden of heaven Heh.
Anyone who goes to the toilet would see them sebab they put window glass yang boleh nampak derang. Pomp called them Abang Adik, but I called them Gelfren Boifren. This two pictures were taken when they were still young. Now, 1 of them has grew bigger and has orange+green+black leher. Interesting ey?:P We think that they're lizards+iguana. Hehe...Well, we're not the lizards experts, so hentam je la :P

Gelfren or Boifren (x sure mane satu :|)

Abang or Adek yang reti posing depan cermin ( x sure mane satu :|)

Another thing I miss about VPT is Igouchi (tatau spelling :|) He's a QA Engineer at LCD department. He's a Japanese. A verrry cooool one. And he's tall, not like ordinary Japanese :P Seriously, cair I tell u! I was lucky enuff to find out about his name and characters the day we left VPT :">

Oh! While I am angau-ing about Igouchi, Suraiya on the other hand got jampi-ed by this one guy. It was scary I tell u. Pomp! Smayang+Doa bnyk2 la. Terok sgt kau kene jampi die tu :-s

Oh! satu lagi cerite. While politicians nowadays were obsess with CCTV or videos and what not..daddy is planning to set a CCTV at our house. Hmm...Kene behave la ini macam :-<


h e e j a u said...

rindunye kt abg n adek. =c

irizis said...

R u sure dats all u're missing?? :-s

Anonymous said...

cctv..*choked*.. thats utter obsession.

irizis said...

I think put at the gate only. To see who come in who come out

ein said...

abg + adik = girlfren + boyfren = INCEST?? .... woooo.. jgn rosakkan akidah cicak ni pls... tehehehehhe